School of Engineering
Showing 201-300 of 643 Results
Wendy Gu
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and, by courtesy, of Materials Science and Engineering
BioThe Gu Group studies the mechanical behavior of nanomaterials. We work at the intersection of solid mechanics, materials science and nano-chemistry. We research the unique properties of nanoscale metals, ceramics and nano-architected composites in order to design strong, tough and lightweight structural materials, materials for extreme environments, and mechanically-actuated sensors. Our experimental tools include nanoindentation, electron microscopy, and colloidal synthesis.
Turgut M Gür
Adjunct Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Npl Research Liaison, Mechanical Engineering - DesignBioTurgut M. Gür is an Adjunct Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University, where he recently retired after a distinguished career that included technical and management leadership for three major multi-disciplinary team-based research centers on campus focused on advanced materials and energy conversion and storage, namely, the DOE-EFRC Center on Nanostructuring for Efficient Energy Conversion (CNEEC), the NSF-MRSEC Center for Materials Research (CMR), and Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM).
Currently, he is the President of The Electrochemical Society and chairs its Board of Directors and several other ECS committees. He is also an inducted Fellow of The Electrochemical Society.
In addition, he holds a Visiting Professor appointment from the Chinese University of Mining and Technology-Beijing (CUMTB) in China, and an "international mentor" appointment from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway.
He is an internationally recognized leader in high temperature electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies, materials and processes with 11 US issued patents, 17 (published) patent applications, and 165 technical publications, largely related to energy conversion processes and materials including fuel cells, electrocatalysis, electrosynthesis, coal and hydrocarbon conversion, hydrogen production, and sensors and membranes. He has made nearly 150 oral presentations in national and international conferences, given 85 invited lectures, talks and colloquia, co-organized 24 international conferences and symposia, and co- edited 18 transaction volumes and proceedings.
In 2020, out of more than 186,000 energy scientists in the world, he is ranked the 702nd most cited energy researcher, and is also rated in the top 1% of most cited among all scientists in the world across all scholarly fields of sciences, engineering and medicine ( Recently, he is also ranked in the top 5% of cited researcher in RSC journals by The Royal Society of Chemistry.
As an entrepreneur, he was involved in developing advanced technologies in several start-up companies developing supercapacitors, chemically assisted spontaneous production of hydrogen via steam electrolysis, carbon fuel cells for efficient conversion of coal, biomass and other solid fuels to electricity with total carbon capture, and industrial wastewater treatment based on electrochemical remediation by selective reduction and capacitive deionization.
He has served in top leadership positions on the boards of several professional societies as well as industrial and non-profit organizations. He has been on the Board of Directors of The Electrochemical Society for 6 years and was the Chair of the High Temperature Energy Materials and Processes division of the Society. Previously, he had served 3 terms on the Board of the International Society for Solid State Ionics (ISSI), which is another leading global society for scientists in electrochemical energy conversion and storage. Formerly, he was an Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2002-2014), and the editor for Solid State Ionics Letters (1998-2002).
He also volunteers his time as a Board Trustee and the former Vice President of the Turkish Educational Foundation, a charitable non-profit organization in the San Francisco Bay Area in California, USA, that provides financial support, scholarships and educational assistance annually to 2400 needy students in Turkey.
He holds BSc and MSc degrees in Chemical Engineering from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, and three graduate degrees including a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University. -
Kai Douglas Hammond
Undergraduate, Mechanical Engineering
BioClass of 2027. Stanford Undergraduate majoring in Mechanical Engineering.
Ronald Hanson
Clarence J. and Patricia R. Woodard Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsProfessor Hanson has been an international leader in the development of laser-based diagnostic methods for combustion and propulsion, and in the development of modern shock tube methods for accurate determination of chemical reaction rate parameters needed for modeling combustion and propulsion systems. He and his students have made several pioneering contributions that have impacted the pace of propulsion research and development worldwide.
Zichen He
Masters Student in Mechanical Engineering, admitted Autumn 2024
BioI obtained my bachelor degrees from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and Sichuan University in China, both in mechanical engineering. I grew up in Zhengzhou, a city in the middle of China.
Gianluca Iaccarino
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsComputing and data for energy, health and engineering
Challenges in energy sciences, green technology, transportation, and in general, engineering design and prototyping are routinely tackled using numerical simulations and physical testing. Computations barely feasible two decades ago on the largest available supercomputers, have now become routine using turnkey commercial software running on a laptop. Demands on the analysis of new engineering systems are becoming more complex and multidisciplinary in nature, but exascale-ready computers are on the horizon. What will be the next frontier? Can we channel this enormous power into an increased ability to simulate and, ultimately, to predict, design and control? In my opinion two roadblocks loom ahead: the development of credible models for increasingly complex multi-disciplinary engineering applications and the design of algorithms and computational strategies to cope with real-world uncertainty.
My research objective is to pursue concerted innovations in physical modeling, numerical analysis, data fusion, probabilistic methods, optimization and scientific computing to fundamentally change our present approach to engineering simulations relevant to broad areas of fluid mechanics, transport phenomena and energy systems. The key realization is that computational engineering has largely ignored natural variability, lack of knowledge and randomness, targeting an idealized deterministic world. Embracing stochastic scientific computing and data/algorithms fusion will enable us to minimize the impact of uncertainties by designing control and optimization strategies that are robust and adaptive. This goal can only be accomplished by developing innovative computational algorithms and new, physics-based models that explicitly represent the effect of limited knowledge on the quantity of interest.
Multidisciplinary Teaching
I consider the classical boundaries between disciplines outdated and counterproductive in seeking innovative solutions to real-world problems. The design of wind turbines, biomedical devices, jet engines, electronic units, and almost every other engineering system requires the analysis of their flow, thermal, and structural characteristics to ensure optimal performance and safety. The continuing growth of computer power and the emergence of general-purpose engineering software has fostered the use of computational analysis as a complement to experimental testing in multiphysics settings. Virtual prototyping is a staple of modern engineering practice! I have designed a new undergraduate course as an introduction to Computational Engineering, covering theory and practice across multidisciplanary applications. The emphasis is on geometry modeling, mesh generation, solution strategy and post-processing for diverse applications. Using classical flow/thermal/structural problems, the course develops the essential concepts of Verification and Validation for engineering simulations, providing the basis for assessing the accuracy of the results. -
Matthias Ihme
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, of Photon Science and, by courtesy, of Energy Science and Engineering
BioLarge-eddy simulation and modeling of turbulent reacting flows, non-premixed flame, aeroacoustics and combustion generated noise, turbulence and fluid dynamics, numerical methods and high-order schemes.
Thomas Jaroslawski
Postdoctoral Scholar, Mechanical Engineering
BioThomas (Tomek) Jaroslawski is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center of Turbulence Research (CTR). His research interests lie in experimental fluid mechanics, applied to a wide range of applications. He works with Professor Beverley McKeon on investigating rough-walled turbulent boundary layer flows, and also with Professor Juan Santiago on studying the flow physics in various microfluidic applications.
Interested in consultations or collaborations? Let's connect: -
Steve Jones
Director, High Performance Computing Center, and Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering - Flow Physics and Computation
Current Role at StanfordDirector, High Performance Computing Center, and Research Scientist, Flow Physics and Computational Engineering
Barbara A. Karanian Ph.D. School of Engineering, previously Visiting Professor
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering - Design
Lecturer, d.schoolCurrent Role at StanfordLecturer and previously visiting Professor
David Kelley
Donald W. Whittier Professor of Mechanical Engineering
BioDavid Kelley's work is dedicated to helping people gain confidence in their creative abilities. He employs a project based methodology called Design Thinking within both the Product Design Program and the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design.
Design Thinking is based on building empathy for user needs, developing solutions with iterative prototyping, and inspiring ideas for the future through storytelling.
The Product Design program emphasizes the blending of engineering innovation, human values, and manufacturing concerns into a single curriculum. Kelley teaches engineering design methodology, the techniques of quick prototyping to prove feasibility, and design through understanding of user needs. -
Monroe Kennedy III
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research focus is to develop technology that improves everyday life by anticipating and acting on the needs of human counterparts. My research can be divided into the following sub-categories: robotic assistants, connected devices and intelligent wearables. My Assistive Robotics and Manipulation lab focuses heavily on both the analytical and experimental components of assistive technology design.
Thomas Kenny
Senior Associate Dean for Education and Student Affairs and Richard W. Weiland Professor in the School of Engineering
BioKenny's group is researching fundamental issues and applications of micromechanical structures. These devices are usually fabricated from silicon wafers using integrated circuit fabrication tools. Using these techniques, the group builds sensitive accelerometers, infrared detectors, and force-sensing cantilevers. This research has many applications, including integrated packaging, inertial navigation, fundamental force measurements, experiments on bio-molecules, device cooling, bio-analytical instruments, and small robots. Because this research field is multidisciplinary in nature, work in this group is characterized by strong collaborations with other departments, as well as with local industry.
Makrand Khanwale
Physical Science Research Scientist
BioI received my PhD from Iowa State University co-majoring in Mechanical engineering and Applied Mathematics. I was co-advised by Dr. Baskar Ganapathysubramanian and Dr. James Rossmanith. For my dissertation I worked on development and analysis of numerical schemes for high fidelity simulations of multiphase flows. Specifically I developed energy stable numerical methods to simulate two-phase flows using Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes equations. I also have experience in development of tools to analyse and understand complex physical processes like multi-phase flows and turbulence. Before joining Iowa State for my graduate work, I had a brief stint as a research associate in Dr. Krishnaswamy Nandakumar‘s group in Louisiana State University (LSU). At LSU I worked on developing theoretical models for energy cascades in multi-phase flows.