School of Medicine

Showing 1,201-1,210 of 4,925 Results

  • Ryann Fame, PhD

    Ryann Fame, PhD

    Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsEarly neural progenitors respond to extrinsic cues that maintain and support their potency. These stem/ progenitor cells are in direct contact with the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which acts as part of their niche. Our research program encompasses the early neural stem cell niche, neural tube closure, CSF, metabolism, and cortical neuronal development. We are dedicated to broad collaboration focused on translating an understanding of neurodevelopment and CSF biology into regenerative strategies.

  • Alice C. Fan

    Alice C. Fan

    Associate Professor of Medicine (Oncology) and, by courtesy, of Urology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Fan is a physician scientist who studies how turning off oncogenes (cancer genes) can cause tumor regression in preclinical and clinical translational studies. Based on her findings, she has initiated clinical trials studying how targeted therapies affect cancer signals in kidney cancer and low grade lymphoma. In the laboratory, she uses new nanotechnology strategies for tumor diagnosis and treatment to define biomarkers for personalized therapy.

  • Richard E. Fan

    Richard E. Fan

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Urology

    BioRichard E. Fan, Ph.D., is an engineer embedded in the Department of Urology in the Stanford School of Medicine.

    Dr. Fan’s research relates to the development of clinically driven biomedical instrumentation and medical devices. He is interested in translational application of emerging technologies in the medical and surgical spaces, as well as the development of platforms to explore clinical and pre-clinical evaluation. His primary work is currently focused on image guided detection and treatment of prostate cancer, including MR-US fusion, focal therapies, embedded systems and robotics.

  • Rongxin Fang

    Rongxin Fang

    Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery and, by courtesy, of Genetics

    BioRongxin received his Ph.D. in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology at UC San Diego, where he was advised by Bing Ren (2015-2019). During this time, he developed high-throughput genomic technologies and computational tools to map the structure and activity of the mammalian genome at a large scale with single-cell resolution. He then applied these approaches to understand how cis-regulatory elements such as enhancers in the genome control gene expression and how this process can give rise to the distinct gene expression programs that underlie the cellular diversity in the mammalian brain. As an HHMI-Damon Runyon Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Xiaowei Zhuang at Harvard University (2019-2024), he developed and applied genome-scale and volumetric 3D transcriptome imaging methods to map the molecular and cellular architecture of the mammalian brain during evolution and aging. He also participated in the collaboration with Adam Cohen and Catherine Dulac to combine transcriptome imaging with functional neuronal recording to identify neuronal populations in the animal brain that underlie specific bran functions.

  • James Fann

    James Fann

    Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery (Adult Cardiac Surgery) at the Stanford University Medical Center, Emeritus

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsCardiac surgery education and simulation-based learning, coronary artery bypass surgery, cardiac valve disease

  • Gary S. Fanton, MD

    Gary S. Fanton, MD

    Clinical Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Gary Fanton is the Chief of the Section of Sports Medicine at Stanford’s Department of Orthopedic Surgery. His practice primarily involves the diagnostic evaluation and treatment of sports and trauma-related injuries of the upper extremity, knee, and ankle. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery and is currently the Team Physician in Orthopedics for the San Francisco 49ers. Dr. Fanton's past experience includes positions as team orthopedist for the San Francisco Giants, company physician for the San Jose Ballet, head team orthopedist for Stanford University football and basketball, and team orthopedist for Stanford’s additional 29 varsity sports. He co-founded the SOAR clinic where he was an active partner in private practice since 1983. He holds a B.S. degree from the University of Michigan and M.D. degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin.

    Dr. Fanton's special interests include arthroscopic surgery of the knee and shoulder...specifically, injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee, cartilage injuries, rotator cuff tears, and shoulder instability. He has done extensive research on knee ligament tears, explored new techniques for shoulder stabilization and tendon repair, and he utilizes state-of-the-art surgical procedures to enhance rehabilitation and recovery after surgery. He is frequently asked to be a guest lecturer both nationally and internationally on these and other sports-medicine related topics. He has also authored dozens of articles on sports injuries and new surgical techniques.

    Dr. Fanton was a co-founder and board member of Oratec Interventions, a medical device start-up for minimally invasive spine and joint procedures that went public in April, 2000, which was subsequently purchased by Smith-Nephew in 2002. He actively serves on the medical advisory board for several public and private surgical device companies in the Orthopedic industry and he continues to design and develop unique surgical devices for minimally invasive surgery. He has co-authored several device patents and has several others pending.

    Dr. Fanton has been a member in good standing with the American Academy of Orthopedic surgeons since 1985 and he is a Diplomat of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery. He is also member of the Orthopedic Research Society, NFL Team Physicians Society, the American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine, The International Knee Society, International Cartilage Repair Society, and a founding member of the International Musculoskeletal Laser Society.