Jayson Toweh
Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources, admitted Autumn 2021
Jayson Toweh is an E-IPER PhD student focusing on identifying the health, environmental, and social impacts of climate change and creating co-benefits from developing sustainable energy transition.
He hold's a bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan’s Program in the Environment and a master’s degree in Environmental Health from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. His thesis focused on evaluating and mapping emission changes after installing scrubbers to coal power plants.
Prior to Stanford, Jayson worked as a Management and Program Analyst at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the Office of Inspector General, where he evaluated EPA's water programs and made recommendations for improvement. Jayson was elected and serves on the Harvard Board of Overseers, the university's governing board.
Honors & Awards
Gates Millennium Scholar, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (2013)
CDC Undergraduate Public Health Scholar, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015)
John R. Lewis Fellow, The Faith & Politics Institute (2022)
Innovation Award, Electronic Waste Case Study, Galaxy Conference (2018)
2nd Place, The Breathing Roof, Princeton Environmental Ideathon (2017)
Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education Fellow, Office of Vice Provost for Graduate Education (2021)
Graduate Public Service Center, Haas Public Service Center (2021)
Excellence Award, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2016)
Dean's Grad Scholar, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability (2021)
Outstanding Paper, The World's Electronic Graveyard, Harvard-Kaohsiung Medical University (2018)
Professional Affiliations and Activities
Overseer, Harvard Board of Overseers (2020 - Present)
Member, National Environmental Health Association (2020 - Present)
Member, American Public Health Association (2019 - Present)
Co-founder and member, Harvard Alumni for Climate and Environment Special Interest Group (2020 - Present)
Education & Certifications
BS, University of Michigan, Program in the Environment (2017)
SM, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Environmental Health (2019)
MBA, Quantic School of Business and Technology (2021)
Certified in Public Health (CPH), National Board of Public Health Examiners (2020)
Service, Volunteer and Community Work
Gen2End Ambassador, American Cancer Society
Atlanta, GA
Ambassador, Gates Millennium Scholars Alumni Association
Atlanta, GA
Climate Reality Leadership Corps, The Climate Reality Project
Atlanta, GA
Goodwill Ambassador, ImpactGiv
Current Research and Scholarly Interests
Assessing the Health Impacts of the Major California Outages between 2017-2019
This research aims to investigate the relationship between major power outages and hospitalizations in California. Using outage data between 2017 and 2019, we are working to identify the hospitalization rates following outages. Additionally, we are evaluating how severe weather-caused outages can further impact hospitalizations.
All Publications
Predicting power outages utilizing machine learning and sensitivity analysis
Journal of Student Research
2024; 13 (1)
View details for DOI 10.47611/jsrhs.v13i1.6176
Using the Distinctives of Higher Education to Accelerate Climate Action
Second Nature.
For hundreds of years, the higher education sec- tor has played an important role in society, begin- ning with the education of clergy and vocation- al training, expanding into research during the 19th century, and developing further to include a “third mission” of directly meeting society’s needs through application of research. In recent years, higher education institutions have also begun to directly collaborate with community stakeholders through a “co-creation” model, an extension of the third mission. Higher education is well-positioned to leverage all of these missions to create solutions to the com- plex and urgent global problems caused by cli- mate change. This paper describes seven key dis- tinctives of the higher education sector that have emerged from these missions, and how they are being applied directly to address climate challeng- es. These distinctives are not entirely unique to the sector, but are areas of sector-specific strength. Articulating these distinctives clearly can help oth- er sectors working on climate issues better under- stand how cross-sector climate action could be effectively and efficiently accomplished. We pro- vide background on these distinctives, examples of these distinctives at a variety of institutions, and conclude with future opportunities.
Universities: cut research links with fossil-fuel companies.
2022; 612 (7940): 404
View details for DOI 10.1038/d41586-022-04404-x
View details for PubMedID 36513836
The world’s electronic graveyard: What is the solution to Ghana’s e-waste dilemma?
World Development Perspectives
2022; 26 (100433): 8
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.wdp.2022.100433
Holistic Review of the Implications of Autonomous Vehicles
Journal of Student Research
2022; 11 (3)
View details for DOI 10.47611/jsrhs.v11i3.3238
- HPHR Fellows' Blog Boston Congress of Public Health. 2022
Evaluating the Psychological Impacts Related to COVID-19 of Vietnamese People Under the First Nationwide Partial Lockdown in Vietnam
2020; 11: 824
This is the first time in Vietnam that people have undergone "social distancing" to minimize the spreading of infectious disease, COVID-19. These deliberate preemptive strategies may have profound impacts on the mental health of the population. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the psychological impacts of COVID-19 on Vietnamese people and associated factors. We conducted a cross-sectional study during a one-week social distancing and isolation from April 7 to 14, 2020, in Vietnam. A snowball sampling technique was carried out to recruit participants. Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) was utilized to assess the psychological impacts of the COVID-19. Of all participants, 233 (16.4%) reported low level of PTSS; 76 (5.3%) rated as moderate, and 77 (5.4%) reported extreme psychological conditions. Being female, above 44 years old, or having a higher number of children in the family were positively associated with a higher level of psychological distress. Being self-employed/unemployed/retired was associated with a higher score of intrusion and hyperarousal subscale. Individuals who have a history of touching objects with the possibility of spreading coronavirus (utensils) were related to a higher level of avoidance. There were relatively high rates of participants suffering from PTSS during the first national lockdown related to COVID-19. Comprehensive strategies for the screen of psychological problems and to support high-risk groups are critical, especially females, middle-aged adults and the elderly, affected laborers, and health care professionals.
View details for DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00824
View details for Web of Science ID 000572486400001
View details for PubMedID 32982807
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC7492529
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Scrubber Installation on Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Coal Electricity Generating Units Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. 2019 ; Master's thesis