
Professor Fischer's research goals are to improve the productivity of project teams involved in designing, building, and operating facilities and to enhance the sustainability of the built environment. His work develops the theoretical foundations and applications for virtual design and construction (VDC). VDC methods support the design of a facility and its delivery process and help reduce the costs and maximize the value over its lifecycle. His research has been used by many small and large industrial government organizations around the world.

Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Director, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering - CIFE (2001 - Present)
  • Faculty Co-Director, Frontier Technology Lab - FTL (2023 - Present)

Honors & Awards

  • Walter Gropius Prize, Bauhaus 4.0 Conference (2019)
  • Member, National Academy of Construction (2018)
  • Technical Achievement Award, Project Production Institute (2018)
  • Peurifoy Construction Research Award, ASCE (2017)
  • Best Paper, Journal of Architectural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (2014)
  • Fellow in Circular Economy, Schmidt-MacArthur Foundation (2014)
  • Foreign Member, Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, Sweden (2012)
  • Honorary Senior Fellow, Design Futures Council (2006)
  • Best Paper, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (2002)
  • Best Paper, Artificial Intelligence in Design (2000)
  • Eugene L. Grant Award for Excellence in Teaching, Eugene L. Grant (1999)
  • Hoefer Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Writing, Stanford University (1997,1998, 2005)
  • Top 25 Newsmaker, Engineering News Record (1996)

Professional Education

  • Diplôme d'Ingénieur, EPFL - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Civil Engineering (1984)
  • MS, Stanford University, Industrial Engineering - Engineering Management (1987)
  • PhD, Stanford University, Civil Engineering - Construction Engineering and Management (1991)

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Points for energy renovation (PointER): A point cloud dataset of a million buildings linked to energy features. Scientific data Krapf, S., Mayer, K., Fischer, M. 2023; 10 (1): 639


    Rapid renovation of Europe's inefficient buildings is required to reduce climate change. However, evaluating buildings at scale is challenging because every building is unique. In current practice, the energy performance of buildings is assessed during on-site visits, which are slow, costly, and local. This paper presents a building point cloud dataset that promotes a data-driven, large-scale understanding of the 3D representation of buildings and their energy characteristics. We generate building point clouds by intersecting building footprints with geo-referenced LiDAR data and link them with attributes from UK's energy performance database via the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN). To mimic England's building stock's features well, we select one million buildings from a range of rural and urban regions, of which half a million are linked to energy characteristics. Building point clouds in new regions can be generated with our published open-source code. The dataset enables novel research in building energy modeling and can be easily expanded to other research fields by adding building features via the UPRN or geo-location.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/s41597-023-02544-x

    View details for PubMedID 37730863

  • Digital Twin: Where do humans fit in? AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Agrawal, A., Thiel, R., Jain, P., Singh, V., Fischer, M. 2023; 148
  • Estimating building energy efficiency from street view imagery, aerial imagery, and land surface temperature data APPLIED ENERGY Mayer, K., Haas, L., Huang, T., Bernabe-Moreno, J., Rajagopal, R., Fischer, M. 2023; 333
  • PAPER Applying Project-Based Learning (PBL) for Teaching Virtual Design Construction (VDC) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING PEDAGOGY Del Savio, A., Carrasco, L., Nakamatsu, E., Velarde, K., Martinez-Alonso, W., Fischer, M. 2023; 13 (2): 64-85
  • Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) Framework: A Current Review, Update and Discussion APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL Del Savio, A., Quincot, J., Montalto, A., Delgado, L., Fischer, M. 2022; 12 (23)
  • Methodology to estimate logistics costs for vertically transported prefabricated wall panels JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN AND ENGINEERING Lee, Y., Kim, J., Flager, F., Fischer, M. 2022; 9 (4): 1348-1368
  • Digital Twin: From Concept to Practice JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING Agrawal, A., Fischer, M., Singh, V. 2022; 38 (3)
  • Assessment Framework for Additive Manufacturing in the AEC Industry JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Mrazovic, N., Fischer, M. 2022; 148 (5)
  • Safety, quality, schedule, and cost impacts of ten construction robots. Construction robotics Brosque, C., Fischer, M. 2022; 6 (2): 163-186


    Introduction: Robots have increased productivity, quality, and safety in structured manufacturing environments while lowering production costs. In the last decade, advances in computing and sensing have started to enable robots in unstructured environments such as construction.Objectives: Given this new reality, this research aims to quantify the impacts of existing construction robots.Methods: This study evaluates the Safety, Quality, Schedule, and Cost impacts of ten on-site construction robots for 12 construction projects spanning 11 contractors from Europe, Asia, South America, and the United States.Results: The robots showed the potential to reduce repetitive site work between 25 and 90% and reduce time spent on hazardous tasks by 72% on average. On average, accuracy was improved by 55%, and rework was reduced by over 50%. Robots reduced the schedule on average 2.3 times with a median of 1.4x. The cost was reduced by 13%, with six cases that reduced it but four that increased the total costs. The comparative results also highlight under what project conditions (Product, Organization, and Process) could the robot perform better than the traditional method.Conclusion: Even at this relatively early stage of robot deployment worldwide, the consistent evaluation of ten examples showed how promising the technology already is for a range of robot types, mobility, autonomy, scale, business models, and locations. Future work will expand the number of robot case studies utilizing the same comparison method.

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s41693-022-00072-5

    View details for PubMedID 36161240

  • A New Perspective on Digital Twins: Imparting Intelligence and Agency to Entities IEEE JOURNAL OF RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION Agrawal, A., Singh, V., Fischer, M. 2022; 6: 871-875
  • Impacts of Stacking Plans on Carbon Emissions during Transportation of Prefabricated Exterior Wall Panels Lee, Y., Chin, S., Fischer, M., Issa, R. R. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 2022: 1136-1143
  • A Comparative Analysis of Production Metrics across VDC Implementations Majumdar, T., Rasmussen, S. G., Del Savio, A., Johannesdottir, K., Hjelseth, E., Fischer, M., Jazizadeh, F., Shealy, T., Garvin, M. J. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 2022: 1024-1033
  • Digital Twin in Practice: Emergent Insights from an Ethnographic-Action Research Study Agrawal, A., Singh, V., Thiel, R., Pillsbury, M., Knoll, H., Puckett, J., Fischer, M., Jazizadeh, F., Shealy, T., Garvin, M. J. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 2022: 1253-1260
  • Measuring the impact of blockchain and smart contracts on construction supply chain visibility ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS Hamledari, H., Fischer, M. 2021; 50
  • Cost-based optimization of steel frame member sizing and connection type using dimension increasing search OPTIMIZATION AND ENGINEERING Peng, B., Flager, F., Barg, S., Fischer, M. 2021
  • Empirical Study of Identifying Logistical Problems in Prefabricated Interior Wall Panel Construction JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING Lee, Y., Kim, J., Khanzode, A., Fischer, M. 2021; 37 (3)
  • Measuring Progress and Productivity in Model-Driven Engineering for Capital Project Delivery JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Garcia, G., Golparvar-Fard, M., de la Garza, J. M., Fischer, M. 2021; 147 (4)
  • Comparative Analysis of Manual and Robotic Concrete Drilling for Installation Hangers JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Brosque, C., Skeie, G., Fischer, M. 2021; 147 (3)
  • Generation of stacking plans for prefabricated exterior wall panels shipped vertically with A-frames AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Lee, Y., Kim, J., Flager, F., Fischer, M. 2021; 122
  • Automation of Inspection Mission Planning Using 4D BIMs and in Support of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle–Based Data Collection Journal of Construction Engineering and Management Hamledari, H., Sajedi, S., McCabe, B., Fischer, M. 2021; 147 (3)
  • Construction payment automation using blockchain-enabled smart contracts and robotic reality capture technologies Automation in Construction Hamledari, H., Fischer, M. 2021; 132
  • The application of blockchain-based crypto assets for integrating the physical and financial supply chains in the construction & engineering industry Automation in Construction Hamledari, H., Fischer, M. 2021; 127
  • A design-focused, cost-ranked, structural-frame sizing optimization JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING Barg, S., Flager, F., Fischer, M. 2020; 30
  • Empirical Determination of the Smallest Batch Sizes for Daily Planning" by Min Ho Song and Martin Fischer (vol 13, pg 871, 2020) JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Song, M., Fischer, M. 2020; 146 (7)
  • Generating a Daily Bill of Materials at Level of Development 400 Using the Smallest Workface Boundary JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Song, M., Fischer, M. 2020; 146 (5)
  • Daily plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycles with level of development (LOD) 400 objects for foremen ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS Song, M., Fischer, M. 2020; 44
  • Empirical Determination of the Smallest Batch Sizes for Daily Planning JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Song, M., Fischer, M. 2020; 146 (3)
  • Virtual design and construction CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS Kunz, J., Fischer, M. 2020
  • Role of Blockchain-Enabled Smart Contracts in Automating Construction Progress Payments Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction Hamledari, H., Fischer, M. 2020; 13 (1)
  • Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction: Opportunities and Challenges Brosque, C., Galbally, E., Khatib, O., Fischer, M., IEEE IEEE. 2020: 338-345
  • Comparison of Construction Robots and Traditional Methods for Drilling, Drywall, and Layout Tasks Brosque, C., Skeie, G., Orn, J., Jacobson, J., Lau, T., Fischer, M., IEEE IEEE. 2020: 346-359
  • Assessing the Effects of Failure Alerts on Transitions of Control from Autonomous Driving Systems Fu, E., Hyde, D., Sibi, S., Johns, M., Fischer, M., Sirkin, D., IEEE IEEE. 2020: 1956-1963
  • Is Too Much System Caution Counterproductive? Effects of Varying Sensitivity and Automation Levels in Vehicle Collision Avoidance Systems Fu, E., Johns, M., Hyde, D. B., Sibi, S., Fischer, M., Sirkin, D., ACM ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. 2020
  • The Car That Cried Wolf: Driver Responses to Missing, Perfectly Performing, and Oversensitive Collision Avoidance Systems Fu, E., Sibi, S., Miller, D., Johns, M., Mok, B., Fischer, M., Sirkin, D., IEEE IEEE. 2019: 1830–36
  • 3D Scene Graph: A structure for unified semantics, 3D space, and camera Armeni, I., He, Z., Gwak, J., Zamir, A. R., Fischer, M., Malik, J., Savarese, S., IEEE IEEE. 2019: 5663–72
  • Evaluation of Reshuffling Efforts to Comply with Installation Sequences of Prefabricated Interior Wall Panels from Bunks Delivered On Site Lee, Y., Fischer, M., Kim, J., Cho, Y. K., Leite, F., Behzadan, A., Wang, C. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 2019: 635–42
  • A Method to Provide Integrated Design through Systems-Level Automation Barg, S., Flager, F., Fischer, M., Cho, Y. K., Leite, F., Behzadan, A., Wang, C. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 2019: 385–92
  • Generation and evaluation of excavation schedules for hard rock tunnels in preconstruction and construction AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Kim, J., Fischer, M., Kam, C. 2018; 96: 378–97
  • Formal representation of cost and duration estimates for hard rock tunnel excavation AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Kim, J., Fischer, M., Suh, M. 2018; 96: 337–49
  • Parametric analysis of design stage building energy performance simulation models ENERGY AND BUILDINGS Shiel, P., Tarantino, S., Fischer, M. 2018; 172: 78–93
  • Construction Parts in Building Projects: Definition and Case Study JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING Zhao, N., Kam, C., Lo, J. Y., Kim, J., Fischer, M. 2018; 34 (4)
  • Guiding building professionals in selecting additive manufacturing technologies to produce building components MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS Mrazovic, N., Baumers, M., Hague, R., Fischer, M. 2018; 15: 199–202
  • An analytical method to estimate the total installed cost of structural steel building frames during early design JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING Barg, S., Flager, F., Fischer, M. 2018; 15: 41–50
  • Making Each Workhour Count: Improving the Prediction of Construction Durations and Resource Allocations Fischer, M., Garcia-Lopez, N. P., Morkos, R., Smith, I. F., Domer, B. SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG. 2018: 273–95
  • Field Study on the Connection between BIM and Daily Work Orders JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Song, M. H., Fischer, M., Theis, P. 2017; 143 (5)
  • Learning movement patterns of the occupant in smart home environments: an unsupervised learning approach JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING Zhang, T., Fu, W., Ye, J., Fischer, M. 2017; 8 (1): 133-146
  • A method to estimate climate-critical construction materials applied to seaport protection GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS Becker, A., Chase, N. T., Fischer, M., Schwegler, B., Mosher, K. 2016; 40: 125-136
  • BIM-based decision-support method for master planning of sustainable large-scale developments AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Kim, J. I., Kim, J., Fischer, M., Orr, R. 2015; 58: 95-108
  • Semiautomated Scaffolding Planning: Development of the Feature Lexicon for Computer Application JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Kim, J., Fischer, M., Kunz, J., Levitt, R. 2015; 29 (5)
  • Ranking appliance energy efficiency in households: Utilizing smart meter data and energy efficiency frontiers to estimate and identify the determinants of appliance energy efficiency in residential buildings ENERGY AND BUILDINGS Kavousian, A., Rajagopal, R., Fischer, M. 2015; 99: 220-230
  • Towards seaport resilience for climate change adaptation: Stakeholder perceptions of hurricane impacts in Gulfport (MS) and Providence (RI) PROGRESS IN PLANNING Becker, A. H., Matson, P., Fischer, M., Mastrandrea, M. D. 2015; 99: 1-49
  • Automated updating of space design requirements connecting user activities and space types AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Kim, T. W., Kim, Y., Cha, S. H., Fischer, M. 2015; 50: 102-110
  • Ontology for Representing Building Users' Activities in Space-Use Analysis JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Kim, T. W., Fischer, M. 2014; 140 (8)
  • Fully Constrained Design: A general and scalable method for discrete member sizing optimization of steel truss structures COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES Flager, F., Soremekun, G., Adya, A., Shea, K., Haymaker, J., Fischer, M. 2014; 140: 55-65
  • Sharing of Temporary Structures: Formalization and Planning Application AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Kim, J., Fischer, M., Kunz, J., Levitt, R. 2014; 43: 187-194
  • Automated Generation of User Activity-Space Pairs in Space-Use Analysis JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Kim, T. W., Fischer, M. 2014; 140 (5)
  • CAD-Centric Attribution Methodology for Multidisciplinary Optimization Environments: Enabling Parametric Attribution for Efficient Design Space Formulation and Evaluation JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Welle, B., Haymaker, J., Fischer, M., Bazjanac, V. 2014; 28 (2): 284-296
  • A bi-level hierarchical method for shape and member sizing optimization of steel truss structures COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES Flager, F., Adya, A., Haymaker, J., Fischer, M. 2014; 131: 1-11
  • A method to automate look-ahead schedule (LAS) generation for the finishing phase of construction projects AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Dong, N., Fischer, M., Haddad, Z., Levitt, R. 2013; 35: 157-173
  • A knowledge-based framework for automated space-use analysis AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Kim, T. W., Rajagopal, R., Fischer, M., Kam, C. 2013; 32: 165-176
  • Determinants of residential electricity consumption: Using smart meter data to examine the effect of climate, building characteristics, appliance stock, and occupants' behavior ENERGY Kavousian, A., Rajagopal, R., Fischer, M. 2013; 55: 184-194
  • Application of life-cycle assessment to early stage building design for reduced embodied environmental impacts BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT Basbagill, J., Flager, F., Lepech, M., Fischer, M. 2013; 60: 81-92
  • BIM-Centric Daylight Profiler for Simulation (BDP4SIM): A methodology for automated product model decomposition and recomposition for climate-based daylighting simulation BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT Welle, B., Rogers, Z., Fischer, M. 2012; 58: 114-134
  • A study of virtual design and construction implementation and benefits using a bayesian approach REVISTA DE LA CONSTRUCCION Rischmoller, L., Fischer, M., Kunz, J. 2012; 11 (3): 74-87
  • A genetic algorithm-based method for look-ahead scheduling in the finishing phase of construction projects ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS Dong, N., Ge, D., Fischer, M., Haddad, Z. 2012; 26 (4): 737-748
  • A method to compare simulated and measured data to assess building energy performance BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT Maile, T., Bazjanac, V., Fischer, M. 2012; 56: 241-251
  • Method to produce field instructions from product and process models for cast-in-place concrete operations AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Mourgues, C., Fischer, M., Kunz, J. 2012; 22: 233-246
  • SUSTAINABILITY RATING SYSTEMS JOURNAL OF GREEN BUILDING Mehdizadeh, R., Fischer, M. 2012; 7 (2): 177-199
  • GENERATING A NETWORK OF INFORMATION DEPENDENCIES AUTOMATICALLY 14th International Design Structure Matrix Conference Senescu, R. R., Head, A. W., Steinert, M., Fischer, M. A. CARL HANSER VERLAG. 2012: 139–152
  • Climate change impacts on international seaports: knowledge, perceptions, and planning efforts among port administrators CLIMATIC CHANGE Becker, A., Inoue, S., Fischer, M., Schwegler, B. 2012; 110 (1-2): 5-29
  • Research in Visualization Techniques for Field Construction JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Kamat, V. R., Martinez, J. C., Fischer, M., Golparvar-Fard, M., Pena-Mora, F., Savarese, S. 2011; 137 (10): 853-862
  • Can we grow buildings? Concepts and requirements for automated nano- to meter-scale building ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS Rebolj, D., Fischer, M., Endy, D., Moore, T., Sorgo, A. 2011; 25 (2): 390-398
  • Teaching construction project management with BIM support: Experience and lessons learned AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Peterson, F., Hartmann, T., Fruchter, R., Fischer, M. 2011; 20 (2): 115-125
  • Closure to "Areas of Application for 3D and 4D Models on Construction Projects" by Timo Hartmann, Ju Gao, and Martin Fischer JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Hartmann, T., Gao, J., Fischer, M. 2010; 136 (8): 932-934
  • Implementing information systems with project teams using ethnographic-action research ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS Hartmann, T., Fischer, M., Haymaker, J. 2009; 23 (1): 57-67
  • Integrated Scope-Schedule-Cost Model System for Civil Works 1st International Conference on Improving Construction and Use Through Integrated Design Solutions Peterson, F., Fischer, M., Tutti, T. TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE FINLAND. 2009: 176–199
  • Areas of application for 3D and 4D models on construction projects JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Hartmann, T., Gao, J., Fischer, M. 2008; 134 (10): 776-785
  • Quantitative analysis of workflow, temporary structure usage, and productivity using 4D models AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Jongeling, R., Kim, J., Fischer, M., Mourgues, C., Olofsson, T. 2008; 17 (6): 780-791
  • Formalization of construction Sequencing rationale and classification mechanism to support rapid generation of Sequencing alternatives JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Koo, B., Fischer, M., Kunz, J. 2007; 21 (6): 423-433
  • A formal identification and re-sequencing process for developing sequencing alternatives in CPM schedules AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION Koo, B., Fischer, M., Kunz, J. 2007; 17 (1): 75-89
  • Supporting the constructability review with 3D/4D models BUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION Hartmann, T., Fischer, M. 2007; 35 (1): 70-80
  • Formalizing construction knowledge for concurrent performance-based design 13th International Workshop of the European-Group-for-Intelligent-Computing-in-Engineering Fischer, M. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 2006: 186–205
  • Capitalizing on early project decision-making opportunities to improve facility design, construction, and life-cycle performance - POP, PM4D, and decision dashboard approaches 19th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction Kam, C., Fischer, M. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2004: 53–65
  • Perspectors: composable, reusable reasoning modules to construct an engineering view from other engineering views ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS Haymaker, J., Kunz, J., Suter, B., Fischer, M. 2004; 18 (1): 49-67
  • Knowledge and reasoning for MEP coordination JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Korman, T. M., Fischer, M. A., Tatum, C. B. 2003; 129 (6): 627-634
  • An ontology for relating features with activities to calculate costs JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Staub-French, S., Fischer, M., Kunz, J., Paulson, B. 2003; 17 (4): 243-254
  • The benefits of virtual building tools CIVIL ENGINEERING Fischer, M. 2003; 73 (8): 60-67
  • Distributed coordination of project schedule changes using agent-based compensatory negotiation methodology AI EDAM-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN ANALYSIS AND MANUFACTURING Kim, K. S., Paulson, B. C., Levitt, R. E., Fischer, M. A., Petrie, C. J. 2003; 17 (2): 115-131
  • A feature ontology to support construction cost estimating AI EDAM-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN ANALYSIS AND MANUFACTURING Staub-French, S., Fischer, M., Kunz, J., Ishii, K., Paulson, B. 2003; 17 (2): 133-154
  • A generic feature-driven activity-based cost estimation process ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS Staub-French, S., Fischer, M., Kunz, J., Paulson, B. 2003; 17 (1): 23-39
  • Automated generation of work spaces required by construction activities JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Akinci, B., Fischer, M., Kunz, J. 2002; 128 (4): 306-315
  • Representing work spaces generically in construction method models JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Akinci, B., Fischer, M., Kunz, J., Levitt, R. 2002; 128 (4): 296-305
  • Closure to "Feasibility study of 4D CAD in commercial construction" by Bonsang Koo and Martin Fischer JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Koo, B., Fischer, M. 2002; 128 (3): 274-275
  • Importance of capacity constraints to construction cost and schedule JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE O'Brien, W. J., Fischer, M. A. 2000; 126 (5): 366-373
  • Feasibility study of 4D CAD in commercial construction JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Koo, B., Fischer, M. 2000; 126 (4): 251-260
  • Into the fourth dimension CIVIL ENGINEERING Staub, S., Fischer, M., Spradlin, M. 1999; 69 (5): 44-47
  • Project-modelling in AEC to integrate design and construction COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY Luiten, G. T., Tolman, F. P., Fischer, M. A. 1998; 35 (1): 13-29
  • IT support of single project, multi-project and industry-wide integration COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY Fischer, M. A., Waugh, L. M., Axworthy, A. 1998; 35 (1): 31-45
  • Factors affecting contractors' risk of cost overburden JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING Akinci, B., Fischer, M. 1998; 14 (1): 67-76
  • Construction method models: the glue between design and construction International Computing Congress Held in Conjunction with ASCE Annual Convention and Exposition on Information Technologies in Civil Engineering - Leading the World Aalami, F., Fischer, M. A. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 1998: 376–378
  • Characteristics of design-relevant constructability knowledge JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Fischer, M., Tatum, C. B. 1997; 123 (3): 253-260
  • Collaborative production modeling and planning IEEE COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND APPLICATIONS Frohlich, B., Fischer, M., Agrawala, M., Beers, A., Hanrahan, P. 1997; 17 (4): 13-15
  • Scheduling with computer-interpretable construction method models JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE Fischer, M. A., Aalami, F. 1996; 122 (4): 337-347
  • Rapid conceptual design evaluation using a virtual product model ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Clayton, M. J., Kunz, J. C., Fischer, M. A. 1996; 9 (4): 439-451
  • CE4: Concurrent engineering of product, process, facility, and organization CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS Kunz, J. C., Luiten, G. T., Fischer, M. A., Jin, Y., Levitt, R. E. 1996; 4 (2): 187-198
  • Requirements for industry applicability of knowledge-based Schedulers 3rd Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering (III-CCCE) Aalami, F., Fischer, M. A. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 1996: 774–780
  • Interactive 4D-CAD 3rd Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering (III-CCCE) McKinney, K., Kim, J., Fischer, M., Howard, C. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 1996: 383–389
  • Behavior follows form follows function: A theory of design evaluation 2nd Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering (II-CCCE) Clayton, M. J., Fischer, M., Kunz, J. C., Fruchter, R. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS. 1995: 310–317