Stanford University

Showing 71-80 of 152 Results

  • Monica Lam

    Monica Lam

    Kleiner Perkins, Mayfield, Sequoia Capital Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor, by courtesy, of Electrical Engineering

    BioDr. Monica Lam is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University, and the Faculty Director of the Stanford Open Virtual Assistant Laboratory. Dr. Monica Lam obtained her BS degree in computer science from University of British Columbia, and her PhD degree in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1987. She joined Stanford in 1988.

    Professor Lam's current research is on conversational virtual assistants with an emphasis on privacy protection. Her research uses deep learning to map task-oriented natural language dialogues into formal semantics, represented by a new executable programming language called ThingTalk. Her Almond virtual assistant, trained on open knowledge graphs and IoT API standards, can be easily customized to perform new tasks. She is leading an Open Virtual Assistant Initiative to create the largest, open, crowdsourced language semantics model to promote open access in all languages. Her decentralized Almond virtual assistant that supports fine-grain sharing with privacy has received Popular Science's Best of What's New Award in Security in 2019.

    Prof. Lam is also an expert in compilers for high-performance machines. Her pioneering work of affine partitioning provides a unifying theory to the field of loop transformations for parallelism and locality. Her software pipelining algorithm is used in commercial systems for instruction level parallelism. Her research team created the first, widely adopted research compiler, SUIF. She is a co-author of the classic compiler textbook, popularly known as the “dragon book”. She was on the founding team of Tensilica, now a part of Cadence.

    Dr. Lam is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering and an Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Fellow.

  • Thomas Lee

    Thomas Lee

    Professor of Electrical Engineering

    BioProfessor Lee's principal areas of professional interest include analog circuitry of all types, ranging from low-level DC instrumentation to high-speed RF communications systems. His present research focus is on CMOS RF integrated circuit design, and on extending operation into the terahertz realm.

  • Craig Levin

    Craig Levin

    Professor of Radiology (Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford/Nuclear Medicine) and, by courtesy, of Physics, of Electrical Engineering and of Bioengineering

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMolecular Imaging Instrumentation

    Our research interests involve the development of novel instrumentation and software algorithms for in vivo imaging of cellular and molecular signatures of disease in humans and small laboratory animal subjects.

  • Philip Levis

    Philip Levis

    Professor of Computer Science and of Electrical Engineering

    BioProfessor Levis' research focuses on the design and implementation of efficient software systems for embedded wireless sensor networks; embedded network sensor architecture and design; systems programming and software engineering.

  • David Luckham

    David Luckham

    Professor (Research) of Electrical Engineering, Emeritus

    BioProfessor (Research) Emeritus of Electrical Engineering.
    Research Professor of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1977 to 2003.
    Vinton Hayes Senior Research Fellow, Harvard University, 1976.
    Senior Research Associate, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1972-1977.
    Associate Professor, UCLA Computer Science Department, 1970-1972.

    Professor Luckham's research and consulting activities in software technology include multi-processing and business processing languages, event-driven systems, complex event processing, commercial middleware, program verification, systems architecture modelling and simulation, and artificial intelligence (automated deduction and reasoning systems).

    Prof. Luckham has held faculty and invited faculty positions in both mathematics and computer science at eight major universities in Europe and the United States. He has been an invited lecturer, keynote speaker, panelist, and USA delegate at many international conferences and congresses. Until 1999 he was a member of the Computer Systems Laboratory, Stanford University and directed the Program Analysis and Verification Project. He taught courses on Artifical Intelligence and automated deduction, programming languages and program verification, the Anna verification system, systems prototyping and simulation languages, and Complex Event Processing. He was one of the founders of Rational Software, Inc. in 1981.

    In the past he has served on review committees during the DoD Ada Language design competition, and was a Distinguished Reviewer on the DoD Ada9X design project. In 1993-94 he was a member of the TRW Independent Assessment Team tasked with reviewing the FAA's Advanced Automation System for the FAA, and in 1994-96 he was a distinguished reviewer for the DoD High Level Language for modelling and simulation. He has published four books and over 100 technical papers; two ACM/IEEE Best Paper Awards, several papers are now in historical anthologies and book collections. His 2002 book is a benchmark introduction to complex event processing, "The Power of Events" . His 2012 book , "Event Processing for Business" documents current applications of Complex Event Processing in many areas of Information Technology.