School of Medicine
Showing 101-150 of 181 Results
Rob W.
3D Biomedical Engineer, Radiology - Diagnostic Radiology
Current Role at StanfordDesigning custom surgical models and patient-specific implants for SHC and LPCH!
Kevin Wilkins
Science Engineering Assoc 2, Neurology
Current Role at StanfordScience and Engineering Associate
Rokeena Williams
eLearning Manager, School of Medicine - Post Grad Med Education (CME)
Current Role at StanfordeLearning Manager
Marcelle Winget
Sr Research Scholar, Primary Care and Population Health
Current Role at StanfordDirector, Evaluation Sciences Unit
Tamara Winston
Administrative Division Director, Surgery - Pediatric Surgery
M.S. Management, NDNU
B.A. Political Science/Business Administration, SJSU -
Sandra Winter
Adjunct Lecturer, Medicine - Med/Stanford Prevention Research Center
BioSandra J. Winter, PhD, MHA, is currently the Executive Director of Senior Coastsiders in Half Moon Bay, CA. Senior Coastsiders is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has provided opportunities, support, and resources for older adults on the San Mateo Coast since 1977. Senior Coastsiders prepares meals that are served in the dining room or home delivered; provides information assistance and caregiver support; carries out minor repairs to improve home safety; facilitates transport to and from the center; and coordinates a variety of classes and activities. Sandi is an Adjunct Lecturer at the Stanford Prevention Research Center and a member of the Community Health and Prevention Research (CHPR) Master of Science Advisory Board.
Sandi was born and raised in Zimbabwe, then moved to Cape Town in South Africa where she was a successful entrepreneur, owning and operating a number of businesses in the advertising industry. In 2003 Sandra moved with her family from Cape Town, South Africa to Lexington, Kentucky where she completed a Master of Health Administration in May, 2006 and a PhD in Public Administration (Health Policy Track) in December, 2009 at the University of Kentucky. Her graduate research work focused on the health care that is provided to prison inmates in Kentucky.
In 2009 Sandra moved from Kentucky to California where she started working at the Stanford Prevention Research Center (SPRC). At SPRC Sandra held a number of positions including Fitness assessor, biometric screener and wellness advisor with the BeWell program; Social Science Research Assistant with Abby King’s Healthy Aging Research and Technology Solutions (HARTS) lab; Project Manager for the SPRC/Qassim University College of Medicine, Saudi Arabia collaboration, Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute and Director of the WELL for Life initiative.
Sandra's research areas of interest include wellbeing, community-based interventions among under resourced populations; reducing health disparities (particularly in a global context); the role the environments in which we live, work and play affect our ability to lead healthy active lives; and how we can use technology to encourage and support health behavior improvements. -
Roger Wise
Director, Additive Manufacturing and Prototyping Facility, Rad/Precision Health and Integrated Diagnostics
Current Role at StanfordDr. Wise is the Director of the Additive Manufacturing and Prototyping Facility (AMPF), a shared-user 3D printing center supporting Stanford University's research enterprise. AMPF currently consists of state-of-the-art, manufacturing-quality, commercial 3D printers (Carbon S2, M2, & L1, and Carbon Smart Part Washer). This advanced 3D printing facility brings digital design, prototyping, and small-scale production to the Stanford ecosystem. It serves as an integrated innovation hub, forming a key pillar of research and commercialization for investigators spanning the Stanford campus, Canary Center, and Silicon Valley. More information can be found at
Emily Kay Wiseman
3D Radiologic Technologist 1, Radiology - Diagnostic Radiology
Current Role at Stanford3DQ Lab Technologist
Ronald J. Wong
Sr Res Scientist-Basic Ls, Pediatrics - Neonatology
Current Role at StanfordSenior Research Scientist
Douglas Wood
Affiliate, Technology & Digital Solutions
Current Role at StanfordWorking within the School of Medicine, I am developing solutions for the Stanford Bone Marrow Transplant, Lymphoma, and Cancer Institute Research Databases
My Stanford Projects:
- Stanford Cancer Center Research Database (SCIRDB)
Developed a web-based platform to integrate data from the Stanford Cancer Institute (EPIC/Clarity), Stanford Tumor Registry, STRIDE (Tissue Bank & Pre-EPIC Data), and several other systems into a "one-stop shop" for data analysis and annotation by cancer researchers. This cohort-driven system allows users to focus on their patients of interest and provides free-text search of all their notes, reports and narratives as well as a timeline-based view of all events for a patient. Easy exports allow for data analysis in biostatistical tools and the system can perform complex analysis using the open-source R statistical software as a service.
- Lymphoma Program Project (LPP)
Rearchitected an existing legacy database system that tracks Stanford's Non-Hodgkins and Hodgkins Lymphoma cases back to the late 1960's. Enables clinicians to track diagnosis, courses of treatment, long-term follow-up, and clinical responses to the diseases.
- Bone Marrow Transplant Program
Developed replacement web-enabled database based on legacy system in place since 1980s that enhanced data capture abilities by leveraging data feeds from BMT Clinic and Stanford Hospital. Also enabled electronic form submission to national transplant databank via XML-based web-services.
- Transplant Arteriosclerosis, Viral and Host Mechanisms
Developed web-based application and reporting systems Gathered requirements, translated requirements into technical specifications, built reporting tools, designed table schemas, migrated database tables from Access to Oracle, normalizing and validating data in the process. Wrote all SQL scripts for automating data migration.
- Stanford Asian Pacific Program in Hypertension and Insulin Resistance (SAPPHIRe)
Provided on-going maintenance for the project by uploading data, generating reports for statistical analysis and modifying table schema to incorporate new measurements such as creatinine.
- GenePad Project
Developed a web-based tool for quality assurance of scanned form data that allows users to view scanned input and validate it before storing it into final database tables. The tool dynamically configures itself by examining the structure of the database.