Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
Showing 51-100 of 100 Results
Zhi Li
Postdoctoral Scholar, Earth System Science
BioZhi “Allen” Li is the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability Dean’s Postdoc Fellow. He studies surface water across scales, both spatially (local, continental, and global) and temporally (Hydrology, Hydrometeorology, and Hydroclimatology). His research focuses on flood prediction and monitoring by leveraging Remote Sensing platforms and Hydrologic-Hydraulic coupled models. He devotes himself to improving flood monitoring tools to deliver accurate and timely information for the community, especially under-represented communities.
Cheng Mei
Postdoctoral Scholar, Geophysics
BioMy research focuses on geohazards, particularly earthquakes, geomechanics, and rock/fluid mechanics. I employ a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating theoretical, numerical, and experimental models, to uncover the patterns, mechanisms, and impacts of natural earthquakes and induced seismicity in subsurface engineering systems. I am developing a macroscopic framework that incorporates multiple important controls, such as velocity, temperature, normal stress, fluid diffusion, and surface roughness. I believe this work would contribute significantly to understanding and mitigating seismic risks.
Josheena Naggea
Postdoctoral Scholar, Earth System Science
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsJosheena's community-engaged research focuses on small-scale fisheries, disaster impacts and recovery, marine protected area management, and the valorization of natural and cultural heritage in ocean governance. She has a keen interest in understanding people-ocean connections and how that influences pro-ecological behavior and local environmental stewardship.
Alireza Namayandeh
Postdoctoral Scholar, Earth System Science
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Namayandeh's research interests are centered around three primary areas: 1) the formation and transformation of natural nanoparticles, 2) their interaction with contaminants and nutrients in the Earth's surface environment, and 3) how these interactions impact human health. He is currently studying the generation of toxic metals in soils at extremely high temperatures. He is also involved in solving global and environmental health problems, particularly in low-income countries. He is working on a project in Bangladesh focusing on lead exposure.
He is also interested to integrate environmental justice into his research. He conducts Eco-theater workshops at Stanford, in which participants create performing arts about the social aspects of California wildfires, including the impact on underrepresented groups such as inmate firefighters. -
Lisa Rennels
Postdoctoral Scholar, Environmental Social Sciences
Biopersonal website (more frequently updated):
Lane D. Smith
Postdoctoral Scholar, Energy Science and Engineering
BioLane D. Smith is a postdoctoral scholar working with the Climate and Energy Policy Program at Stanford University. His research interests include energy policy, electricity rate design, energy affordability, and macro-energy systems (with a particular focus on the electric grid). Lane holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington (2024 and 2019, respectively) and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Denver (2018).
Suihong Song
Postdoctoral Scholar, Energy Resources Engineering
BioSuihong Song collaborates with Professor Tapan Mukerji at the Stanford Center for Earth Resources Forecast (SCERF) as a postdoctoral scholar. His research is centered on integrating machine learning with geosciences, specifically focusing on machine learning-based reservoir characterization and geomodelling, Physics-informed Neural Networks (PINNs) and neural operators as well as their applications in porous flow simulations, neural networks-based surrogate and inversion, decision-making under uncertainty, and machine learning-based geological interpretation of well logs and seismic data. These research endeavors have practical applications in managing underground water resources, oil and gas exploration, geological storage of CO2, and the evaluation of hydrothermal and natural hydrogen, among others.Song proposed GANSim, an abbreviation for Generative Adversarial Networks-based reservoir simulation, which presents a reservoir geomodelling workflow. This innovative approach has been successfully implemented in various 3D field reservoirs by international oil companies, including ExxonMobil.
Griffin Srednick
Postdoctoral Scholar, Oceans
BioI am currently an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford. I am a community ecologist broadly focused on the spatiotemporal dynamics of marine communities. My postdoctoral research is focused on how coral reef communities recover from disturbance and how they will respond to the effects of climate change. This research is conducted within the Moorea NSF funded Long Term Ecological Research program where I examine how spatiotemporal heterogeneity in coral communities can promote community resilience. This research leverages oceanographic modeling with coral reef ecology to understand how coral communities recover following disturbance. My scientific interests revolve around understanding the complex architecture of ecosystems and how applying holistic understanding of ecosystems can broaden conservation and restoration approaches.
Rafael Stern
Postdoctoral Scholar, Earth System Science
BioRafael Stern was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is 35 years old, and married to Gal. Rafael has a BSc in Geography from the Geosciences Department of Universidade Federal Fluminense, in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He has a MSc from the Climate and Environment Department of the National Institute of Amazon Research in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, with the supervision of prof. Paulo Artaxo, and he measured the physical and chemical properties of atmospheric particles during forest fires season in the Amazon rainforest. He has a PhD from the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, with the supervision of prof. Dan Yakir, and he used a mobile eddy covariance station to compare the biogeophysical and biogeochemical effects of different ecosystems and of PV fields on drylands.
Luwen Wan
Postdoctoral Scholar, Earth System Science
BioLuwen is a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, working with Dr. Kate Maher, Professor at Stanford University in the Department of Earth System Science. Her postdoctoral research focuses on developing tools for tracking the recovery and activity of the North American beaver from a computer version and evaluating beaver as a tool for fostering sustainable waterways. She received her Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Science from Michigan State University, where she worked on nutrient transport modeling across the Great Lakes Basin and agricultural tile drainage mapping across the US Midwest region.
Mele Wheaton
Associate Director of Program Strategy, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources
Current Role at StanfordAssociate Director of Program Strategy (E-IPER)
Alexis P. Zhao
Postdoctoral Scholar, Energy Science and Engineering
BioAlexis Pengfei Zhao received the B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Bath, U.K., in 2017 and 2021, respectively. In 2019, he was a visiting Ph.D. student at the Smart Grid Operations and Optimization Laboratory (SGOOL), Tsinghua University. From 2021 to 2024, he was an Associate Professor at the UCAS. In 2024, he joined Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, as an Ezra SYSEN Research Associate of System Engineering.
Dr. Zhao is now a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Energy Science and Engineering, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. His major research interests include Net Zero Energy Systems and Cyber-Physical-Social Systems.