
Jef Caers received both an MSc (’93) in mining engineering / geophysics and a PhD (’97) in mining engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Currently, he is Professor of Earth and Planetary at Stanford University, California, USA. Jef Caers’ research interests are decision making under uncertainty in developing the critical mineral supply as well as geothermal energy required to transition to 100% renewable energy. Jef Caers is founder of the mineral-X, a community building effort to strengthen stewardship for a prosperous future for all, powered by Earth's minerals. Jef Caers has published in a diverse range of journals covering Mathematics, Statistics, Earth Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science. Jef Caers authored or co-authored five books entitled "Petroleum Geostatistics” (SPE, 2005) “Modeling Uncertainty in the Earth Sciences” (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), "Multiple-point Geostatistics: stochastic modeling with training images" (Wiley-Blackwell, 2015), “Quantifying Uncertainty in Subsurface Systems (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018), "Data Science for the Geosciences" (Cambridge UP, 2023). He was awarded the Krumbein Medal of the IAMG for his career achievement.

Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Director, Mineral-X, Stanford University (2023 - Present)
  • Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Stanford University (2023 - Present)
  • Director, Stanford Center for Earth Resources Forecasting, Stanford University (2018 - 2023)
  • Professor of Geological Sciences, Stanford University (2015 - Present)
  • Professor of Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University (2014 - 2015)
  • Associate Professor of Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University (2006 - 2013)
  • Director, Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting, Stanford University (2000 - Present)
  • Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University (1999 - 2005)
  • Post-doctoral researcher, Geological & Environmental Sciences, Stanford University (1997 - 1999)
  • Post-doctoral researcher, University of Calgary (1997 - 1997)

Honors & Awards

  • Research Fellow, National Science Foundation of Belgium (1994 – 1997)
  • Post-doctoral Fellow, National Science Foundation of Belgium (1997 – 1999)
  • Research Fellow, NATO (1997 – 1998)
  • Fellow, B.A.E.F. (Belgian American Education Foundation) (1997)
  • Vistelius Research Award, International Association for Mathematical Geology (2001)
  • Frederick E. Terman Fellowship award, Stanford University (2003)
  • Outstanding Technical Editor Award, SPE Journal (2005)
  • Top 10 Oral presentations, AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, 2007 (2007)
  • 1st prize software plugin, Schumberger Information Services Global Forum (2010)
  • Krumbein Medal, International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (2014)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Editor-in-Chief, Computers & Geosciences (2011 - 2016)

Professional Education

  • Ph.D., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Mining Engineering (1997)
  • M.S., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Mining Engineering & Geophysics (1993)

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

Humanity is facing considerable challenges in the 21st century. Population is predicted to grow well into this century and saturate near 10 billion people. As the geological sciences have discovered, Earth and life are deeply and inextricably interwoven and human activity and the change it has wrought is perhaps just the most recent example. If we are to continue to live on this planet, our increasing population will require an increasing amount of resources, such as energy, mineral resources, food and water. In an ideal scenario, we would transform the current unsustainable use of carbon-emitting energy sources, polluting agricultural & mining practices and contaminating & over-exploiting drinking water resources, into a more sustainable and environmentally friendly practice.

My research focuses on assuring 100% renewable energy through development of geothermal energy and critical mineral supply, developing approaches from data acquisition to decision making under uncertainty and risk assessment.

Heat represents a remarkable source of energy that can be used to generate steam, drive turbines and produce power (high enthalpy heat systems). However, the exploitation of geothermal systems is costly and not always successful. Injecting water in kilometer deep wells may end up causing earthquakes. Reducing this subsurface risk is essential to a successful future for geothermal energy. On the other end of the heat spectrum, low enthalpy heat, the shallow subsurface can be used as a heat exchanger, for example through groundwater to heat buildings.

Minerals resources concentrated primarily through the flux of magmas and fluids in Earth are exploited from a large variety of reasons. An increase in its demand will require the development of mining practices that have minimal effect on the environment, such as properly dealing with waste, smart automation of mining operations based on data science and computer vision. This can only be achieved by a better understanding of the subsurface resources itself.

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Quantifying uncertainty in ultra-deepwater carbonate facies modeling GEOENERGY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Kloeckner, J., Yin, Z., Carvalho, P. M., Marques, D. M., Costa, J. L., Caers, J. 2024; 240
  • Constructing Priors for Geophysical Inversions Constrained by Surface and Borehole Geochemistry SURVEYS IN GEOPHYSICS Wei, X., Yin, Z., Scheidt, C., Darnell, K., Wang, L., Caers, J. 2024
  • Uncovering heterogeneous effects in computational models for sustainable decision-making ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE Kozlova, M., Moss, R. J., Yeomans, J., Caers, J. 2024; 171
  • Unraveling the uncertainty of geological interfaces through data-knowledge-driven trend surface analysis COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Wang, L., Peeters, L., MacKie, E. J., Yin, Z., Caers, J. 2023; 178
  • Statistical modeling of three-dimensional redox architecture from non-colocated redox borehole and transient electromagnetic data HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL Wang, L., Kim, H., Hansen, B., Christiansen, A. V., Vilhelmsen, T. N., Caers, J. 2023
  • My journey out of fossil fuel-funded research NATURE GEOSCIENCE Caers, J. 2023; 16 (6): 468
  • The Intelligent Prospector v1.0: geoscientific model development and prediction by sequential data acquisition planning with application to mineral exploration GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT Mern, J., Caers, J. 2023; 16 (1): 289-313
  • Data-Driven Model Falsification and Uncertainty Quantification for Fractured Reservoirs ENGINEERING Fang, J., Gong, B., Caers, J. 2022; 18: 116-128
  • A sequential decision-making framework with uncertainty quantification for groundwater management ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Wang, Y., Zechner, M., Mern, J., Kochenderfer, M. J., Caers, J. 2022; 166
  • Hierarchical Bayesian Inversion of Global Variables and Large-Scale Spatial Fields WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Wang, L., Kitanidis, P. K., Caers, J. 2022; 58 (5)
  • Mapping high-resolution basal topography of West Antarctica from radar data using non-stationary multiple-point geostatistics (MPS-BedMappingV1) GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT Yin, Z., Zuo, C., MacKie, E. J., Caers, J. 2022; 15 (4): 1477-1497
  • Quantifying Uncertainty in Downscaling of Seismic Data to High-Resolution 3-D Lithological Models IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING Yin, Z., Amaru, M., Wang, Y., Li, L., Caers, J. 2022; 60
  • A geostatistical implicit modeling framework for uncertainty quantification of 3D geo-domain boundaries: Application to lithological domains from a porphyry copper deposit COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Fouedjio, F., Scheidt, C., Yang, L., Achtziger-Zupancic, P., Caers, J. 2021; 157
  • Gravity inversion for geothermal exploration with uncertainty quantification GEOTHERMICS Athens, N. D., Caers, J. K. 2021; 97
  • Stochastic Inversion of Gravity Data Accounting for Structural Uncertainty MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Athens, N., Caers, J. 2021
  • 3D Modeling of Large-Scale Geological Structures by Linear Combinations of Implicit Functions: Application to a Large Banded Iron Formation NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH Yang, L., Achtziger-Zupancic, P., Caers, J. 2021
  • I am (June, 10.1038/s43017-021-00189-1, 2021) NATURE REVIEWS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT Caers, J. 2021
  • Stochastic modeling of subglacial topography exposes uncertainty in water routing at Jakobshavn Glacier JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY MacKie, E. J., Schroeder, D. M., Zuo, C., Yin, Z., Caers, J. 2021; 67 (261): 75–83
  • Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Reactive Transport Model for Mineral Scale Formation During Hydraulic Fracturing Environmental Engineering Science Li, Q., Wang, L., Perzan, Z., Caers, J., Brown Jr., G. E., Bargar, J. R., Maher, K. 2021

    View details for DOI 10.1089/ees.2020.0365

  • Quantifying the Effect of Precipitation on Landslide Hazard in Urbanized and Non-Urbanized Areas Geophysical Research Letters Johnston, E. C., Davenport, F. V., Wang, L., Caers, J. K., Muthukrishnan, S., Burke, M., Diffenbaugh, N. S. 2021; 48 (16)

    View details for DOI 10.1029/2021GL094038

  • Conditional simulation of categorical spatial variables using Gibbs sampling of a truncated multivariate normal distribution subject to linear inequality constraints STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT Fouedjio, F., Scheidt, C., Yang, L., Wang, Y., Caers, J. 2020
  • A Monte Carlo-based framework for risk-return analysis in mineral prospectivity mapping GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS Wang, Z., Yin, Z., Caers, J., Zuo, R. 2020; 11 (6): 2297–2308
  • Direct forecasting of global and spatial model parameters from dynamic data COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Park, J., Caers, J. 2020; 143
  • Automated Monte Carlo-based quantification and updating of geological uncertainty with borehole data (AutoBEL v1.0) GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT Yin, Z., Strebelle, S., Caers, J. 2020; 13 (2): 651–72
  • A Tree-Based Direct Sampling Method for Stochastic Surface and Subsurface Hydrological Modeling WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Zuo, C., Yin, Z., Pan, Z., MacKie, E. J., Caers, J. 2020; 56 (2)
  • A Monte Carlo-based framework for assessing the value of information and development risk in geothermal exploration APPLIED ENERGY Athens, N. D., Caers, J. K. 2019; 256
  • Morphodynamic Analysis and Statistical Synthesis of Geomorphic Data: Application to a Flume Experiment JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-EARTH SURFACE Hoffimann, J., Bufe, A., Caers, J. 2019
  • Predicting drivers of groundwater Cr(VI) contamination in the Central Valley, CA: Integrated multivariate statistical & geospatial approach Lopez, A., Caers, J., Fendorf, S. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. 2019
  • Assessing and visualizing uncertainty of 3D geological surfaces using level sets with stochastic motion COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Yang, L., Hyde, D., Grujic, O., Scheidt, C., Caers, J. 2019; 122: 54–67
  • Exploring viable geologic interpretations of gravity models using distance-based global sensitivity analysis and kernel methods GEOPHYSICS Phelps, G., Scheidt, C., Caers, J. 2018; 83 (5): G79–G92
  • Hydrostratigraphic modeling using multiple-point statistics and airborne transient electromagnetic methods HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES Barfod, A. S., Moller, I., Christiansen, A. V., Hoyer, A., Hoffimann, J., Straubhaar, J., Caers, J. 2018; 22 (6): 3351–73
  • Quantifying Uncertainty in Subsurface Systems PREFACE QUANTIFYING UNCERTAINTY IN SUBSURFACE SYSTEMS Scheidt, C., Li, L., Caers, J., Scheidt, C., Li, L., Caers, J. 2018; 236: VII-IX
  • Bayesianism in the Geosciences HANDBOOK OF MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES: FIFTY YEARS OF IAMG Caers, J., Sagar, B. S., Cheng, Q., Agterberg, F. 2018: 527–66
  • Uncertainty Quantification of Medium‐Term Heat Storage From Short‐Term Geophysical Experiments Using Bayesian Evidential Learning Water Resources Research Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Klepikova, M., Dassargues, A., Caers, J. 2018

    View details for DOI 10.1002/2017WR022135

  • Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Aquifer Heterogeneity from Two-Dimensional Geophysical Data Mathematical Geosciences Gueting, N., Comunian, A., Caers , J. 2018; 50 (1)
  • Quantifying Uncertainty in Subsurface systems Scheidt, C., Li, L., Caers, J. American Geophysical Union - Wiley. 2018
  • Direct forecasting of reservoir performance using production data without history matching COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Satija, A., Scheidt, C., Li, L., Caers, J. 2017; 21 (2): 315-333
  • High resolution aquifer characterization using crosshole GPR full-waveform tomography: Comparison with direct-push and tracer test data WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Gueting, N., Vienken, T., Klotzsche, A., van der Kruk, J., Vanderborght, J., Caers, J., Vereecken, H., Englert, A. 2017; 53 (1): 49-72
  • Integrating Non-Colocated Well and Geophysical Data to Capture Subsurface Heterogeneity at an Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Site Journal of Hydrology Gottschalk, I. P., Hermans, T., Knight, R., Caers, J., Cameron, D. A., Regnery, J., McCray, J. E. 2017; 555: 407-419
  • Discovering geochemical patterns by factor-based cluster analysis Journal of Geochemical Exploration Wang, J., Zuo, R., Caers , J. 2017; 181: 106-115
  • Quantifying structural uncertainty on fault networks using a marked point process within a Bayesian framework Tectonophysics Aydin, O., Caers , J. 2017; 712-713: 101-124
  • Cokriging for multivariate Hilbert space valued random fields: application to multi-fidelity computer code emulation Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess Grujoc, O., Menafoglio, A., Caers , J. 2017: 1-17
  • Stochastic Simulation by Image Quilting of Process-based Geological Models Computers & Geosciences Hoffimann, J., Scheidt, C., Barfod, A., Caers, J. 2017; 106: 18-32
  • Hydrostratigraphic modelling using multiple-point statistics and airborne transient electromagnetic methods Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions Barfod, A., Straubhaar, J., Høyer, A., Hoffimann, J., Christiansen, A., Møller, I., Caers, J. 2017

    View details for DOI 10.5194/hess-2017-413

  • DGSA: A Matlab toolbox for distance-based generalized sensitivity analysis of geoscientific computer experiments COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Park, J., Yang, G., Satija, A., Scheidt, C., Caers, J. 2016; 97: 15-29
  • Quantifying natural delta variability using a multiple-point geostatistics prior uncertainty model JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-EARTH SURFACE Scheidt, C., Fernandes, A. M., Paola, C., Caers, J. 2016; 121 (10)
  • Direct prediction of spatially and temporally varying physical properties from time-lapse electrical resistance data WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Hermans, T., Oware, E., Caers, J. 2016; 52 (9): 7262-7283
  • Universal Kriging of functional data: Trace-variography vs cross-variography? Application to gas forecasting in unconventional shales SPATIAL STATISTICS Menafoglio, A., Grujic, O., Caers, J. 2016; 15: 39-55
  • Geological realism in hydrogeological and geophysical inverse modeling: A review ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Linde, N., Renard, P., Mukerji, T., Caers, J. 2015; 86: 86-101
  • Universal kriging with training images SPATIAL STATISTICS Li, L., Romary, T., Caers, J. 2015; 14: 240-268
  • Probabilistic falsification of prior geologic uncertainty with seismic amplitude data: Application to a turbidite reservoir case GEOPHYSICS Scheidt, C., Jeong, C., Mukerji, T., Caers, J. 2015; 80 (5): M89-M100
  • Updating joint uncertainty in trend and depositional scenario for reservoir exploration and early appraisal COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Scheidt, C., Tahmasebi, P., Pontiggia, M., Da Pra, A., Caers, J. 2015; 19 (4): 805-820
  • Uncertainty in training image-based inversion of hydraulic head data constrained to ERT data: Workflow and case study WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Caers, J. 2015; 51 (7): 5332-5352
  • Direct forecasting of subsurface flow response from non-linear dynamic data by linear least-squares in canonical functional principal component space ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Satija, A., Caers, J. 2015; 77: 69-81
  • Prediction-Focused Subsurface Modeling: Investigating the Need for Accuracy in Flow-Based Inverse Modeling MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Scheidt, C., Renard, P., Caers, J. 2015; 47 (2): 173-191
  • Assessing seismic uncertainty via geostatistical velocity-model perturbation and image registration: An application to subsalt imaging The Leading Edge Li, L., Caers, J., Sava, P. 2015; 34 (9): 1064-1070

    View details for DOI 10.1190/tle34091064.1

  • MS-CCSIM: Accelerating pattern-based geostatistical simulation of categorical variables using a multi-scale search in Fourier space COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Tahmasebi, P., Sahimi, M., Caers, J. 2014; 67: 75-88
  • Quantifying Asymmetric Parameter Interactions in Sensitivity Analysis: Application to Reservoir Modeling MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Fenwick, D., Scheidt, C., Caers, J. 2014; 46 (4): 493-511
  • Simulation of Earth textures by conditional image quilting WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Mahmud, K., Mariethoz, G., Caers, J., Tahmasebi, P., Baker, A. 2014; 50 (4): 3088-3107
  • Comparing Training-Image Based Algorithms Using an Analysis of Distance MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Tan, X., Tahmasebi, P., Caers, J. 2014; 46 (2): 149-169
  • Multiple-point geostatistics: stochastic modeling with training images Mariethoz, G., Caers, J. Wiley-Blackwell. 2014
  • Assessing the Probability of Training Image-Based Geological Scenarios Using Geophysical Data 15th Annual Conference of the International-Association-for-Mathematical-Geosciences (IAMG) Hermans, T., Caers, J., Frederic Nguyen, F. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 2014: 679–682
  • SGEMS-UQ: An uncertainty quantification toolkit for SGEMS COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Li, L., Boucher, A., Caers, J. 2014; 62: 12-24
  • (submitted) Uncertainty Quantification in Inverse Problems: Model-Based versus Prediction-Focused Inversion Mathematical Geosciences Scheidt, C., Renard, P., Caers, J. 2014
  • Training image-based scenario modeling of fractured reservoirs for flow uncertainty quantification COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Jung, A., Fenwick, D. H., Caers, J. 2013; 17 (6): 1015-1031
  • Conditioning Surface-Based Geological Models to Well and Thickness Data MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Bertoncello, A., Sun, T., Li, H., Mariethoz, G., Caers, J. 2013; 45 (7): 873-893
  • History matching and uncertainty quantification of facies models with multiple geological interpretations COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Park, H., Scheidt, C., Fenwick, D., Boucher, A., Caers, J. 2013; 17 (4): 609-621
  • Image transforms for determining fit-for-purpose complexity of geostatistical models in flow modeling COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Aydin, O., Caers, J. 2013; 17 (2): 417-429
  • A special issue on benchmark problems, datasets and methodologies for the computational geosciences COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Caers, J. 2013; 50: 1-3
  • Modeling Spatial and Structural Uncertainty in the Subsurface Computational Challenges in the Geosciences Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications Gerritsen, M., Caers, J. 2013; 156: 143-167
  • Fast multiple point geostatistical simulation using a multi-scale approach IAMG 2013, Madrid, Sept 2-6, 2013 Pejman, T., Caers, J. 2013
  • Simulation of Earth textures by Conditional Image Quilting Water Resources Research Mahmud , K., Tahmasebi, P., Mariethoz, G., Caers, J., Baker, A. 2013
  • Comparing training-image based algorithms using an analysis of distance Mathematical Geosciences Tan, X., Tahmasebi, P., Caers, J. 2013
  • Assessing the probability of training image-based geological scenarios using geophysical data IAMG 2013 Hermans, T., Caers, J., Nguyen, F. 2013
  • Possibility as a complement to probability in quantifying geological scenario uncertainty: a deep-water reservoir case study IAMG 2013 Li, L., Caers, J. 2013
  • Updating of uncertainty in fractured reservoirs driven by geological scenarios IAMG 2013 Jung, A., Fenwick, D., Caers, J. 2013
  • Learning Needed Complexity in Structural Modeling Using Procrustes Analysis IAMG 2013 Aydin, O., Caers, J. 2013
  • A distance-based generalized sensitivity analysis for energy resources modeling IAMG 2013 Scheidt, C., Fenwick, D., Caers, J. 2013
  • SGEMS-UQ: An Uncertainty Quantification Toolkit for SGEMS Computers & Geosciences Li, L., Boucher, A., Caers, J. 2013
  • A quantitative comparison of multiple-point algorithms using an analysis of distance method IAMG 2013 Tan, X., Tahmasebi, P., Caers, J. 2013
  • Modeling Geological Scenario Uncertainty from Seismic Data using Pattern Similarity IAMG 2013 Jeong, C., Scheidt, C., Caers, J., Mukerji, T. 2013
  • Use of Tank Experiment Data In Surface-based Modeling IAMG 2013 Xu, S., Jung, A., Mukerji, T., Caers, J. 2013
  • Updating uncertainty in the conceptual geological representation of fractured reservoirs using production data 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition Jung, A., Fenwick, D., Caers, J. 2013
  • Training-image based scenario modeling of fractured reservoir for flow uncertainty quantification Computational Geosciences Jung, A., Fenwick, D., Caers, J. 2013
  • Probability perturbation applied to the use of groundwater flow models in HydroGeoSphere 3rd International HydroGeoSphere User Conference Hermans, T., Scheidt, C., Caers, J., Nguyen, F. 2013
  • Direct Pattern-Based Simulation of Non-stationary Geostatistical Models MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Honarkhah, M., Caers, J. 2012; 44 (6): 651-672
  • Method for Stochastic Inverse Modeling of Fault Geometry and Connectivity Using Flow Data MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Cherpeau, N., Caumon, G., Caers, J., Levy, B. 2012; 44 (2): 147-168
  • Direct non-stationary multiple-point modeling by distance-based pattern simulation 9th International Geostatistics Congress Honarkhah, M., Caers, J. 2012
  • History matching under uncertain geological scenario 9th International Geostatistics Congress Park, H., Caers, J. 2012
  • Transformation spaces for determining spatial model complexity 9th International Geostatistics Congres Aydin, O., Caers, J. 2012
  • Data inversion under geological scenario uncertainty SEG Technical Program Caers, J. 2012: 1–2
  • On internal consistency, conditioning and models of uncertainty 9th International Geostatistics Congress Caers, J. 2012
  • Conditioning Facies Simulations with Connectivity Data MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Renard, P., Straubhaar, J., Caers, J., Mariethoz, G. 2011; 43 (8): 879-903
  • A Methodology for Establishing a Data Reliability Measure for Value of Spatial Information Problems MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Trainor-Guitton, W. J., Caers, J. K., Mukerji, T. 2011; 43 (8): 929-949
  • A multiscale method for subsurface inverse modeling: Single-phase transient flow ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Fu, J., Caers, J., Tchelepi, H. A. 2011; 34 (8): 967-979
  • A multi-resolution workflow to generate high-resolution models constrained to dynamic data COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Scheidt, C., Caers, J., Chen, Y., Durlofsky, L. J. 2011; 15 (3): 545-563
  • Geological modelling and history matching of multi-scale flow barriers in channelized reservoirs: methodology and application PETROLEUM GEOSCIENCE Li, H., Caers, J. 2011; 17 (1): 17-34
  • Integration of engineering and geological uncertainty for reservoir performance prediction using a distance-based approach AAPG Memoir on Modeling Geological Uncertainty Caers, J., Scheidt, C. 2011: 191–202.
  • Topological uncertainties in structural geology and assimilation of dynamic data: parametrization and sampling Water Resources Research Cherpeau, N., Caumon, G., Caers, J., Levy, B. 2011
  • Distance-based sampling of posterior distributions in spatial inverse problems IAMG 2011 Caers, J., Park, K., Scheidt, C. 2011
  • Assessing the impact of fault connectivity uncertainty in reservoir studies using explicit discretization SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition Cherpeau, N., Caumon, G., Caers, J., Lévy, B. 2011
  • Modeling Uncertainty in the Earth Sciences Caers, J. Wiley-Blackwell. 2011
  • Bayesian inverse problem and optimization with iterative spatial resampling WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Mariethoz, G., Renard, P., Caers, J. 2010; 46
  • A flow-based pattern recognition algorithm for rapid quantification of geologic uncertainty COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Alpak, F. O., Barton, M. D., Caers, J. 2010; 14 (4): 603-621
  • Stochastic Simulation of Patterns Using Distance-Based Pattern Modeling Annual Meeting on Computational for the Earth Energy and Environment (IAMG 2009) Honarkhah, M., Caers, J. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG. 2010: 487–517
  • Special Issue on Computational Methods for the Earth, Energy and Environment-IAMG 2009 MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Caers, J. 2010; 42 (5): 453-455
  • Laudatio Guillaume Caumon, Vistelius Award 2009 MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Caers, J. 2010; 42 (5): 595-596
  • A multiscale adjoint method to compute sensitivity coefficients for flow in heterogeneous porous media ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Fu, J., Tchelepi, H. A., Caers, J. 2010; 33 (6): 698-709
  • Combining geologic-process models and geostatistics for conditional simulation of 3-D subsurface heterogeneity WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Michael, H. A., Li, H., Boucher, A., Sun, T., Caers, J., Gorelick, S. M. 2010; 46
  • Bootstrap confidence intervals for reservoir model selection techniques COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Scheidt, C., Caers, J. 2010; 14 (2): 369-382
  • Sampling Multiple Non-Gaussian Model Realizations Constrained to Static and Highly Nonlinear Dynamic Data Using distance-based Techniques IAMG 2010 Annual Conference Park, K., Caers, J. 2010
  • Value of Information Methodology for Dynamic, Spatial Earth Problems Water Resources Research Trainor-Guitton, W. J., Caers, J. K., Mukerji, T., Knight, R. 2010
  • Modeling Uncertainty of Complex Earth Systems in Metric Space Handbook of Geomathematics Caers, J., Scheidt, C., Park, K. Springer. 2010: 865–889
  • Uncertainty Quantification in Reservoir Performance Using Distances and Kernel Methods-Application to a West Africa Deepwater Turbidite Reservoir SPE JOURNAL Scheidt, C., Caers, J. 2009; 14 (4): 680-692
  • Representing Spatial Uncertainty Using Distances and Kernels MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Scheidt, C., Caers, J. 2009; 41 (4): 397-419
  • Incorporating 4D seismic data into reservoir models while honoring production and geologic data The Leading Edge Castro, S., Otterlei, C., Meisinget, H., Hoye, T., Gomel, P., Zachariassen, E., Caers, J. 2009; 28: 1498-1505
  • Solving spatial inverse problems using the probability perturbation method: An S-GEMS implementation COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Li, T., Caers, J. 2008; 34 (9): 1127-1141
  • Identifying discrete geologic structures that produce anomalous hydraulic response: An inverse modeling approach WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Ronayne, M. J., Gorelick, S. M., Caers, J. 2008; 44 (8)
  • A distance-based prior model parameterization for constraining solutions of spatial inverse problems MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES Suzuki, S., Caers, J. 2008; 40 (4): 445-469
  • Dynamic data integration for structural modeling: model screening approach using a distance-based model parameterization COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Suzuki, S., Caumon, G., Caers, J. 2008; 12 (1): 105-119
  • Distance-based Representation of Reservoir Uncertainty: the Metric EnKF Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recover (ECMOR XI) Caers, J., Park, K. 2008: 8p.
  • Conditioning facies simulations with connectivity data 8th International Geostatistical Congress, Santiago, Chile, Dec. 1-5, 2008 Renard, P. H., Caers, J. 2008
  • Ensemble Kalman Filtering in Distance-based Kernel Space EnKF Workshop Park, K., Schiedt , C., Caers, J. 2008
  • Assessing the Value of Information of Geophysical Data for Groundwater Management AGU Fall Meeting Trainor, W., Caers, J., Mukerji, T., Auken, E., Knight, R. 2008
  • Simultaneous Conditioning of Multiple Non-Gaussian Geostatistical Models to Highly Nonlinear Data Using Distances in Kernel Space 8th International Geostatistical Congress Park, K., Schiedt, C., Caers, J. 2008
  • Streamline Assisted History Matching of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using the Probability Perturbation Method 8th International Geostatistical Congress Fadaei, S., Thiele, M., Caers, J. 2008
  • Distance-based random field models and their applications 8th International Geostatistical Congress Caers, J. 2008
  • Comparison of Probabilistic and Forward Modeling Workflow Approaches for Integrating 4D Seismic into Reservoir Models: Application to a North Sea Reservoir 70th EAGE Conference & Exhibition Castro, S., Caers, J., Meisingset, H., Høye, T., Gomel, P., Zachariassen, E. 2008
  • Hybridization of the probability perturbation method with gradient information COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Johansen, K., Caers, J., Suzuki, S. 2007; 11 (4): 319-331
  • History matching by jointly perturbing local facies proportions and their spatial distribution: Application to a North Sea reservoir JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Hoffman, B. T., Caers, J. 2007; 57 (3-4): 257-272
  • History matching of naturally fractured reservoirs using elastic stress simulation and probability perturbation method 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Suzuki, S., Daly, C., Caers, J., Mueller, D. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2007: 118–29
  • Conditional simulation with patterns MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY Arpat, G. B., Caers, J. 2007; 39 (2): 177-203
  • Hierarchic Modeling and History Matching of Multiscale Flow Barriers in Channelized Reservoirs SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Li, H., Caers, J. 2007
  • Hierarchical modeling of multi-scale flow barriers in channelized reservoirs 12th Conference of the International-Association-for-Mathematical-Geology Li, H., Caers, J. STATE KEY LABORATORY GEOLOGICAL PROCESSES & MINERAL RESOURCES (GPMR). 2007: 381–385
  • Solving spatial inverse problems using the probability perturbation method: an S-GEMS implementation 12th Conference of the International-Association-for-Mathematical-Geology Li, T., Caers, J. STATE KEY LABORATORY GEOLOGICAL PROCESSES & MINERAL RESOURCES (GPMR). 2007: 727–729
  • Hybridization of the probability perturbation method with gradient information EAGE Petroleum Geostatistics conference Johansen, K., Caers, J. 2007
  • Modeling, Upscaling and History Matching Thin, Irregularly-Shaped Flow Barriers; A Comprehensive Approach for Predicting Reservoir Connectivity 26th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Meeting Stright, L., Caers, J., Li, H., Van der Vlugt, F., Pirmez, C., Barton, M. 2007
  • History matching in low-dimensional connectivity vector space EAGE Petroleum Geostatistics conference Park , K., Caers, J. 2007
  • Stochastic simulation with patterns Mathematical Geology Arpat, B., Caers, J. 2007; 39 (2): 177-203
  • A Workflow for Modeling Multi-scale Flow Barriers in Deep Water Turbidite Reservoirs AAPG Annual meeting Hongmei, L., Caers, J. 2007
  • History matching of reservoir structure subject to prior geological and geophysical constraints EAGE Petroleum Geostatistics Conference Suzuki, S., Carmon, G., Caers, J. 2007
  • Comparing the gradual deformation with the probability perturbation method for solving inverse problems MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY Caers, J. 2007; 39 (1): 27-52
  • A geostatistical approach to integrating data from multiple and diverse sources: An application to the integration of well data, geological information, 3d/4d geophysical and reservoir-dynamics data in a north-sea reservoir Subsurface Hydrology: Data Integration for Properties and Processes Caers, J., Castro, S. 2007; 171: 61-71
  • Multiple-Point Geostatistics and Near-Surface Geophysics for Modeling Heterogeneity in a Coastal Aquifer AGU Fall Meeting Supplement Trainor, W. J., Knight, R. J., Caers, J. K. 2007
  • A practical data-integration approach to history matching: Application to a deepwater reservoir 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Hoffman, B. T., Caers, J. K., Wen, X., Strebelle, S. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2006: 464–79
  • Quantifying geological uncertainty for flow and transport modeling in multi-modal heterogeneous formations ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Feyen, L., Caers, J. 2006; 29 (6): 912-929
  • Coupled Geological Modeling and History Matching of Fine-Scale Curvilinear Flow Barriers EAGE 10th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery Stright, L., Caers, J., Li, H., Van der Vlugt, F., Pirmez, C., , C., Barton, M., M. 2006
  • Improved modeling of 4D seismic response using flow-based downscaling of coarse grid saturations ECMOR X Castro, S., Caers, J., Durlofsky, L. 2006
  • A probabilistic approach to integration of well log, geological information, 3D/4D seismic and production data ECMOR X Castro, S., Caers, J. 2006
  • A Probabilistic Integration of Well Log, Geological Information, 3D/4D Seismic, and Production Data: Application to the Oseberg Field SPE Annual Meeting Castro, S., Caers, J., Otterlei, C., Høye, T., Andersen, T., Gomel, P. 2006
  • Probabilistic integration of geological information, seismic and production data The Leading Edge Caers, J., Hoffman, B. T., Strebelle, S., Wen, X. 2006; 25: 240-244
  • History Matching with an Uncertain Geological Scenario SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Suzuki, S., Caers, J. 2006
  • The probability perturbation method: a new look at Bayesian inverse modeling Mathematical Geology Caers, J., Hoffman, T. 2006; 38: 81-100
  • Preserving Fine-Scale, Irregularly-Shaped Geological Features in Reservoir Flow Models Using Edge Properties American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Stright, L., Caers, J. 2006
  • Discrete Space Optimization Method for History Matching under Uncertain Geological Scenario 10th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR X) Suzuki, S., Caers, J. 2006
  • A parallel, multiscale approach to reservoir modeling COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Tureyen, O. I., Caers, J. 2005; 9 (2-3): 75-98
  • Regional probability perturbations for history matching JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Hoffman, B. T., Caers, J. 2005; 46 (1-2): 53-71
  • Geologically Consistent History Matching of a Deepwater Turbidite Reservoir SPE ATCE Hoffman, T. B., Strebelle, S., Wen, X., Caers, J. 2005
  • A combined geostatistical and source model to predict superpermeability from flowmeter data: Application to the ghawar field GEOSTATISTICS BANFF 2004, VOLS 1 AND 2 Voelker, J., Caers, J. 2005; 14: 591-600
  • A combined geostatistical and source model to predict super-permeability from flowmeter data: application to the Ghawar field Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics Volume Voelker, J., Caers, J. A. 2005; 14: 591-600
  • A new multiple-grid method for multiple-scale stochastic Simulation with Patterns Annual Conference of the International-Association-for-Mathematical-Geology Li, H. M., Arpat, B. G., Caers, J. YORK UNIV. 2005: 633–638
  • Data conditioning with the probability perturbation method Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics Arpat, B. G., Caers, J. A. edited by Leuangthong, O., Deutsch, C. Springer, Dordrecht. 2005: 255–264
  • Data integration using the probability perturbation method GEOSTATISTICS BANFF 2004, VOLS 1 AND 2 Caers, J. 2005; 14: 13-22
  • History matching under geological control: Application to a North Sea reservoir 7th International Geostatistics Congress Hoffman, B. T., Caers, J. SPRINGER. 2005: 1067–1076
  • Petroleum Geostatistics Caers, J. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2005
  • Reconciling Prior Geologic Information With Production Data Using Streamlines: Application to a Giant Middle-Eastern Oil Field SPE ATCE Fenwick, D., Thiele, M., Agil, M., Hussain, A., Humam, F., Caers, J. 2005
  • A new multiple-grid method for multiple-scale stochastic simulation with patterns 2005 Annual conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology Hongmei, L., Arpat, B. G., Caers, J. 2005
  • Flow-based downscaling of saturations for modeling 4D seismic data 75th SEG meeting Castro, S., Caers, J. 2005
  • A multiple-scale, pattern-based approach to sequential simulation 7th International Geostatistics Congress Arpat, G. B., Caers, J. SPRINGER. 2005: 255–264
  • Multiple-point geostatistics: a powerful tool to improve groundwater flow and transport predictions in multi-modal formations 5th European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications Feyen, L., Caers, J. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 2005: 197–207
  • A direct sequential simulation approach to streamline-based history matching 7th International Geostatistics Congress Caers, J., Gross, H., Kovscek, A. R. SPRINGER. 2005: 1077–1086
  • History Matching of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using Elastic Stress Simulation and Probability Perturbation Method SPE ATCE Dallas, TX Suzuki, S., Daly, C., Mueller, D., Caers, J. 2005
  • Automatic geobody detection from seismic data using minimum message length clustering COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Xu, Y., Caers, J., Arroyo-Garcia, C. 2004; 30 (7): 741-751
  • The probability perturbation method: an alternative to traditional Bayesian approaches for solving inverse problems ECMOR IX Caers, J. 2004
  • Streamline-Based History Matching Using Geostatistical Constraints: Application to a Giant, Mature Carbonate Reservoir SPE ATCE Gross, H., Thiele, M. R., Alexa, M., Caers, J. K., Kovscek, A. R. 2004
  • Assessment of Global Uncertainty for Early Appraisal of Hydrocarbon Fields Society of Petroleum Engineers ATCE Caumon, G., Strebelle, S. B., Caers, J. K., Journel, A. G. 2004
  • Reservoir Characterization Using Multiple-Scale Geological Patterns ECMOR IX Arpat, B. G., Caers, J. 2004
  • History Matching with the Regional Probability Perturbation Method in Applications to a North Sea Reservoir ECMOR IX Hoffman, B. T., Caers, J. 2004
  • Geostatistical history matching using the regional probability perturbation method Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition Hoffman, B. T., Caers, J. 2004
  • Stochastic estimation of facies using ground penetrating radar data ModelCARE 2002 Conference Moysey, S., Caers, J., Knight, R., Allen-King, R. M. SPRINGER. 2003: 306–18
  • Modeling of a deepwater turbidite reservoir conditional to seismic data using principal component analysis and multiple-point geostatistics 2002 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Strebelle, S., Payrazyan, K., Caers, J. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2003: 227–35
  • History matching under training-image-based geological model constraints SPE JOURNAL Caers, J. 2003; 8 (3): 218-226
  • Efficient gradual deformation using a streamline-based proxy method Brigham Symposium Caers, J. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2003: 57–83
  • The construction of stochastic facies-based models conditioned to ground penetrating radar images Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling (ModelCARE 2002) Moysey, S., Knight, R., Allen-King, R. M., Caers, J. INT ASSOC HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2003: 395–401
  • From pattern recognition to pattern reproduction Developments in Petroleum Science Caers, J. Elsevier. 2003: 97–115
  • Combining geological information with seismic and production data Developments in Petroleum Science Caers,, J., Srinivasan, S. Elsevier. 2003: 499–525
  • Feature-based probabilistic interpretation of geobodies from seismic Stochastic Modeling II Caers, J., Arpat, G. B., Arroyo-Garcia, C., Coburn, C. T. American Association of Petroleum Geologist. 2003
  • A method for static-based upgridding ECMOR VII, European Conference on Mathematics of Oil Recovery Younis, R., Caers, J. 2003
  • Sequential Simulation under local non-linear constraints: Application to history matching Annual conference of the Internation Association for Mathematical Geology Hoffman, B. T., Caers, J. 2003
  • A geostatistical method for characterizing superpermeability from flowmeter data: Application to the Ghawar field Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition Voelker, J. J., Liu, J., Caers, J. 2003
  • Stochastic integration of seismic and geological scenarios: a submarine channgel saga The Leading Edge Caers, J., Strebelle, S., Payrazyan, K. 2003: 192-196
  • A two level optimization method for integrating production data on non-uniform grids SPE Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition Tureyen, O. I., Caers, J. 2003
  • History matching under a training image-based geological model constraints SPE Journal Caers, J. 2003: 218-226
  • G(S)TL: the geostatistical template library in C++ COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Remy, N., Shtuka, A., Levy, B., Caers, J. 2002; 28 (8): 971-979
  • A geostatistical approach to streamline-based history matching SPE JOURNAL Caers, J., Krishnan, S., Wang, Y. D., Kovscek, A. R. 2002; 7 (3): 250-266
  • Integrating rock physics, seismic amplitudes, and geological models JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY Caers, J., Avseth, P., Mukerji, T. 2002; 54 (6): 43-43
  • Modeling conditional distributions of facies from seismic using neural nets MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY Caers, J., Ma, X. L. 2002; 34 (2): 143-167
  • Geostatistical history matching under a training image-based geological model constraints SPE Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition Caers, J. 2002
  • A geostatical approach to history matching flow and pressure data on non-uniform grids ECMOR VIII, European Conference on Mathematics of Oil Recovery Tureyen, I., Caers, J. 2002
  • Feature-based geostatistics: an application to a submarine channel reservoir SPE Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition APR, B., Caers, J., Strebelle, S. 2002
  • Modeling of a deepwater turbidite reservoir conditional to seismic data using multiple-point geostatistics SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Strebelle, S., Payrazyan, K., Caers, J. 2002
  • Geostatistical reservoir modelling using statistical pattern recognition JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Caers, J. 2001; 29 (3-4): 177-188
  • Automatic histogram and variogram reproduction in simulated annealing simulation MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY Caers, J. 2001; 33 (2): 167-190
  • Geostatistical integration of rock physics, seismic amplitudes and geological models in North-Sea turbidite systems The Leading Edge Caers, J., Avseth, P., Mukerji, T. 2001; 20: 308-312
  • GsTL: a geostatistical template library in C++ Proceedings of the IAMG Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology Remy, N., Shtuka, A., Levy, B., Caers, J. 2001: 971–79
  • Data integration with multiple-point geostatistics Third IMA Conference on Modeling Permeable Rocks Strebelle, S., Journel, A. G., Caers, J. 2001
  • A fast Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation method for conditioning reservoir models to dynamic data 7th European Conference on Mathematics of Oil Recovery, EAGE Caers, J., Srinivasan, S. 2001
  • Feature-based calibration of an automated seismic interpretation tool from human expert knowledge Annual Meeting, Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting Arpat, G. B., Caers, J. 2001
  • Calibrating an automated seismic interpretation tools from human expert knowledge Third IMA Conference on Modeling Permeable Rocks Caers, J., Haas, A. 2001
  • Characterization of West-Africa Submarine channel reservoirs: a neural network-based approach to integration of seismic data SPE Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition Arpat, B. G., Caers, J., Haas, A. 2001
  • Geostatistical quantification of geological information for a fluvial-type North Sea reservoir 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Caers, J. K., Srinivasan, S., Journel, A. G. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2000: 457–67
  • Adding local accuracy to direct sequential simulation MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY Caers, J. 2000; 32 (7): 815-850
  • Geostatistical modeling of an offshore diamont deposit 6th International Geostatistics Congress Caers, J., Rombouts, L. 2000
  • Statistics for modeling heavy tailed distributions in geology: Part II. Applications MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY Caers, J., Beirlant, J., Maes, M. A. 1999; 31 (4): 411-434
  • Statistics for modeling heavy tailed distributions in geology: Part I. Methodology MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY Caers, J., Beirlant, J., Maes, M. A. 1999; 31 (4): 391-410
  • Conditioning reservoir models to dynamic data - A forward modeling perspective SPE Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition Srinivasan, S., Caers, J. 1999
  • Statistics for Modelling Heavy Tailed Distributions in Geology, Part II: Applications Mathematical Geology Caers, J., Beirlant, J., Maes, M. A. 1999; 31: 411-434
  • Geostatistical modeling of offshore diamond deposits 6th International Geostatistics Congress Caers, J. 1999
  • Statistics for Modelling Heavy Tailed Distributions in Geology, Part I: Methodology Mathematical Geology Caers, J., Beirlant, J., Maes, M. A. 1999; 31: 390-410
  • Nonparametric tail estimation using a double bootstrap method COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS Caers, J., Van Dyck, J. 1998; 29 (2): 191-211
  • Bootstrap confidence intervals for tail indices COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS Caers, J., Beirlant, J., Vynckier, P. 1998; 26 (3): 259-277
  • Stochastic Reservoir Simulation Using Neural Networks Trained on Outcrop Data SPE Technical Exhibition and Annual Conference Caers, J., Journel, A. G. 1998: 321–37
  • A Neural Network Approach to Stochastic Simulation GOCAD ENSG Conference on 3D Modelling of Natural Objects Caers, J., Journel, A. G. 1998
  • Global Valuation of Primary Diamond Deposits 27th Symposium on the Application of Computer Methods and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry Caers, J., Maes, M. A. 1998
  • Tail Estimation of Bounded Random Variables IFIP Conference on Optimization and Reliability of Structural Systems Maes, M. A., Caers, J. 1998
  • Identifying tails, bounds and end-points of random variables STRUCTURAL SAFETY Caers, J., Maes, M. A. 1998; 20 (1): 1-23
  • Assessing the Quality of Diamonds Mineral Resources Engineering Caers, J., Vervoort, A. 1997; 5: 155-177
  • Petrography and X-ray computerized tomography applied as an integral part of a rock mechanics investigation of discontinuities TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MINING AND METALLURGY SECTION B-APPLIED EARTH SCIENCE Caers, J., Swennen, R., Vervoort, A. 1997; 106: B38-B45
  • Non-conditional and conditional simulation of a spatial point process Wollongong 96 International Geostatistical Congress Caers, J., Gelders, J., Vervoort, A., Rombouts, L. SPRINGER. 1997: 270–81
  • Valuation of primary diamond deposits by extreme value statistics ECONOMIC GEOLOGY AND THE BULLETIN OF THE SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS Caers, J., Rombouts, L. 1996; 91 (5): 841-854
  • Extreme value analysis of diamond-size distributions MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY Caers, J., Vynckier, P., Beirlant, J., Rombouts, L. 1996; 28 (1): 25-43
  • A numerical maximum likelihood method for estimating the mean of a compound lognormal distribution 26th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM) Caers, J., Vervoort, A. SOC MIN ENGINEERS AIME. 1996: 27–32