School of Engineering
Showing 301-400 of 2,290 Results
Andrew Andai Chien
Visiting Professor, Computer Science
BioAndrew A Chien is visiting Stanford on sabbatical for 2024-25 AY. At the University of Chicago, he is the William Eckhardt Distinguished Service Professor of Computer Science and Senior Scientist at Argonne National Laboratories. He has led the Zero-carbon Cloud project since 2015, and is known for his research on datacenters, renewable energy and sustainability, cloud resource management and software, large-scale system architecture, and graph computing architecture. Chien is leader of the IARPA funded “UpDown System Project”, designing breakthrough scalable graph analytics systems. Chien has received numerous recognitions for research. Dr. Chien currently serves on the NSF CISE Advisory Committee and DARPA ISAT. He is a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, and AAAS. He served as EiC of Communications of the ACM, 2017-2022, and Vice President of Research at Intel Corporation from 2005-2010. He served as SAIC Chair Professor of University of California, San Diego and earlier as faculty at the University of Illinois. He received BS, MS, and PhD degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
His UChicago home page is -
Arisa Sugiyama Chue
Student Employee, Computer Science
Undergraduate, Computer Science
Undergraduate, Graduate School of Education
Student Tour Guide, VISBioContact:
achue [at] cs [dot] stanford [dot] edu -
Rachel Cleaveland
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, admitted Autumn 2021
BioI am a 4th-year PhD student at Stanford University, advised by Clark Barrett. My research focuses on applications of the theory of strings within symbolic execution as well as memory model verification.
Steve Cousins
SRC Executive Director, Robotics Center
Current Role at StanfordExecutive Director of the Stanford Robotics Center
Róbert Csordás
Postdoctoral Scholar, Computer Science
BioI am a postdoctoral researcher in the Stanford NLP Group, supervised by Prof. Christopher Manning and Prof. Christopher Potts. Previously, I did my PhD in IDSIA, supervised by Prof. Jürgen Schmidhuber. I work on systematic generalization, mainly in the context of algorithmic reasoning. This drives my research interest in network architectures (Transformers, DNC, graph networks) with inductive biases like information routing (attention, memory) and learning modular structures. My goal is to create a system that can learn generally applicable rules instead of pure pattern matching but with minimal hardcoded structure. I consider the lack of systematic generation to be the main obstacle to a more generally applicable artificial intelligence.