
My experimental group focuses on novel ground states and functional properties in condensed matter systems synthesized via atomically precise thin film deposition techniques with a recent emphasis on highly correlated electronic systems:. Many of these phenomena are then incorporated into prototypical device structures. Our recent focus is on: emergent interfacial phenomena electronic and magnetic phenomena, spin current generation, propagation, and control in complex oxide based ferromagnets strongly correlated materials, multifunctional behavior in complex oxide thin films and heterostructures, low dimensional electron gas systems.

Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Director, Stanford Nano Shared Facilities (2021 - Present)

Honors & Awards

  • Fellow, Materials Research Society (2023)
  • Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (2023)
  • Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, Department of Defense (2014-2019)
  • Fellow, American Physical Society (2011)
  • American Competitiveness and Innovation Fellow, National Science Foundation (2008)
  • Maria Goeppert-Mayer Award, American Physical Society (2005)
  • Presidential Chair Fellow, UC Berkeley (2003-2004)
  • Outstanding Educator for having most influenced Merrill Presidential Scholar, Jonathan Eser, Cornell University (2002)
  • Robert Lansing Hardy Award, The Materials, Minerals and Metals Society (1999)
  • Fellowship for Science and Engineering, David and Lucile Packard Foundation (1998-2003)
  • Faculty Early Career Development Award, National Science Foundation (1997-2001)
  • Young Investigator Award, Office of Naval Research (1997-2000)
  • Fellowship, ARCS Foundation (1994)
  • Predoctoral Fellowship, National Science Foundation (1989-1992)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • Member, Materials Research Society
  • Member, American Physical Society
  • Member, Program Committee, 64th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2020 - 2020)
  • Member, Program Committee, 63rd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2019 - 2019)
  • Member, Program Committee, Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces (2018 - 2018)
  • Member, Program Committee, 23rd International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (2018 - 2018)
  • Member, Program Committee, 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2017 - 2017)
  • Member, Program Committee, 61st Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2016 - 2016)
  • Member, Program Committee, Joint Intermag ad Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2015 - 2016)
  • Member, Program Committee, 60th Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2015 - 2015)
  • Member, Program Committee, 59th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2014 - 2014)
  • Member, Executive Committee, Topical Group in Magnetism, American Physical Society (2013 - 2016)
  • Member, Material Research Society Bulletin, 2014 Volume organizer (2013 - 2014)
  • Member, Program Committee, 12th Joint Intermag and Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2013 - 2013)
  • Member, Program Committee, 58th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2013 - 2013)
  • Member, Advanced Light Source User's Executive Committee (2012 - 2014)
  • Member, Nominating Committee of Division of Materials Physics, American Physical Society (2012 - 2013)
  • Member, Program Committee, Intermag 2012 (2012 - 2012)
  • Member, Program Committee, 56th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2011 - 2011)
  • Member, Program committee, Magnetic Metallic Multilayers 2010 Conference (2010 - 2010)
  • Member, Summer High School Apprenticeship Research Program (SHARP) Executive Committee of the UC Berkeley Nanosciences & Nanoengineering Institute (2007 - 2008)
  • Member, 2006 Maria Goeppert-Mayer Award Selection Committee (American Physical Society) (2006 - 2006)
  • Member, Program Committee, Intermag 2006 (2006 - 2006)
  • Member, Organizing Committee for the 49th Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference (2004 - 2004)
  • Member, Organizing Committee, Focused Session of the 2004 American Physical Society (2004 - 2004)
  • Organizer, Workshop on "Spin Polarized Materials" for DOE Center of Excellence in Synthesis and Processing. (2004 - 2004)
  • Member, Development of High School Internship program with local high school, UC Berkeley (2003 - 2012)
  • Member, Board of Directors of the Materials Research Society (2003 - 2005)
  • Member, Program Committee, 47th Annual Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference. (2002 - 2002)
  • Chair, Fall 2001 Materials Research Society (MRS) Meeting (2001 - 2001)
  • Member, Program Committee, 46th Annual Magnetic Materials Conference. (2001 - 2001)
  • Organizer, MRS Fall 1998 Symposium , "Magnetic Oxides and Oxides Devices" (1998 - 1998)

Professional Education

  • A.B. magna cum laude, Harvard University, Dept. of Physics (1989)
  • Ph.D., Stanford University, Dept. of Applied Physics (1995)


  • E.M. Gyorgy J. M. Phillips Y. Suzuki R.B. van Dover. "United States Patent 5,728,421 Article Comprising Spinel-Structure Material on a Substrate, and Method of Making Article"
  • E.M. Gyorgy J. M. Phillips Y. Suzuki R.B. van Dover. "United States Patent 5665465 Article Comprising Exchange-Coupled Magnetic Layers"
  • C.K. Ober S.L. Sass Y. Suzuki. "United States Patent 6,329,070 Fabrication of Two Dimensionally Periodic surface Structures with Spacings Between 50 and 1.5 Nanometers"

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

Her interests are focused on novel ground states and functional properties in condensed matter systems synthesized via atomically precise thin film deposition techniques with a recent emphasis has been on highly correlated electronic systems:
• Emergent interfacial electronic & magnetic phenomena through complex oxide heteroepitaxy
• Low dimensional electron gas systems
• Spin current generation, propagation and control in complex oxide-based ferromagnets
• Multifunctional behavior in complex oxide thin films and heterostructures

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Probing the Thermal and Electrical Properties of Ultrawide Bandgap Nitrogen-Polar AlGaN Heterostructures ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Noshin, M., Kwon, H., Khan, A., Alaei, S. P., Meng, C., Asheghi, M., Suzuki, Y., Salahuddin, S., Goodson, K., Chowdhury, S. 2024
  • The role of magnetic anisotropy in the magnetoresistance of Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> thin film antiferromagnets AIP ADVANCES Wisser, J. J., Xue, F., Wang, S. X., Suzuki, Y. 2024; 14 (3)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/5.0195641

    View details for Web of Science ID 001181003200006

  • Emergent Ferromagnetism in CaRuO3/CaMnO3(111)-Oriented Superlattices. Nano letters Kane, M., Bhandari, C., Holtz, M. E., Balakrishnan, P. P., Grutter, A. J., Fitzsimmons, M., Yang, C., Satpathy, S., Paudyal, D., Suzuki, Y. 2024


    The boundary between CaRuO3 and CaMnO3 is an ideal test bed for emergent magnetic ground states stabilized through interfacial electron interactions. In this system, nominally antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic materials combine to yield interfacial ferromagnetism in CaMnO3 due to electron leakage across the interface. In this work, we show that the crystal symmetry at the surface is a critical factor determining the nature of the interfacial interactions. Specifically, by growing CaRuO3/CaMnO3 heterostructures along the (111) instead of the (001) crystallographic axis, we achieve a 3-fold enhancement of the magnetization and involve the CaRuO3 layers in the ferromagnetism, which now spans both constituent materials. The stabilization of a net magnetic moment in CaRuO3 through strain effects has been long-sought but never consistently achieved, and our observations demonstrate the importance of interface engineering in the development of new functional heterostructures.

    View details for DOI 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04623

    View details for PubMedID 38367281

  • Enhanced Ferromagnetism in Atomically Thin Oxides Achieved by Interfacial Reconstruction ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Yi, D., Tang, A., Kane, M. M., Xu, L., Liu, J., Cheng, Z., Klewe, C., N'Diaye, A. T., Shafer, P., Yu, P., Yu, R., Xu, H., Lin, Y., Nan, C., Suzuki, Y. 2024
  • Author Correction: Ultra-thin lithium aluminate spinel ferrite films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and low damping. Nature communications Zheng, X. Y., Channa, S., Riddiford, L. J., Wisser, J. J., Mahalingam, K., Bowers, C. T., McConney, M. E., N'Diaye, A. T., Vailionis, A., Cogulu, E., Ren, H., Galazka, Z., Kent, A. D., Suzuki, Y. 2024; 15 (1): 534

    View details for DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-43051-2

    View details for PubMedID 38225237

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC10789866

  • Aluminum substitution in low damping epitaxial lithium ferrite films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS O'Mahoney, D., Channa, S., Zheng, X., Vailionis, A., Shafer, P., N'Diaye, A. T., Klewe, C., Suzuki, Y. 2023; 123 (17)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/5.0163362

    View details for Web of Science ID 001095984400005

  • Synthesis of multifunctional amorphous metallic shell on crystalline metallic nanoparticles. RSC advances Parakh, A., Kiani, M. T., Lindgren, E., Colmenares, A., Lee, A. C., Suzuki, Y., Gu, X. W. 2023; 13 (43): 30491-30498


    Colloidal nanoparticles can be coated with a conformal shell to form multifunctional nanoparticles. For instance, plasmonic, magnetic, and catalytic properties, chemical stability and biocompatibility can be mixed and matched. Here, a facile synthesis for depositing metal boride amorphous coatings on colloidal metallic nanocrystals is introduced. The synthesis is independent of core size, shape, and composition. We have found that the shell synthesis is limited to nanoparticles capped with short molecular weight and low binding energy ligands, and does not work with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-coated Ag nanoparticles or thiol-coated Au nanoparticles. Shell thickness can be as thin as 3 nm with no apparent pinholes. High pressure studies show that the coatings are highly resistant to crystallization and are strongly bonded to the crystalline core. By choosing either CoB or NiB for the coating, the composite nanoparticles can be either ferromagnetic or paramagnetic at room temperature, respectively.

    View details for DOI 10.1039/d3ra06093d

    View details for PubMedID 37860175

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC10582685

  • Ultra-thin lithium aluminate spinel ferrite films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and low damping. Nature communications Zheng, X. Y., Channa, S., Riddiford, L. J., Wisser, J. J., Mahalingam, K., Bowers, C. T., McConney, M. E., N'Diaye, A. T., Vailionis, A., Cogulu, E., Ren, H., Galazka, Z., Kent, A. D., Suzuki, Y. 2023; 14 (1): 4918


    Ultra-thin films of low damping ferromagnetic insulators with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy have been identified as critical to advancing spin-based electronics by significantly reducing the threshold for current-induced magnetization switching while enabling new types of hybrid structures or devices. Here, we have developed a new class of ultra-thin spinel structure Li0.5Al1.0Fe1.5O4 (LAFO) films on MgGa2O4 (MGO) substrates with: 1) perpendicular magnetic anisotropy; 2) low magnetic damping and 3) the absence of degraded or magnetic dead layers. These films have been integrated with epitaxial Pt spin source layers to demonstrate record low magnetization switching currents and high spin-orbit torque efficiencies. These LAFO films on MGO thus combine all of the desirable properties of ferromagnetic insulators with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, opening new possibilities for spin based electronics.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-40733-9

    View details for PubMedID 37582804

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC10427713

  • A puzzling insensitivity of magnon spin diffusion to the presence of 180-degree domain walls. Nature communications Li, R., Riddiford, L. J., Chai, Y., Dai, M., Zhong, H., Li, B., Li, P., Yi, D., Zhang, Y., Broadway, D. A., Dubois, A. E., Maletinsky, P., Hu, J., Suzuki, Y., Ralph, D. C., Nan, T. 2023; 14 (1): 2393


    We present room-temperature measurements of magnon spin diffusion in epitaxial ferrimagnetic insulator MgAl0.5Fe1.5O4 (MAFO) thin films near zero applied magnetic field where the sample forms a multi-domain state. Due to a weak uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, the domains are separated primarily by 180° domain walls. We find, surprisingly, that the presence of the domain walls has very little effect on the spin diffusion - nonlocal spin transport signals in the multi-domain state retain at least 95% of the maximum signal strength measured for the spatially-uniform magnetic state, over distances at least five times the typical domain size. This result is in conflict with simple models of interactions between magnons and static domain walls, which predict that the spin polarization carried by the magnons reverses upon passage through a 180° domain wall.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-38095-3

    View details for PubMedID 37100786

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC10133301

  • Hybrid spin Hall nano-oscillators based on ferromagnetic metal/ferrimagnetic insulator heterostructures. Nature communications Ren, H., Zheng, X. Y., Channa, S., Wu, G., O'Mahoney, D. A., Suzuki, Y., Kent, A. D. 2023; 14 (1): 1406


    Spin-Hall nano-oscillators (SHNOs) are promising spintronic devices to realize current controlled GHz frequency signals in nanoscale devices for neuromorphic computing and creating Ising systems. However, traditional SHNOs devices based on transition metals have high auto-oscillation threshold currents as well as low quality factors and output powers. Here we demonstrate a new type of hybrid SHNO based on a permalloy (Py) ferromagnetic-metal nanowire and low-damping ferrimagnetic insulator, in the form of epitaxial lithium aluminum ferrite (LAFO) thin films. The superior characteristics of such SHNOs are associated with the excitation of larger spin-precession angles and volumes. We further find that the presence of the ferrimagnetic insulator enhances the auto-oscillation amplitude of spin-wave edge modes, consistent with our micromagnetic modeling. This hybrid SHNO expands spintronic applications, including providing new means of coupling multiple SHNOs for neuromorphic computing and advancing magnonics.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-37028-4

    View details for PubMedID 36918562

    View details for PubMedCentralID 5575904

  • Large Spin-Orbit-Torque Efficiency and Room-Temperature Magnetization Switching in SrIrO3/Co-Fe-B Heterostructures PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED Li, P., Channa, S., Li, X., Alahmed, L., Tang, C., Yi, D., Riddiford, L., Wisser, J., Balakrishnan, P. P., Zheng, X., Lu, D., Vailionis, A., Wang, S. X., Suzuki, Y. 2023; 23 (2)
  • Understanding Signatures of Emergent Magnetism in Topological Insulator/Ferrite Bilayers. Physical review letters Riddiford, L. J., Grutter, A. J., Pillsbury, T., Stanley, M., Reifsnyder Hickey, D., Li, P., Alem, N., Samarth, N., Suzuki, Y. 2022; 128 (12): 126802


    Magnetic insulator-topological insulator heterostructures have been studied in search of chiral edge states via proximity induced magnetism in the topological insulator, but these states have been elusive. We identified MgAl_{0.5}Fe_{1.5}O_{4}/Bi_{2}Se_{3} bilayers for a possible magnetic proximity effect. Electrical transport and polarized neutron reflectometry suggest a proximity effect, but structural data indicate a disordered interface as the origin of the magnetic response. Our results provide a strategy via correlation of microstructure with magnetic data to confirm a magnetic proximity effect.

    View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.126802

    View details for PubMedID 35394317

  • Anisotropic Magnon Spin Transport in Ultrathin Spinel Ferrite Thin Films─Evidence for Anisotropy in Exchange Stiffness. Nano letters Li, R., Li, P., Yi, D., Riddiford, L. J., Chai, Y., Suzuki, Y., Ralph, D. C., Nan, T. 1800


    Magnon-mediated spin flow in magnetically ordered insulators enables long-distance spin-based information transport with low dissipation. In the materials studied to date, no anisotropy has been observed in the magnon propagation length as a function of propagation direction. Here, we report measurements of magnon spin transport in a spinel ferrite, magnesium aluminum ferrite MgAl0.5Fe1.5O4 (MAFO), which has a substantial in-plane 4-fold magnetic anisotropy. We observe spin diffusion lengths > 0.8 mum at room temperature in 6 nm films, with spin diffusion lengths 30% longer along the easy axes compared to the hard axes. The sign of this difference is opposite to the effects just of anisotropy in the magnetic energy for a uniform magnetic state. We suggest instead that accounting for anisotropy in exchange stiffness is necessary to explain these results. These findings provide an approach for controlling magnon transport via strain, which opens new opportunities for designing magnonic devices.

    View details for DOI 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c04332

    View details for PubMedID 35077185

  • Ferromagnetic resonances in single-crystal yttrium iron garnet nanofilms fabricated by metal-organic decomposition APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Wang, S., Chorazewicz, K., Lamichhane, S., Parrott, R. A., Cabrini, S., Fischer, P., Kent, N., Turner, J. H., Ishibashi, T., Frohock, Z., Wisser, J. J., Li, P., Zielinski, R., Herrington, B., Suzuki, Y., Wu, M., Munechika, K., Pina-Hernandez, C., Streubel, R., Sweet, A. A. 2021; 119 (17)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/5.0067122

    View details for Web of Science ID 000754578600001

  • Emergent long-range magnetic order in ultrathin (111)-oriented LaNiO3 films NPJ QUANTUM MATERIALS Kane, M. M., Vailionis, A., Riddiford, L. J., Mehta, A., N'Diaye, A. T., Klewe, C., Shafer, P., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2021; 6 (1)
  • Large and robust charge-to-spin conversion in sputtered conductive WTex with disorder MATTER Li, X., Li, P., Hou, V., Mahendra, D. C., Nien, C., Xue, F., Yi, D., Bi, C., Lee, C., Lin, S., Tsai, W., Suzuki, Y., Wang, S. X. 2021; 4 (5): 1639-1653
  • Enhanced Interface-Driven Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy by Symmetry Control in Oxide Superlattices PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED Yi, D., Amari, H., Balakrishnan, P. P., Klewe, C., N'Diaye, A. T., Shafer, P., Browning, N., Suzuki, Y. 2021; 15 (2)
  • Magnetic anisotropy and spin scattering in (La2/3Sr1/3)MnO3/CaRuO3 bilayers Balakrishnan, P. P., Lindgren, E., Kane, M., Wisser, J. J., Suzuki, Y. AMER INST PHYSICS. 2021

    View details for DOI 10.1063/9.0000188

    View details for Web of Science ID 000630453100005

  • Growth and characterization of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7-delta bilayers AIP ADVANCES Wisser, J. J., Suzuki, Y. 2021; 11 (1)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/9.0000105

    View details for Web of Science ID 000607144700003

  • Ultra-low magnetic damping in epitaxial Li0.5Fe2.5O4 thin films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Zheng, X., Riddiford, L. J., Wisser, J. J., Emori, S., Suzuki, Y. 2020; 117 (9)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/5.0023077

    View details for Web of Science ID 000570143100001

  • The role of iron in magnetic damping of Mg(Al,Fe)(2)O-4 spinel ferrite thin films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Wisser, J. J., Riddiford, L. J., Altman, A., Li, P., Emori, S., Shafer, P., Klewe, C., NDiaye, A. T., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2020; 116 (14)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/5.0003628

    View details for Web of Science ID 000526869500001

  • Emergent electric field control of phase transformation in oxide superlattices. Nature communications Yi, D. n., Wang, Y. n., van ʼt Erve, O. M., Xu, L. n., Yuan, H. n., Veit, M. J., Balakrishnan, P. P., Choi, Y. n., N'Diaye, A. T., Shafer, P. n., Arenholz, E. n., Grutter, A. n., Xu, H. n., Yu, P. n., Jonker, B. T., Suzuki, Y. n. 2020; 11 (1): 902


    Electric fields can transform materials with respect to their structure and properties, enabling various applications ranging from batteries to spintronics. Recently electrolytic gating, which can generate large electric fields and voltage-driven ion transfer, has been identified as a powerful means to achieve electric-field-controlled phase transformations. The class of transition metal oxides provide many potential candidates that present a strong response under electrolytic gating. However, very few show a reversible structural transformation at room-temperature. Here, we report the realization of a digitally synthesized transition metal oxide that shows a reversible, electric-field-controlled transformation between distinct crystalline phases at room-temperature. In superlattices comprised of alternating one-unit-cell of SrIrO3 and La0.2Sr0.8MnO3, we find a reversible phase transformation with a 7% lattice change and dramatic modulation in chemical, electronic, magnetic and optical properties, mediated by the reversible transfer of oxygen and hydrogen ions. Strikingly, this phase transformation is absent in the constituent oxides, solid solutions and larger period superlattices. Our findings open up this class of materials for voltage-controlled functionality.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/s41467-020-14631-3

    View details for PubMedID 32060300

  • Magnetism and transport in transparent high-mobility BaSnO3 films doped with La, Pr, Nd, and Gd PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS Alaan, U. S., Wong, F. J., Ditto, J. J., Robertson, A. W., Lindgren, E., Prakash, A., Haugstad, G., Shafer, P., N'Diaye, A. T., Johnson, D., Arenholz, E., Jalan, B., Browning, N. D., Suzuki, Y. 2019; 3 (12)
  • Damping Enhancement in Coherent Ferrite-Insulating-Paramagnet Bilayers PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED Wisser, J. J., Grutter, A. J., Gilbert, D. A., N'Diaye, A. T., Klewe, C., Shafer, P., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y., Emori, S. 2019; 12 (5)
  • Ultrathin interfacial layer with suppressed room temperature magnetization in magnesium aluminum ferrite thin films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Wisser, J. J., Emori, S., Riddiford, L., Altman, A., Li, P., Mahalingam, K., Urwin, B. T., Howe, B. M., Page, M. R., Grutter, A. J., Kirby, B. J., Suzuki, Y. 2019; 115 (13)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.5111326

    View details for Web of Science ID 000487997400005

  • Efficient spin current generation in low-damping Mg(Al, Fe)(2)O-4 thin films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Riddiford, L. J., Wisser, J. J., Emori, S., Li, P., Roy, D., Cogulu, E., van't Erve, O., Deng, Y., Wang, S. X., Jonker, B. T., Kent, A. D., Suzuki, Y. 2019; 115 (12)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.5119726

    View details for Web of Science ID 000487038900007

  • Metallicity in SrTiO3 substrates induced by pulsed laser deposition APL MATERIALS Balakrishnan, P. P., Veit, M. J., Alaan, U. S., Gray, M. T., Suzuki, Y. 2019; 7 (1)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.5080939

    View details for Web of Science ID 000457407500003

  • Ultralow Damping in Nanometer-Thick Epitaxial Spinel Ferrite Thin Films NANO LETTERS Emori, S., Yi, D., Crossley, S., Wisser, J. J., Balakrishnan, P. P., Khodadadi, B., Shafer, P., Klewe, C., N'Diaye, A. T., Urwin, B. T., Mahalingam, K., Howe, B. M., Hwang, H. Y., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2018; 18 (7): 4273–78


    Pure spin currents, unaccompanied by dissipative charge flow, are essential for realizing energy-efficient nanomagnetic information and communications devices. Thin-film magnetic insulators have been identified as promising materials for spin-current technology because they are thought to exhibit lower damping compared with their metallic counterparts. However, insulating behavior is not a sufficient requirement for low damping, as evidenced by the very limited options for low-damping insulators. Here, we demonstrate a new class of nanometer-thick ultralow-damping insulating thin films based on design criteria that minimize orbital angular momentum and structural disorder. Specifically, we show ultralow damping in <20 nm thick spinel-structure magnesium aluminum ferrite (MAFO), in which magnetization arises from Fe3+ ions with zero orbital angular momentum. These epitaxial MAFO thin films exhibit a Gilbert damping parameter of ∼0.0015 and negligible inhomogeneous linewidth broadening, resulting in narrow half width at half-maximum linewidths of ∼0.6 mT around 10 GHz. Our findings offer an attractive thin-film platform for enabling integrated insulating spintronics.

    View details for DOI 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b01261

    View details for Web of Science ID 000439008300031

    View details for PubMedID 29792812

  • Coexistence of Low Damping and Strong Magnetoelastic Coupling in Epitaxial Spinel Ferrite Thin Films ADVANCED MATERIALS Emori, S., Gray, B. A., Jeon, H., Peoples, J., Schmitt, M., Mahalingam, K., Hill, M., McConney, M. E., Gray, M. T., Alaan, U. S., Bornstein, A. C., Shafer, P., N'Diaye, A. T., Arenholz, E., Haugstad, G., Meng, K., Yang, F., Li, D., Mahat, S., Cahill, D. G., Dhagat, P., Jander, A., Sun, N. X., Suzuki, Y., Howe, B. M. 2017; 29 (34)


    Low-loss magnetization dynamics and strong magnetoelastic coupling are generally mutually exclusive properties due to opposing dependencies on spin-orbit interactions. So far, the lack of low-damping, magnetostrictive ferrite films has hindered the development of power-efficient magnetoelectric and acoustic spintronic devices. Here, magnetically soft epitaxial spinel NiZnAl-ferrite thin films with an unusually low Gilbert damping parameter (<3 × 10-3 ), as well as strong magnetoelastic coupling evidenced by a giant strain-induced anisotropy field (≈1 T) and a sizable magnetostriction coefficient (≈10 ppm), are reported. This exceptional combination of low intrinsic damping and substantial magnetostriction arises from the cation chemistry of NiZnAl-ferrite. At the same time, the coherently strained film structure suppresses extrinsic damping, enables soft magnetic behavior, and generates large easy-plane magnetoelastic anisotropy. These findings provide a foundation for a new class of low-loss, magnetoelastic thin film materials that are promising for spin-mechanical devices.

    View details for PubMedID 28691378

  • Tuning Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy by Oxygen Octahedral Rotations in (La_{1-x}Sr_{x}MnO_{3})/(SrIrO_{3}) Superlattices. Physical review letters Yi, D., Flint, C. L., Balakrishnan, P. P., Mahalingam, K., Urwin, B., Vailionis, A., N'Diaye, A. T., Shafer, P., Arenholz, E., Choi, Y., Stone, K. H., Chu, J. H., Howe, B. M., Liu, J., Fisher, I. R., Suzuki, Y. 2017; 119 (7): 077201


    Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) plays a critical role in the development of spintronics, thereby demanding new strategies to control PMA. Here we demonstrate a conceptually new type of interface induced PMA that is controlled by oxygen octahedral rotation. In superlattices comprised of La_{1-x}Sr_{x}MnO_{3} and SrIrO_{3}, we find that all superlattices (0≤x≤1) exhibit ferromagnetism despite the fact that La_{1-x}Sr_{x}MnO_{3} is antiferromagnetic for x>0.5. PMA as high as 4×10^{6}  erg/cm^{3} is observed by increasing x and attributed to a decrease of oxygen octahedral rotation at interfaces. We also demonstrate that oxygen octahedral deformation cannot explain the trend in PMA. These results reveal a new degree of freedom to control PMA, enabling discovery of emergent magnetic textures and topological phenomena.

    View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.077201

    View details for PubMedID 28949659

  • Spin transport and dynamics in all-oxide perovskite La2/3Sr1/3MnO3/SrRuO3 bilayers probed by ferromagnetic resonance PHYSICAL REVIEW B Emori, S., Alaan, U. S., Gray, M. T., Sluka, V., Chen, Y., Kent, A. D., Suzuki, Y. 2016; 94 (22)
  • Interfacial Symmetry Control of Emergent Ferromagnetism at the Nanoscale. Nano letters Grutter, A. J., Vailionis, A., Borchers, J. A., Kirby, B. J., Flint, C. L., He, C., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2016; 16 (9): 5647-5651


    The emergence of complex new ground states at interfaces has been identified as one of the most promising routes to highly tunable nanoscale materials. Despite recent progress, isolating and controlling the underlying mechanisms behind these emergent properties remains among the most challenging materials physics problems to date. In particular, generating ferromagnetism localized at the interface of two nonferromagnetic materials is of fundamental and technological interest. Moreover, the ability to turn the ferromagnetism on and off would shed light on the origin of such emergent phenomena and is promising for spintronic applications. We demonstrate that ferromagnetism confined within one unit cell at the interface of CaRuO3 and CaMnO3 can be switched on and off by changing the symmetry of the oxygen octahedra connectivity at the boundary. Interfaces that are symmetry-matched across the boundary exhibit interfacial CaMnO3 ferromagnetism while the ferromagnetism at symmetry-mismatched interfaces is suppressed. We attribute the suppression of ferromagnetic order to a reduction in charge transfer at symmetry-mismatched interfaces, where frustrated bonding weakens the orbital overlap. Thus, interfacial symmetry is a new route to control emergent ferromagnetism in materials such as CaMnO3 that exhibit antiferromagnetism in bulk form.

    View details for DOI 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02255

    View details for PubMedID 27472285

  • Controlling disorder-mediated exchange bias in (Mn,Zn,Fe)(3)O-4 thin films JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Alaan, U. S., Sreenivasulu, G., Yu, K. M., Jenkins, C., Shafer, P., Arenholz, E., Srinivasan, G., Suzuki, Y. 2016; 405: 129-136
  • Reversible control of magnetism in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 through chemically-induced oxygen migration APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Grutter, A. J., Gilbert, D. A., Alaan, U. S., Arenholz, E., Maranville, B. B., Borchers, J. A., Suzuki, Y., Liu, K., Kirby, B. J. 2016; 108 (8)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.4942645

    View details for Web of Science ID 000373057000029

  • Gd-doped BaSnO3: A transparent conducting oxide with localized magnetic moments APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Alaan, U. S., Shafer, P., N'Diaye, A. T., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2016; 108 (4)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.4939686

    View details for Web of Science ID 000375217200031

  • Electronic and magnetic phenomena at the interface of LaAlO3 and Ru doped SrTiO3 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Gray, M. T., SANDERS, T. D., Jenkins, C. A., Shafer, P., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2015; 107 (24)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.4938133

    View details for Web of Science ID 000367318600016

  • LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces doped with rare-earth ions PHYSICAL REVIEW B Sanders, T. D., Gray, M. T., Wong, F. J., Suzuki, Y. 2015; 91 (20)
  • Magnetotransport in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/CuCr2O4/Fe3O4 magnetic junctions APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Iwata-Harms, J. M., Chopdekar, R. V., Wong, F. J., Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Jenkins, C. A., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2015; 106 (1)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.4905533

    View details for Web of Science ID 000347976900032

  • Magnetism in CaMnO3 thin films JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Flint, C. L., Grutter, A. J., Jenkins, C. A., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2014; 115 (17)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.4864044

    View details for Web of Science ID 000335643700444

  • Insulating Ferromagnetic LaCoO3-delta Films: A Phase Induced by Ordering of Oxygen Vacancies PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Biskup, N., Salafranca, J., Mehta, V., Oxley, M. P., Suzuki, Y., Pennycook, S. J., Pantelides, S. T., Varela, M. 2014; 112 (8)
  • Stabilization of spin-zero Ru4+ through epitaxial strain in SrRuO3 thin films PHYSICAL REVIEW B Grutter, A. J., Wong, F. J., Jenkins, C. A., Arenholz, E., Vailionis, A., Suzuki, Y. 2013; 88 (21)
  • Quasi-two-dimensional electron gas behavior in doped LaAlO3 thin films on SrTiO3 substrates APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Gray, M. T., SANDERS, T. D., Wong, F. J., Grutter, A. J., Alaan, U. S., He, C., Jenkins, C. A., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2013; 102 (13)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.4800232

    View details for Web of Science ID 000317240200018

  • Gigahertz-frequency operation of a LaAlO3/SrTiO3-based nanotransistor APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Irvin, P., Huang, M., Wong, F. J., SANDERS, T. D., Suzuki, Y., Levy, J. 2013; 102 (10)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.4795725

    View details for Web of Science ID 000316501200076

  • Oxygen Vacancy Ordering: a degree of freedom that can control the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of transition-metal-oxide films Physical Review Letters Biskup, N., Salafranca, J., Mehta, V., Suzuki, Y., Pennycook, S. J., Pantelides, S. T., Varela, M. 2013
  • Growth of Doped LaAlO3 Thin Films for Modified Quasi-Two Dimensional Electron Gases Applied Physics Letters Gray, M. T., Sanders, T. D., Wong, F. J., Grutter, A. J., Alaan, U. S., He, C., Arenholz, E., Jenkins, C., Suzuki, Y. 2013; 102: 131601
  • Magnetism in CaMnO3 Thin Films Journal of Applied Physics Flint, C. L., Grutter, A. J., Jenkins, C. A., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2013
  • Interfacial Ferromagnetism in LaNiO3/CaMnO3 Physical Review Letters Grutter, A. J., Kirby, B. J., Fitzsimmons, M. R., Yang, H., Browning, N. D., Jenkins, C. A., Arenholz, E., Mehta, V. V., Alaan, U. S., Suzuki, Y. 2013; 111: 087202
  • Interfacial Ferromagnetism and Exchange Bias in CaRuO3/CaMnO3 Superlattices PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS He, C., Grutter, A. J., Gu, M., Browning, N. D., Takamura, Y., Kirby, B. J., Borchers, J. A., Kim, J. W., Fitzsimmons, M. R., Zhai, X., Mehta, V. V., Wong, F. J., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 109 (19)


    We have found ferromagnetism in epitaxially grown superlattices of CaRuO(3)/CaMnO(3) that arises in one unit cell at the interface. Scanning transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy indicate that the difference in magnitude of the Mn valence states between the center of the CaMnO(3) layer and the interface region is consistent with double exchange interaction among the Mn ions at the interface. Polarized neutron reflectivity and the CaMnO(3) thickness dependence of the exchange bias field together indicate that the interfacial ferromagnetism is only limited to one unit cell of CaMnO(3) at each interface. The interfacial moment alternates between the 1 μ(B)/interface Mn ion for even CaMnO(3) layers and the 0.5 μ(B)/interface Mn ion for odd CaMnO(3) layers. This modulation, combined with the exchange bias, suggests the presence of a modulating interlayer coupling between neighboring ferromagnetic interfaces via the antiferromagnetic CaMnO(3) layers.

    View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.197202

    View details for Web of Science ID 000310852000025

    View details for PubMedID 23215420

  • Tuning the Performance of Organic Spintronic Devices Using X-Ray Generated Traps PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Rybicki, J., Lin, R., Wang, F., Wohlgenannt, M., He, C., Sanders, T., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 109 (7)


    X rays produced during electron-beam deposition of metallic electrodes drastically change the performance of organic spintronic devices. The x rays generate traps with an activation energy of ≈0.5  eV in a commonly used organic. These traps lead to a dramatic decrease in spin-diffusion length in organic spin valves. In organic magnetoresistive (OMAR) devices, however, the traps strongly enhance magnetoresistance. OMAR is an intrinsic magnetotransport phenomenon and does not rely on spin injection. We discuss our observations in the framework of currently existing theories.

    View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.076603

    View details for Web of Science ID 000307709400033

    View details for PubMedID 23006391

  • Metal-insulator transitions in epitaxial LaVO3 and LaTiO3 films PHYSICAL REVIEW B He, C., SANDERS, T. D., Gray, M. T., Wong, F. J., Mehta, V. V., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 86 (8)
  • Controlling spin ordering in frustrated magnets via thin film heteroepitaxy PHYSICAL REVIEW B Iwata-Harms, J. M., Wong, F. J., Alaan, U. S., Kirby, B. J., Borchers, J. A., Toney, M. F., Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Liberati, M., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 85 (21)
  • Interplay between magnetism and chemical structure at spinel-spinel interfaces JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Chopdekar, R. V., Toney, M. F., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 111 (9)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.4707890

    View details for Web of Science ID 000304109900082

  • Evidence of high-spin Ru and universal magnetic anisotropy in SrRuO3 thin films PHYSICAL REVIEW B Grutter, A. J., Wong, F. J., Arenholz, E., Vailionis, A., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 85 (13)
  • Structure and magnetism of nanocrystalline and epitaxial (Mn,Zn,Fe)(3)O-4 thin films JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Alaan, U. S., Wong, F. J., Grutter, A. J., Iwata-Harms, J. M., Mehta, V. V., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 111 (7)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3676619

    View details for Web of Science ID 000303282400038

  • Ferrimagnetism un PrCoO3 Epitaxial Films Rapid Communications Physical Review B Mehta, V. V., Bose, S., Iwata-Harms, J., Arenholz, E., Leighton, C., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 87: 020405
  • Electronic Tuning of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 thin films via epitaxy Journal of Applied Physics Wong, F. J., Zhu, S., Iwata-Harms, J. M., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 111: 063920
  • Structure and magnetism of nanocrystalline and epitaxial (Mn,Zn,Fe)3O4 thin films Journal of Applied Physics Alaan, U. S., Wong, F. J., Grutter, A. J., Iwata-Harms, J. M., Mehta, V. V., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 111: 07A337
  • Controlling Spin Ordering in Canted Magnets via Heteroepitaxy Physical Review B Iwata-Harms, J. M., Wong, F. J., Kirby, B. J., Borchers, J. A., Toney, M. F., Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Liberati, M., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 85: 214424
  • Electronic Tuning of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 thin films via epitaxy Journal of Applied Physics Wong, F. J., Zhu, S., Iwata-Harms, J. M., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 111: 063920
  • Interplay between Magnetism and Chemical Structure at Spinel-Spinel Interfaces Journal of Applied Physics Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Chopdekar, R. V., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2012; 111: 093903
  • Role of magnetic anisotropy in spin-filter junctions PHYSICAL REVIEW B Chopdekar, R. V., Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Liberati, M., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2011; 83 (22)
  • Interfacial magnetism in CaRuO3/CaMnO3 superlattices grown on (001) SrTiO3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS He, C., Zhai, X., Mehta, V. V., Wong, F. J., Suzuki, Y. 2011; 109 (7)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3561448

    View details for Web of Science ID 000289952100260

  • Organic spin-valves based on fullerene C-60 3rd International Meeting on Spins in Organic Semiconductors (SPINOS III) Lin, R., Wang, F., Wohlgenannt, M., He, C., Zhai, X., Suzuki, Y. ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA. 2011: 553–57
  • Magnetic domain structure of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 nanoislands: Experiment and simulation JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Kim, E. J., Watts, J. L., Harteneck, B., Scholl, A., Young, A., Doran, A., Suzuki, Y. 2011; 109 (7)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3544510

    View details for Web of Science ID 000289952100243

  • Ferromagnetism enhanced by structural relaxation of biaxially compressed LaCoO3 films JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Mehta, V., Suzuki, Y. 2011; 109 (7)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3545809

    View details for Web of Science ID 000289952100248

  • Magnetic Domain Structures of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Nanoislands: Experiment and Simulation Journal of Applied Physics Kim, E. J., Watts, J. L., Harteneck, B., Scholl, A., Young, A., Doran, A., Suzuki, Y. 2011; 109: 07D712
  • Organic Spin Valves Based on C60 Synthetic Metals Lin, R., Wang, F. J., Wohlgenannt, M., He, C. Y., Zhai, X. F., Suzuki, Y. 2011; 161: 553
  • Modified magnetic ground state in NiMn2O4 thin films PHYSICAL REVIEW B Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Chopdekar, R. V., Iwata, J. M., Toney, M. F., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2010; 82 (14)
  • Disorder and localization at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterointerface PHYSICAL REVIEW B Wong, F. J., Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y. 2010; 82 (16)
  • Magnetism at spinel thin film interfaces probed through soft X-ray spectroscopy techniques JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Chopdekar, R. V., Liberati, M., Takamura, Y., Kourkoutis, L. F., Bettinger, J. S., Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Arenholz, E., Doran, A., Scholl, A., Muller, D. A., Suzuki, Y. 2010; 322 (19): 2915-2921
  • Strain-Induced Changes in the Electronic Structure of MnCr2O4 Thin Films Probed by X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Van der Laan, G., Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y., Arenholz, E. 2010; 105 (6)


    We show that the angular dependence of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) is strongly sensitive to strain-induced electronic structure changes in magnetic transition metal oxides. We observe a pronounced dependence of the XMCD spectral shape on the experimental geometry as well as nonvanishing XMCD with distinct spectral features in transverse geometry in compressively strained MnCr(2)O(4) films. The angular dependent XMCD can be described as a sum over an isotropic and anisotropic contribution, the latter linearly proportional to the axial distortion due to strain. The XMCD spectra are well reproduced by atomic multiplet calculations.

    View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.067405

    View details for Web of Science ID 000284097700011

    View details for PubMedID 20868013

  • Room temperature magnetic barrier layers in magnetic tunnel junctions PHYSICAL REVIEW B Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Wong, F. J., Chopdekar, R. V., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2010; 81 (21)
  • Enhanced magnetization in epitaxial SrRuO3 thin films via substrate-induced strain 11th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference Grutter, A., Wong, F., Arenholz, E., Liberati, M., Suzuki, Y. AMER INST PHYSICS. 2010

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3360345

    View details for Web of Science ID 000277834300362

  • Enhanced magnetism in epitaxial SrRuO3 thin films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Grutter, A., Wong, F., Arenholz, E., Liberati, M., Vailionis, A., Suzuki, Y. 2010; 96 (8)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3327512

    View details for Web of Science ID 000275027200058

  • Tuning the Magnetic Domain Structure of Spin-polarized Complex Oxide Nanostructures Functional Oxide Nanostructures and Heterostructures, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Bettinger, J. S., Chopdekar, R. V., Mesler, B. L., Chain, D., Doran, A., Anderson, E., Scholl, A., Suzuki, Y. 2010: 1256E
  • Metallicity in LaTiO3 thin films induced by tetragonal lattice deformation Rapid Communications Physical Review B Wong, F. J., Baek, S., Chopdekar, R. V., Mehta, V. V., Jang, H. W., Eom, C. B., Suzuki, Y. 2010; 81: 161101
  • Competing magnetic anisotropies in an antiferromagnet-ferromagnet-antiferromagnet trilayer JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Bali, R., Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Scholl, A., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y., Blamire, M. G. 2009; 106 (11)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3268481

    View details for Web of Science ID 000272838600097

  • Growth and characterization of superconducting spinel oxide LiTi2O4 thin films PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS Chopdekar, R. V., Wong, F. J., Takamura, Y., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2009; 469 (21): 1885-1891
  • Room-temperature photomagnetism in the spinel ferrite (Mn, Zn, Fe)(3)O-4 as seen via soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism PHYSICAL REVIEW B Bettinger, J. S., Piamonteze, C., Chopdekar, R. V., Liberati, M., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2009; 80 (14)
  • Epitaxial growth and characterization of CaVO3 thin films JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Liberati, M., Chopdekar, R. V., Mehta, V., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2009; 321 (18): 2852-2854
  • Enhanced magnetization of CuCr2O4 thin films by substrate-induced strain 53rd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Iwata, J. M., Chopdekar, R. V., Wong, F. J., Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. AMER INST PHYSICS. 2009

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3058612

    View details for Web of Science ID 000266633500230

  • Ferromagnetism in tetragonally distorted LaCoO3 thin films 53rd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Mehta, V. V., Liberati, M., Wong, F. J., Chopdekar, R. V., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. AMER INST PHYSICS. 2009

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3059606

    View details for Web of Science ID 000266633500690

  • Orientation and thickness dependence of magnetization at the interfaces of highly spin-polarized manganite thin films PHYSICAL REVIEW B Chopdekar, R. V., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2009; 79 (10)
  • Room temperature photoinduced magnetization of manganese zinc ferrite APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Bettinger, J. S., Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y. 2009; 94 (7)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.3083555

    View details for Web of Science ID 000263599200047

  • Probing the mechanism of room temperature photomagnetism in (Mn,Zn,Fe)3O4 using soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism Rapid Communications Physical Review B Bettinger, J. S., Piamonteze, C., Chopdekar, R. V., Liberati, M., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2009; 80: 140413
  • Epitaxial growth and character ization of CaVO3 films Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Liberati, M., Chopdekar, R. V., Mehta, V. V., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2009; 321: 2852
  • Magnetism and Transport of Superconducting Spinel Oxide LiTi2O4 Epitaxial Thin Films Physica C Chopdekar, R. V., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2009; 469: 1885
  • In situ x-ray reflectivity studies of dynamics and morphology during heteroepitaxial complex oxide thin film growth JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER Dale, D., Suzuki, Y., Brock, J. D. 2008; 20 (26)


    We present a method, based on refraction effects in continuous, stratified media, for quantitative analysis of specular x-ray reflectivity from interfaces with atomic-scale roughness. Roughness at interfaces has previously been incorporated into this framework via Fourier transform of a continuous height distribution, but this approach breaks down when roughness approaches the atomic scale and manifests discrete character. By modeling the overall roughness at interfaces as a convolution of discrete and continuous height distributions, we have extended the applicability of this reflectivity model to atomic-scale roughness. The parameterization of thickness and roughness enables quantitative analysis of time-resolved in situ reflectivity studies of thin film growth, modeling step-flow, layer-by-layer and three-dimensional growth within a single framework. We present the application of this model to the analysis of anti-Bragg growth oscillations measured in situ during heteroepitaxial growth of La(0.7)Sr(0.3)MnO(3) on [Formula: see text] SrTiO(3) at different temperatures and pressures, and discuss the evolution of surface morphology.

    View details for DOI 10.1088/0953-8984/20/26/264008

    View details for Web of Science ID 000256560200009

    View details for PubMedID 21694342

  • Interface structure and transport of complex oxide junctions JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Wong, F., Chopdekar, R. V., Chi, M., Arenholz, E., Browning, N. D., Suzuki, Y. 2008; 26 (4): 1521-1525

    View details for DOI 10.1116/1.2956626

    View details for Web of Science ID 000258494400047

  • Control of the magnetic and magnetotransport properties of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films through epitaxial strain APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Takamura, Y., Chopdekar, R. V., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2008; 92 (16)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2908051

    View details for Web of Science ID 000255456100038

  • Magnetism of NiMn2O4-Fe3O4 spinel interfaces 52nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Chopdekar, R. V., Bettinger, J. S., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. AMER INST PHYSICS. 2008

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2838320

    View details for Web of Science ID 000255043200258

  • Electronic structure of halogen doped CuCr2Se4 52nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Liberati, M., Neulinger, J. R., Chopdekar, R. V., Bettinger, J. S., Arenholz, E., Butler, W. H., Stacy, A. M., Idzerda, Y. I., Suzuki, Y. AMER INST PHYSICS. 2008

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2837241

    View details for Web of Science ID 000255043200471

  • Electrical transport and ferromagnetism in Ga1-xMnxAs synthesized by ion implantation and pulsed-laser melting JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Scarpulla, M. A., Farshchi, R., Stone, P. R., Chopdekar, R. V., Yu, K. M., Suzuki, Y., Dubon, O. D. 2008; 103 (7)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2890411

    View details for Web of Science ID 000255043200061

  • Influence of crystal field on anisotropic x-ray magnetic linear dichroism at the Co2+ L-2,L-3 edges PHYSICAL REVIEW B van der Laan, G., Arenholz, E., Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y. 2008; 77 (6)
  • Magnetism and Chemical Structure of Spinel-Spinel Interfaces Journal of Applied Physics Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Chopdekar, R. V., Bettinger, J. S., Pickett, M., Arenholz, E., Marcus, M. A., Suzuki, Y. 2008; 103: 07B524
  • Influence of Crystal Field on Anisotropic X-ray Magnetic Linear Dichroism at the Co L2,3 Edges Physical Review B van der Laan, G., Arenholz, E., Chopdekar, R., Suzuki, Y. 2008; 77: 64407
  • Hybrid magnetic tunnel junction/spin filter device Proceeding of the SPIE Suzuki, Y., Nelson-Cheeseman, B., Wong, F., Chopdekar, R., Arenholz, E. 2008: 70360U
  • Hybrid magnetic tunnel junction/spin filter device Spintronics Conference 2008 Suzuki, Y., Nelson-Cheeseman, B., Wong, F., Chopdekar, R., Arenholz, E. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2008

    View details for DOI 10.1117/12.797406

    View details for Web of Science ID 000260571400012

  • Potential Barrier Lowering and Electrical Transport at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface Condensed Matter Archive Wong, F., Chi, M., Chopdekar, R., Nelson-Cheeseman, B., Browning, N., Suzuki, Y. 2008; Sept.: arXiv:0809.0926v1
  • Control of the magnetic and magnetotrasnport properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films through epitaxial strain Applied Physics Letters Takamura, Y., Chopdekar, R. V., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2008; 92: 162504
  • In-situ Reflectivity Studies of Dynamics and Morphology During Heteroepitaxial Complex Oxide Thin Film Growth Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Dale, D. S., Suzuki, Y., Brock, J. D. 2008; 20: 264008
  • Electronic Structure of Halogen Doped CuCrSe4 Journal of Applied Physics Liberati, M., Neulinger, J. R., Chopdekar, R. V., Bettinger, J. S., Arenholz, E., Butler, W., Stacy, A. M., Idzerda, Y. I., Suzuki, Y. 2008; 103: 07D711
  • Hydrogen patterning of Ga1-xMnxAs for planar spintronics 24th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors Farshchi, R., Ashby, P. D., Hwang, D. J., Grigoropoulos, C. P., Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y., Dubon, O. D. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2007: 447–450
  • Probing the role of the barrier layer in magnetic tunnel junction transport PHYSICAL REVIEW B Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Chopdekar, R. V., Alldredge, L. M., Bettinger, J. S., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2007; 76 (22)
  • Magnetism and transport of CuCr2Se4 thin films JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Bettinger, J. S., Chopdekar, R. V., Liberati, M., Neulinger, J. R., Chshiev, M., Takamura, Y., Alldredge, L. M., Arenholz, E., Idzerda, Y. U., Stacy, A. M., Butler, W. H., Suzuki, Y. 2007; 318 (1-2): 65-73
  • Angle-dependent Ni2+ x-ray magnetic linear dichroism: Interfacial coupling revisited PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Arenholz, E., van der Laan, G., Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y. 2007; 98 (19)


    Using x-ray magnetic linear dichroism (XMLD) for magnetometry requires detailed knowledge of its dependence on the relative orientation of polarization, magnetic moments, and crystallographic axes. We show that Ni2+ L(2,3) XMLD in cubic lattices has to be described as a linear combination of two fundamental spectra--not one as previously assumed. The spectra are calculated using atomic multiplet theory and the angular dependence is derived from crystal field symmetry. Applying our results to Co/NiO(001) interfaces, we find perpendicular coupling between Ni and Co moments.

    View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.197201

    View details for Web of Science ID 000246413200050

    View details for PubMedID 17677655

  • Growth and structure of PbVO3 thin films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Martin, L. W., Zhan, Q., Suzuki, Y., Ramesh, R., Chi, M., Browning, N., Mizoguchi, T., Kreisel, J. 2007; 90 (6)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2435944

    View details for Web of Science ID 000244162300072

  • Polar and magnetic properties of PbVO3 thin films PHYSICAL REVIEW B Kumar, A., Martin, L. W., Denev, S., Kortright, J. B., Suzuki, Y., Ramesh, R., Gopalan, V. 2007; 75 (6)
  • Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in Multiferroic Nanostructures Proceedings of the Materials of Research Society Meeting Corbo, M. T., Straub, F., Zheng, H., la Paz, M. d., Suzuki, Y. 2007: T14.02
  • 2D-patterned ferromagnetic III-Mn-V semiconductors for planar spintronics 33rd International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors Farshchi, R., Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y., Ashby, P. D., Sharp, I. D., Beeman, J. W., Haller, E. E., Dubon, O. D. WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH. 2007: 1755–58
  • Probing the Role of the Barrier in Magnetic Tunnel Junction Transport Rapid Communications Physical Review B Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Chopdekar, R. V., Alldredge, L. B., Bettinger, J. S., Arenholz, E., Suzuki, Y. 2007; 76: R220410
  • In-situ Studies of Pulsed Laser Deposition Growth at CHESS Synchrotron Radiation News Dale, D., Fleet, A., Woll, A., Suzuki, Y., Brock, J. D. 2007; 20: 32
  • 2D-patterned ferromagnetic III-Mn-V semiconductors: towards planar spintronics Physica Status Solidi C Farshchi, R., Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y., Ashby, P. D., Sharp, I. D., Beeman, J. W., Haller, E. E., Dubon, O. D. 2007; 4: 1755
  • Magnetoelectric coupling in epitaxial CoFe2O4 on BaTiO3 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 89 (18)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2370881

    View details for Web of Science ID 000241757500076

  • Spin-polarized conduction in oxide magnetic tunnel junctions with magnetic and nonmagnetic insulating barrier layers APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Alldredge, L. M., Chopdekar, R. V., Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 89 (18)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2372765

    View details for Web of Science ID 000241757500074

  • Anisotropic x-ray magnetic linear dichroism at the Fe L-2,L-3 edges in Fe3O4 PHYSICAL REVIEW B Arenholz, E., van der Laan, G., Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 74 (9)
  • X-ray scattering from real surfaces: Discrete and continuous components of roughness PHYSICAL REVIEW B Dale, D., Fleet, A., Suzuki, Y., Brock, J. D. 2006; 74 (8)
  • Tuning magnetic domain structure in nanoscale La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 islands NANO LETTERS Takamura, Y., Chopdekar, R. V., Scholl, A., Doran, A., Liddle, J. A., Harteneck, B., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 6 (6): 1287-1291


    The realization of spin-based devices requires high density, ordered arrays of magnetic materials with a high degree of spin polarization at surfaces. We have synthesized, for the first time, highly spin polarized complex magnetic oxide nanostructures embedded in a paramagnetic matrix by electron beam lithography and ion implantation. Imaging the magnetic domains with X-ray photoemission electron microscopy and magnetic force microscopy reveals a delicate balance between magnetocrystalline, magnetoelastic, and magnetostatic energies that can be tuned by the choice of SrTiO3 substrate orientation, film thickness, island size, and island shape.

    View details for DOI 10.1021/nl060615f

    View details for Web of Science ID 000238258300040

    View details for PubMedID 16771596

  • Thickness-dependent properties of (110)-oriented La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 thin films JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Takamura, Y., Chopdekar, R. V., Grepstad, J. K., Suzuki, Y., Marshall, A. F., Vailionis, A., Zheng, H., Mitchell, J. F. 2006; 99 (8)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2162087

    View details for Web of Science ID 000237404200790

  • Complex oxide-based magnetic tunnel junctions with nonmagnetic insulating barrier layers JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Alldredge, L. M., Chopdekar, R. V., Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 99 (8)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2165791

    View details for Web of Science ID 000237404200485

  • Disorder-induced carrier localization in ultrathin strained SrRuO3 epitaxial films JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Chopdekar, R. V., Takamura, Y., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 99 (8)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2168437

    View details for Web of Science ID 000237404200315

  • Multiple time scales in diffraction measurements of diffusive surface relaxation PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Fleet, A., Dale, D., Woll, A. R., Suzuki, Y., Brock, J. D. 2006; 96 (5)


    We grew SrTiO3 on SrTiO3(001) by pulsed laser deposition, using x-ray scattering to monitor the growth in real time. The time-resolved small-angle scattering exhibits a well-defined length scale associated with the spacing between unit-cell high surface features. This length scale imposes a discrete spectrum of Fourier components and rate constants upon the diffusion equation solution, evident in multiple exponential relaxation of the "anti-Bragg" diffracted intensity. An Arrhenius analysis of measured rate constants confirms that they originate from a single activation energy.

    View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.055508

    View details for Web of Science ID 000235252200048

    View details for PubMedID 16486952

  • Fabrication and design of an integrable subwavelength ultrabroadband dielectric mirror APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Chen, L., Huang, M. C., Mateus, C. F., Chang-Hasnain, C. J., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 88 (3)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2164920

    View details for Web of Science ID 000234757100002

  • Fabrication and Design of an Integrable Sub-wavelength Dielectric Mirror Applied Physics Letters Chen, L., Huang, M. Y., Mateus, C. R., Chang-Hasnain, C. J., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 88: 031102
  • Complex oxide based magnetic tunnel junctions with nonmagnetic insulating barriers Journal of Applied Physics Alldredge, L. B., Chopdekar, R. V., Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 99: 8K303
  • Thickness Dependent Properties of (110)-Oriented La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 films Journal of Applied Physics Takamura, Y., Grepstad, J. K., Chopdekar, R. V., Marshall, A. F., Zheng, H., Mitchell, J. F., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 99: 8S902
  • Disorder induced carrier localization in ultra-thin SrRuO3 thin films Journal of Applied Physics Chopdekar, R., Takamura, Y., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 99: 8F503
  • Tuning magnetic domain structure in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 islands by matrix and substrate strain Nano Letters Takamura, Y., Chopdekar, R. V., Scholl, A., Doran, A., Liddle, A. J., Harteneck, B., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 6: 1287
  • Anisotropic X-ray magnetic linear dichroism at the L2,3 edges of Fe3O4 Physical Review B Arenholz, E., van der Laan, G., Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 74: 094407
  • Spin-polarized conduction in oxide magnetic tunnel junctions with spinel/perovskite interfaces Applied Physics Letters Alldredge, L. B., Chopdekar, R. V., Nelson-Cheeseman, B. B., Suzuki, Y. 2006; 89: 182504
  • Structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of (110)-oriented epitaxial thin films of the bilayer manganite La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Takamura, Y., Grepstad, J. K., Chopdekar, R. V., Suzuki, Y., Marshall, A. F., Zheng, H., Mitchell, J. F. 2005; 87 (14)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2077850

    View details for Web of Science ID 000232225700042

  • Effects of thermal annealing in oxygen on the antiferromagnetic order and domain structure of epitaxial LaFeO3 thin films 11th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics Grepstad, J. K., Takamura, Y., Scholl, A., Hole, I., Suzuki, Y., Tybell, T. ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA. 2005: 108–12
  • Novel method for the electrochemical synthesis of nickel-rich oxide nanowires Nano Science and Technology Institute Nanotechnology Conference Thorne, S. A., Bhargava, Y. V., Mintz, T. S., Radmilovic, V., Suzuki, Y., Devine, T. M. 2005: 630
  • Oscillating Surface Step Density: Observed Effects on PLD Growth Dynamics Physical Review Letters Fleet, A., Dale, D., Suzuki, Y., Brock, J. D. 2005; 94: 36102
  • Observation of Electric Field Induced Magnetization Switching in Epitaxial Ferroelectric/Ferrimagnetic Nanocomposites Nano Letters Zavaliche, F., Zheng, H., Mohaddes-Ardabili, L., Yang, S. Y., Zhan, Q., Schafer, P., Reilly, E., Chopdekar, R., Jia, Y., Wright, P., Schlom, D. G., Suzuki, Y., Ramesh, R. 2005; 5: 1793
  • Electrochemical Synthesis of Functionalized Nickel Oxide Nanowires Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters Mintz, T. S., Bhargava, Y. V., Thorne, S. A., Chopdekar, R., Radmilovic, R., Suzuki, Y., Devine, T. M. 2005; 8 (9): D26-D30

    View details for DOI 10.1149/1.1996511

  • Synthesis of Magnetic Self-Assembled Nickel-Rich Oxide Nanowires using a Novel Electrochemical Process, in Magnetic Nanoparticles and Nanowires Proc. Mater. Res. Soc. Bhargava, Y. V., Thorne, S. A., Mintz, T. S., Hyams, T. C., Radmilovic, V., Suzuki, Y., Devine, T. M. 2005; 877E: S7.4
  • Magnetics and magnetoresistance in epitaxial magnetite heterostructures Symposium on Nanostructured Magnetic Materials held at the TMS 2004 Annual Meeting Chopdekar, R. V., Hu, G., Ford, A. C., Suzuki, Y. SPRINGER. 2004: 1254–58
  • Colossal magnetoresistance materials-based junctions with antiferromagnetic insulating barriers APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Alldredge, L. M., Suzuki, Y. 2004; 85 (3): 437-439

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.1771815

    View details for Web of Science ID 000222680400030

  • Magnetotransport in exchange-coupled magnetite junctions 9th Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference/ International Magnetics Conference Chopdekar, R. V., Hu, G. H., Ford, A. C., Suzuki, Y. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2004: 2302–4
  • Magnetic domain structure of colossal magnetoresistance thin films and islands 9th Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference/ International Magnetics Conference Olson, T. W., Olson, J. M., Scholl, A., Suzuki, Y. AMER INST PHYSICS. 2004: 7354–56

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.1687272

    View details for Web of Science ID 000221657900278

  • Broadband Mirror (1.12- 1.62μm) Using Single Layer Sub-Wavelength Grating IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Mateus, C., Huang, M. C., Chen, L., Chang-Hasnain, C., Suzuki, Y. 2004; 16: 1676
  • Nearly Strain Free Heteroepitaxial System for Fundamental Studies of the pulsed laser deposition growth mechanism: EuTiO3 on SrTiO3 Journal of Applied Physics Wang, H., Fleet, A., Dale, D., Suzuki, Y., Brock, J. D. 2004; 96: 5324-8
  • Magnetics and Magnetotransport in Epitaxial Magnetite Heterostructures Journal of Electronic Materials Chopdekar, R. V., Hu, G., Ford, A. C., Suzuki, Y. 2004; 33: 1254
  • Dynamically tuning properties of epitaxial colossal magnetoresistance thin films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Dale, D., Fleet, A., Brock, J. D., Suzuki, Y. 2003; 82 (21): 3725-3727

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.1578186

    View details for Web of Science ID 000182993700047

  • Observation of inverse magnetoresistance in epitaxial magnetite/manganite junctions JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Hu, G. H., Chopdekar, R., Suzuki, Y. 2003; 93 (10): 7516-7518

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.1558662

    View details for Web of Science ID 000182822300362

  • The Effect of Changing Epitaxial Strain on Colossal Magnetoresistance Thin Films Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Dale, D., Fleet, A., Brock, J. D., Suzuki, Y. 2003
  • In-plane transport of doped manganite trilayers Symposium on Magnetoelectronics and Magnetic Materials-Novel Phenomena and Advanced Characterization Alldredge, L. B., Suzuki, Y. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY. 2003: 127–132
  • Studies of Epitaxial Magnetite/Manganite Base Trilayer Junctions Journal of Applied Physics Hu, G., Chopdekar, R., Suzuki, Y. 2003; 93: 7516
  • Negative spin polarization of Fe3O4 in magnetite/manganite-based junctions PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Hu, G., Suzuki, Y. 2002; 89 (27)


    Epitaxial oxide trilayer junctions composed of magnetite (Fe3O4) and doped manganite (La0.7Sr0.3MnO3) exhibit inverse magnetoresistance as large as -25% in fields of 4 kOe. The inverse magnetoresistance confirms the theoretically predicted negative spin polarization of Fe3O4. Transport through the barrier can be understood in terms of hopping transport through localized states that preserve electron spin information. The junction magnetoresistance versus temperature curve exhibits a peak around 60 K that is explained in terms of the paramagnetic to ferrimagnetic transition of the CoCr2O4 barrier.

    View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.276601

    View details for Web of Science ID 000179949600044

    View details for PubMedID 12513228

  • Thermally Activated Sweep Rate Dependence of Magnetic Field Switching Field in Nanostructured Current Perpendicular Spin Valves Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Sun, J. Z., Chen, L., Suzuki, Y., Parkin, S. P., Koch, R. H. 2002; 247: L237-241
  • Integrated Platform for Photonic Crystal Devices at Near Infrared Wavelengths Applied Physics Letters Chen, L., Kohnke, G. E., Suzuki, Y. 2002; 80: 1514
  • Transport Properties of Cr-Patterned YBa2Cu3O7 Thin Films Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Chopdekar, R., Dale, D., Suzuki, Y. 2002; 689
  • Toward the Integration of Photonic Crystal Structures with Optical Fiber Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Suzuki, Y., Chen, L., Kohnke, G. E. 2002
  • In-plane Transport of Doped Manganite Trilayers Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Alldredge, L. B., Suzuki, Y. 2002; 746: Q6.8
  • Microstructure and magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite thin films 8th Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials International Magnetics Conference (MMM-INTERMAG) Hu, G., Harris, V. G., Suzuki, Y. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2001: 2347–49
  • Lattice Distortions and Domain Structure in Epitaxial Manganite Thin Films Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Suzuki, Y., Wu, Y., Rudiger, U., Yu, J., Kent, A. D., Nath, T. K., Eom, C. B. 2001; 602: 207
  • Lattice distortions and domain structure in epitaxial manganite thin films Symposium on Magnetoresistive Oxides and Related Materials held at the 1999 MRS Fall Meeting Suzuki, Y., Wu, Y., Rudiger, U., Yu, J., Kent, A. D., Nath, T. K., Eom, C. B. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY. 2001: 207–217
  • Nanoscale Magnetic Domain Structure in Colossal magnetoresistance Materials Islands Physical Review B Rapid Communications Wu, Y., Matsushita, Y., Suzuki, Y. 2001; 64: 220404
  • Epitaxial spinel ferrite thin films ANNUAL REVIEW OF MATERIALS RESEARCH Suzuki, Y. 2001; 31: 265-289
  • Magnetic anisotropy and strain states of (001) and (110) colossal magnetoresistance thin films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Berndt, L. M., Balbarin, V., Suzuki, Y. 2000; 77 (18): 2903-2905
  • Structural tuning of the magnetic behavior in spinel-structure ferrite thin films PHYSICAL REVIEW B Hu, G., Choi, J. H., Eom, C. B., Harris, V. G., Suzuki, Y. 2000; 62 (2): R779-R782
  • Domain structure and magnetotransport in epitaxial colossal magnetoresistance thin films 44th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Suzuki, Y., Wu, Y., Yu, J., Ruediger, U., Kent, A. D., Nath, T. K., Eom, C. B. AMER INST PHYSICS. 2000: 6746–48
  • In-plane Uniaxial Anisotropy of Cobalt Doped Y3Fe5O12 Epitaxial Films Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Dale, D., Hu, G., Balbarin, V., Suzuki, Y. 2000
  • In-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of cobalt doped Y3Fe5O12 epitaxial films Symposium on Materials Issues for Tunable RF and Microwave Devices Dale, D., Hu, G., Balbarin, V., Suzuki, Y. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY. 2000: 95–100
  • Strain tuned magnetic properties of epitaxial cobalt ferrite thin films Symposium on Materials Issues for Tunable RF and Microwave Devices Hu, G., Choi, J. H., Eom, C. B., Suzuki, Y. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY. 2000: 201–206
  • Thickness-dependence of the binary behavior of elongated single-domain cobalt nanostructures Journal of Applied Physics Evoy, S. E., Carr, D. W., Sekaric, L., Suzuki, Y., Parpia, J. M., Craighead, H. G. 2000; 87: 404
  • Strained Tuned Magnetic Properties of Epitaxial Cobalt Ferrite Thin Films, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Hu, G., Choi, J. H., Eom, C. B., Suzuki, Y. 2000
  • In-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of cobalt-doped Y3Fe5O12 epitaxial films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Dale, D., Hu, G., Balbarin, V., Suzuki, Y. 1999; 74 (20): 3026-3028
  • Anisotropy of magnetoresistance in (110)La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films 43rd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Suzuki, Y., Hwang, H. Y. AMER INST PHYSICS. 1999: 4797–99
  • Magnetic anisotropy of epitaxial cobalt ferrite thin films JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Suzuki, Y., Hu, G., van Dover, R. B., Cava, R. J. 1999; 191 (1-2): 1-8
  • Magnetotransport and Magnetics in Compressively Strained Colossal Magnetoresistance Thin Films Applied Physics Letters Wu, Y., Suzuki, Y., Rudiger, U., Yu, J., Kent, A. D., Nath, T. K., Eom, C. B. 1999; 75: 2295
  • Magnetic anisotropy of doped manganite thin films and crystals 7th Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials / International Magnetics Conference Suzuki, Y., Hwang, H. Y., Cheong, S. W., Siegrist, T., van Dover, R. B., Asamitsu, A., Tokura, Y. AMER INST PHYSICS. 1998: 7064–66
  • Magnetic anisotropy and lattice distortions in the doped perovskite manganites Symposium on Metallic Magnetic Oxides at the Materials-Research-Society Fall Meeting Suzuki, Y., Hwang, H. Y., Cheong, S. W., van Dover, R. B., Asamitsu, A., Tokura, Y. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY. 1998: 41–51
  • Strain stabilized metal-insulator transition in epitaxial thin films of metallic oxide CaRuO3 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Rao, R. A., Gan, Q., Eom, C. B., Cava, R. J., Suzuki, Y., Krajewski, J. J., Gausepohl, S. C., Lee, M. 1997; 70 (22): 3035-3037
  • Temperature dependence of strong exchange coupling in ferrite heterostructures 9th International Symposium on the Structure and Properties of Magnetic Ultrathin Films, Multilayers, Surfaces, and Nanostructures Suzuki, Y., van Dover, R. B., FELDER, R. J. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY. 1997: 587–592
  • Temperature Dependence of Strong Exchange Coupling in Spinel Structure Ferrite Thin Films Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Suzuki, Y., Van Dover, R. B., Felder, R. J. 1997
  • Effects of Stress on the Magnetic Anisotropy of Doped Manganite Thin Films Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Suzuki, Y., Tsai, C., Hwang, H. Y., Cheong, S., van Dover, R. B. 1997
  • Effect of lattice strain on growth mechanisms and electrical transport behavior of epitaxial CaRuO3 thin films Symposium on Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films III, at the 1997 MRS Spring Meeting Eom, C. B., Rao, R. A., Gan, Q., Cava, R. J., Krajewski, J. J., Suzuki, Y., Gausepohl, S. C., Lee, M. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY. 1997: 199–204
  • The Role of Strain in Magnetic Anisotropy of Doped Manganite Thin Films Applied Physics Letters Suzuki, Y., Hwang, H. Y., Cheong, S. W., van Dover, R. B. 1997; 71: 140
  • Epitaxial SrRu2O4 Heterostructures IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Madhavan, S., Liu, Y., Schlom, D. G., Dabkowski, A., Dabkowska, H., Suzuki, Y., Takeuchi, I., Trajanovic, Z., Sharma, R. P. 1997; 7 (2063)
  • The effects of strain on the magnetic anisotropy of doped manganite thin films Symposium on Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films III, at the 1997 MRS Spring Meeting Suzuki, Y., Tsai, C., Hwang, H. Y., Cheong, S. W., VANDOVER, R. B. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY. 1997: 205–210
  • Resistivity of single- and multiple-domain thin films of PrBa2Cu3O7 from 0.05 to 500 K PHYSICAL REVIEW B Lee, M., Stutzman, M. L., Suzuki, Y., Geballe, T. H. 1996; 54 (6): R3776-R3779
  • Exchange coupling in single-crystalline spinel-structure (Mn,Zn)Fe2O4/CoFe2O4 bilayers PHYSICAL REVIEW B Suzuki, Y., VANDOVER, R. B., GYORGY, E. M., Phillips, J. M., FELDER, R. J. 1996; 53 (21): 14016-14019
  • Interlayer exchange coupling in amorphous/crystalline NiFe2O4 thin-film bilayers 40th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Korenivski, V., VANDOVER, R. B., Suzuki, Y., GYORGY, E. M., Phillips, J. M., FELDER, R. J. AMER INST PHYSICS. 1996: 5926–28
  • Magnetic properties of epitaxial ferrite multilayer films 40th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Suzuki, Y., VANDOVER, R. B., GYORGY, E. M., Phillips, J. M., Korenivski, V., Werder, D. J., Chen, C. H., FELDER, R. J., Cava, R. J., Krajewski, J. J., PECK, W. F. AMER INST PHYSICS. 1996: 5923–25
  • Structure and magnetic properties of epitaxial spinel ferrite thin films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Suzuki, Y., VANDOVER, R. B., GYORGY, E. M., Phillips, J. M., Korenivski, V., Werder, D. J., Chen, C. H., Cava, R. J., Krajewski, J. J., PECK, W. F., DO, K. B. 1996; 68 (5): 714-716
  • Local Structure Study about Co in YBa 2 (Cu 1-x Co x )O 7 Thin Films Using Polarized XAFS Physical Review B Bauer, E. D., Bridges, F., Booth, C. H., Boyce, J. B., Claeson, T., Brorsson, G., Suzuki, Y. 1996; 53: 13352
  • Uniform Deposition YBa2Cu3O7 of thin films over an 8 inch diameter area by a 90° off-axis sputtering technique Applied Physics Letters Rao, R., Gan, Q., Enom, C. B., Suzuki, Y., McDaniel, E. B., Hsu, J. P. 1996; 69: 3911
  • Resistivity of Multiple-Domain and Single- Domain Thin Films of Pr Ba2Cu3O7 from 0.05 K to 500K Physical Review B Lee, M., Stutzman, M. L., Suzuki, Y., Geballe, T. 1996; 54: 3776
  • Uniform Deposition YBa2Cu3O7 of thin films over an 8 inch diameter area by a 90° off-axis sputtering technique Applied Physics Letters Rao, R., Gan, Q., Enom, C. B., Suzuki, Y., McDaniel, E. B., Hsu, J. P. 1996; 69: 3911
  • Magnetic Properties of Epitaxial Ferrite Films Journal of Applied Physics Suzuki, Y., van Dover, R. B., Gyorgy, E. M., Phillips, J. M., Koreniviski, V., Werder, D., Chen, C. H., Felder, R. J. 1996; 79: 5923
  • Epitaxial single crystalline ferrite films for high frequency applications Symposium on Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films II, at the 1995 MRS Fall Meeting Suzuki, Y., VANDOVER, R. B., Korenivski, V., Werder, D., Chen, C. H., FELDER, R. J., Phillips, J. M. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOC. 1996: 473–483
  • Exchange Coupling in Single Crystalline Spinel Structure (Mn,Zn)Fe 2O4 /CoFe2O4 Bilayers Physical Review B Suzuki, Y., van Dover, R. B., Gyory, E. M., Phillips, J. M., Felder, R. J. 1996; 53: 14016
  • Uniform Deposition YBa2Cu3O7 of thin films over an 8 inch diameter area by a 90° off-axis sputtering technique Applied Physics Letters Rao, R., Gan, Q., Enom, C. B., Suzuki, Y., McDaniel, E. B., Hsu, J. P. 1996; 69: 3911
  • THERMALLY ACTIVATED FLUX MOTION IN ALPHA-AXIS YBA2CU3O7/PRBA2CU3O7 SUPERLATTICES PHYSICAL REVIEW B Suzuki, Y., Triscone, J. M., Beasley, M. R., Geballe, T. H. 1995; 52 (9): 6858-6862
  • PHONON ANOMALIES AT THE MAGNETIC PHASE-TRANSITION IN SRRUO3 PHYSICAL REVIEW B Kirillov, D., Suzuki, Y., Antognazza, L., Char, K., Bozovic, I., Geballe, T. H. 1995; 51 (18): 12825-12828
  • Thermally Activated Flux Motion in a-axis YBa2Cu3O7/PrBa2Cu3O7Superlattices Physical Review B Suzuki, Y., Triscone, J. M., Beasley, M. R., Geballe, T. H. 1995; 52: 6858
  • RAMAN-SCATTERING IN FULLY A-AXIS ALIGNED YBA2CU3O7 FILMS - ABSENCE OF THE C-AXIS GAP FEATURE International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity - High Temperature Superconductors IV (M2S-HTSC IV) Kirillov, D., Suzuki, Y., Geballe, T. H., Bozovic, I. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 1994: 1067–1068
  • PHOTOEMISSION AND TUNNELING STUDY OF EPITAXIAL YBA2CU3O7-DELTA FILMS CLEANED USING AN ATOMIC OXYGEN BEAM International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity - High Temperature Superconductors IV (M2S-HTSC IV) Terada, N., Ahn, C. H., Lew, D., Suzuki, Y., Kihlstrom, K. E., DO, K. B., Arnason, S. B., Geballe, T. H., Hammond, R. H., Beasley, M. R. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 1994: 1061–1062
  • OBSERVATION OF LONG LOCALIZATION LENGTH ALONG B-AXIS PRBA2CU3O7 IN A-AXIS YBA2CU3O7/A, B-AXIS PRBA2CU3O7 SUPERLATTICES International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity - High Temperature Superconductors IV (M2S-HTSC IV) Suzuki, Y., Triscone, J. M., Eom, C. B., Beasley, M. R., Geballe, T. H. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 1994: 1459–1460
  • SURFACE STUDY OF YBA2CU3O7-DELTA EPITAXIAL-FILMS CLEANED BY AN ATOMIC OXYGEN BEAM APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Terada, N., Ahn, C. H., Lew, D., Suzuki, Y., Kihlstrom, K. E., DO, K. B., Arnason, S. B., Geballe, T. H., Hammond, R. H., Beasley, M. R. 1994; 64 (19): 2581-2583
  • Photoemission and Tunneling Study of YBa2Cu3O7 Epitaxial Films Cleaned using an Atomic Oxygen Beam Physica C Terada, N., Ahn, C. H., Lew, D., Suzuki, Y., Kihlstrom, K. E., Do, K. b., Amason, S. B., Hammond, R. H., Geballe, T. H., Beasley, M. R. 1994; 235-240
  • Evidence of Long Localization Length along b-axis PrBa2Cu3O7~d/ in a-axis YBa2Cu3O7/ a-b axis PrBa2Cu3O7 Superlattices Physical Review Letters Suzuki, Y., Triscone, J. M., Eom, C. B., Beasley, M. R., Geballe, T. H. 1994; 73: 328
  • Surface Study of YBa2Cu3O7 Epitaxial Films Cleaned by an Atomic Oxygen Beam, Applied Physics Letters Terada, N., Ahn, C. H., Lew, D., Suzuki, Y., Kihlstorm, K. E., Do, K. B., Amason, S. B., Hammond, R. H., Geballe, T. H., Beasley, M. R. 1994; 64: 2581
  • Observation of Long Localization Length along b-axis PrBa2Cu3O7~d in a-axis YBa2Cu3O7/PrBa2Cu3O7 Superlattices Physica C Suzuki, Y., Triscone, J. M., Eom, C. B., Beasley, M. R., Geballe, T. H. 1994; 235-240: 1459
  • Transport through 90.(010) basal-planefaced tilt and twist grain boundaries in YBa2Cu3O7 thin films Applied Physics Letters Lew, D., Suzuki, Y., Marshall, A. F., Geballe, T. H., Beasley, M. R. 1994; 65: 1584
  • ANISOTROPIC TRANSPORT-PROPERTIES OF IN-PLANE-ALIGNED A-AXIS YBA2CU3O7 FILMS PHYSICAL REVIEW B Suzuki, Y., Lew, D., Marshall, A. F., Beasley, M. R., Geballe, T. H. 1993; 48 (14): 10642-10645
  • GROWTH MECHANISMS AND PROPERTIES OF 90-DEGREES GRAIN-BOUNDARIES IN YBA2CU3O7 THIN-FILMS PHYSICAL REVIEW B Eom, C. B., Marshall, A. F., Suzuki, Y., Geballe, T. H., Boyer, B., Pease, R. F., VANDOVER, R. B., Phillips, J. M. 1992; 46 (18): 11902-11913
  • Synthesis and Properties of a-axis YBa2Cu3O7/PrBa2CuO3O7 Superlattices Proceedings of the International Society of Optical Engineering Enom, C. B., Triscone, J. M., Suzuki, Y., Geballe, T. H. 1992
  • Growth Mechanisms and Properties of 90° Grain Boundaries in YBa2Cu3O7 Thin Films Physical Review B1 Eom, C. B., Maeshall, A. F., Suzuki, Y., Geballe, T. H., Boyer, B., Pease, R. W., van Dover, R. B., Phillips, J. M. 1992; 46: 32
  • A-axis YBa2Cu3O7/PrBa2Cu3O7 Superlattices: Synthesis and Transport Properties Journal of Alloys and Compounds Triscone, J. M., Eom, C. B., Suzuki, Y., Geballe, T. H. 1992; 183: 224
  • Transport Properties of a-axis YBa2Cu3O7~d/PrBa2Cu3O7~d Superlattices Physica C Enom, C. B., Triscone, J. M., Suzuki, Y., Geballe, T. H. 1991; 185-189: 2065
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