Stanford University

Showing 201-300 of 340 Results

  • Savas Dimopoulos

    Savas Dimopoulos

    Hamamoto Family Professor

    BioWhat is the origin of mass? Are there other universes with different physical laws?

    Professor Dimopoulos has been searching for answers to some of the deepest mysteries of nature. Why is gravity so weak? Do elementary particles have substructure? What is the origin of mass? Are there new dimensions? Can we produce black holes in the lab?

    Elementary particle physics is entering a spectacular new era in which experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will soon shed light on such questions and lead to a new deeper theory of particle physics, replacing the Standard Model proposed forty years ago. The two leading candidates for new theories are the Supersymmetric Standard Model and theories with Large Extra Dimensions, both proposed by Professor Dimopoulos and collaborators.

    Professor Dimopoulos is collaborating on a number of experiments that use the dramatic advances in atom interferometry to do fundamental physics. These include testing Einstein’s theory of general relativity to fifteen decimal precision, atom neutrality to thirty decimals, and looking for modifications of quantum mechanics. He is also designing an atom-interferometric gravity-wave detector that will allow us to look at the universe with gravity waves instead of light, marking the dawn of gravity wave astronomy and cosmology.

  • Chitra Dinakar

    Chitra Dinakar

    Member, Maternal & Child Health Research Institute (MCHRI)

    BioDr. Chitra Dinakar is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Stanford University and the Clinical Chief of Allergy, Asthma and Immunodeficiency, Stanford Health Care. Prior to coming to Stanford she was a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City; and Director, Food Allergy Center at Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City. She completed her fellowship in Allergy/Immunology (A/I) at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio, and her residency in pediatrics at Case Western Reserve University/Metrohealth Medical Center, Ohio. She completed her medical school and pediatric residency training at JIPMER, a premier medical institution in India.

    Having had the benefit of experiencing health care in diverse settings, Dr. Dinakar is empowered with the perspective, and driven by the passion, to improve health care across the globe. Her interests and expertise include food allergies, asthma, and health care disparities, delivery, and outcomes. She serves on the editorial boards of four reputed Allergy/Immunology journals and the World Allergy Organization Web Editorial Board. She has been involved in more than 50 multi-centered, clinical trials relating to asthma and food allergies, and has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and research abstracts in prestigious journals.

    One of her current research interests is ASIAd (Allergy/Asthma Studies in Individuals of Asian Descent), that explores the Care, Cure and Prevention of Allergic conditions in individuals of Asian lineage. As part of the exploration she is collaborating with researchers from Northwestern University to study the unique food allergens prevalent in the South Asian population (please click on link: She hopes to address the significant knowledge gaps and unmet needs regarding diagnostic, treatment and preventive options available to this demographic group. Another current area of focus is development of tools to improve patient outcomes in food allergic disorders; she recently received a grant to support phase I of the project. Her other ongoing research interests include the health impact of e-cigarettes, clinical intervention trials and outcomes research in asthma, and use of e-health to improve patient outcomes.

    She is an invited speaker at national and international allergy conferences, and serves on the Board of Directors at national A/I organizations [American Board of A/I; American Academy of A/I; Joint A/I Task Force on Practice Parameters; American Academy of Pediatrics Section of A/I]. Dr. Dinakar’s honors include the following national awards: ”Distinguished Fellow", "Woman in Allergy", “Acellus Teacher of the Year”, "Award of Excellence", and an honorary “Kentucky Colonel” awarded by the Governor of Kentucky, “Best Doctors in America”, and “Kansas City SuperDocs”.

  • Jihui Ding

    Jihui Ding

    Physical Science Research Scientist

    BioJihui is interested in advancing sustainability by developing geoscience-based solutions. This includes geothermal energy, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), geological storage of renewable energy, and critical mineral exploration. Previously, Jihui utilized various experimental techniques to quantify rock behavior under different geological conditions and used modeling approaches to understand experimental observations. Currently, he is working on integrating artificial intelligence and data science into geological uncertainty quantification for an economical and safe development of geothermal energy.

  • Julie Ding

    Julie Ding

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine

    BioJulie Ding is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Stanford School of Medicine. She received her medical degree from Touro University California, and then completed Internal Medicine residency at Highland Hospital in Oakland, California. Prior to medical training, she received her B.S. from University of California Berkeley. Her professional interests include clinical reasoning, high value care, and quality improvement.

  • Jun Ding

    Jun Ding

    Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and of Neurology and Neurological Sciences

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsNeural circuits of movement control in health and movement disorders

  • Katherine Ding

    Katherine Ding

    SLE Lecturer

    BioKatherine Ding is a Lecturer for Structured Liberal Education. She received an MA in English Literature and Critical Theory from UC Irvine, and a PhD in English Literature from UC Berkeley. Prior to arriving at Stanford, she taught both critical and creative writing at Mount Tamalpais College (formerly the Prison University Project) in San Quentin, at Outer Coast College in Sikta, Alaska, and at UC Berkeley.

    Braiding creative non-fiction with critical analysis, Katherine’s dissertation on the British Romantic poet William Blake explores what it means for knowledge to be fully embodied, and what the disembodiment of knowledge has cost us. Her current book project expands that inquiry—diving into fields as diverse as the neuroscience of interoception, exercise science, anthropology, and childhood development—to explore how the human organism observes, feels, and learns in relation to others in its embodied milieu.

    In the classroom, Katherine is fascinated by the ever-shifting question of how we learn. Where do our ideas come from? What practices foster and facilitate good thinking? How might writing transform rather than simply express our thoughts and ideas? What is the relationship between reading, thinking, feeling, and writing?

  • José R. Dinneny

    José R. Dinneny

    Professor of Biology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsThe biology of root systems is governed by both micro-scale and systemic signaling that allows the plant to integrate these complex variables into growth and branching decisions that ultimately determine the efficiency resources are captured. Research in my lab is aimed at understanding the response of roots to water-limiting conditions and is exploring this process at different organizational scales from the individual cell type to the level of the whole plant.

  • Jennifer Dionne

    Jennifer Dionne

    Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

    BioJennifer Dionne is the Senior Associate Vice Provost of Research Platforms/Shared Facilities and an Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and of Radiology (by courtesy) at Stanford. Jen received her Ph.D. in Applied Physics at the California Institute of Technology, advised by Harry Atwater, and B.S. degrees in Physics and Systems & Electrical Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis. Prior to joining Stanford, she served as a postdoctoral researcher in Chemistry at Berkeley, advised by Paul Alivisatos. Jen's research develops nanophotonic methods to observe and control chemical and biological processes as they unfold with nanometer scale resolution, emphasizing critical challenges in global health and sustainability. Her work has been recognized with the Alan T. Waterman Award (2019), an NIH Director's New Innovator Award (2019), a Moore Inventor Fellowship (2017), the Materials Research Society Young Investigator Award (2017), Adolph Lomb Medal (2016), Sloan Foundation Fellowship (2015), and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (2014), and was featured on Oprah’s list of “50 Things that will make you say ‘Wow!'"

  • Sharon DiPierro

    Sharon DiPierro

    Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics - General Pediatrics

    BioDr. Sharon DiPierro is a pediatrician and mother of three who is devoted to improving child and community health. She has teamed up with the local health department and county parks to prescribe nature to improve physical, mental, and social wellness. She is working to increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables for all families. She also enjoys teaching Stanford pediatric residents.

    Since 2013, Dr. DiPierro has worked at Ravenswood Family Health Center, a federally qualified health center that serves mostly immigrant families in East Palo Alto. She completed her undergraduate and medical degrees at Brown University, and her pediatric training at UC Davis.

  • Kevin DiPirro

    Kevin DiPirro

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Rhetoric of Performance; Multimodal Presentation; Devised Theatre; Art and Technology

  • Ana C. DiRago, Ph.D.

    Ana C. DiRago, Ph.D.

    Academic Staff - Hourly - CSL, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    BioDr. DiRago is a bilingual (Spanish) licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in diagnostic psychological and neuropsychological evaluations of individuals across the lifespan. In her role as Adjunct Professor, she teaches and supervises fellows in the Stanford Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Program. She is a member of the Program in Psychiatry and the Law.

  • Frederick M. Dirbas, MD

    Frederick M. Dirbas, MD

    Associate Professor of Surgery (General Surgery)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsCurrently collaborating with Dr's Aaron Newman and Michael Clarke to study cancer stem cells associated with triple negative breast cancer. Advancing studies of FLASH radiotherapy in preclinical models for potential future use in humans. Investigating preclinical use of high dose gaseous nitric oxide in the treatment of solid tumors.

  • Elizabeth DiRenzo, PhD

    Elizabeth DiRenzo, PhD

    Associate Professor of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery (OHNS) and, by courtesy, of Music
    On Partial Leave from 09/09/2024 To 11/01/2024

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Erickson DiRenzo's laboratory integrates research techniques from the basic and clinical sciences to improve the prevention and management of voice disorders.

  • Rodolfo Dirzo

    Rodolfo Dirzo

    Associate Dean for Integrative Initiatives in Environmental Justice, Bing Prof in Environmental Science, Professor of Earth System Science and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsEcological and evolutionary aspects of plant-animal interactions, largely but not exclusively, in tropical forest ecosystems.
    Conservation biology in tropical ecosystems.
    Studies on biodiversity.
    Education, at all levels, on scientific practice, ecology and biodiversity conservation.

  • Sibyl Diver

    Sibyl Diver


    BioDr. Sibyl Diver is an interdisciplinary environmental scientist, a lecturer at Stanford University in the Earth Systems Program, and co-director for the Stanford Environmental Justice Working Group. She does community-engaged research on Indigenous water governance from an allied perspective, focusing on Pacific Northwest salmon watersheds. This includes research on co-management (or collaborative management) arrangements between Indigenous communities and state agencies. She received her PhD from Berkeley's Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, where she helped build the Karuk-UC Berkeley Collaborative, a group supporting the Karuk Tribe's eco-cultural revitalization strategy in Northern California. Current work includes conducting a social impact assessment of Klamath dam removal with the Karuk Tribe.

    For over two decades, Sibyl has worked in partnership with community leaders on issues of Indigenous peoples and salmon around the North Pacific – in the Russian Far East, Alaska, Canada and the US. Previous to graduate school, she spent eight years doing international conservation work and facilitating international exchanges with community leaders as a Russian translator -- an experience that introduced her to the deep connections between salmon conservation and Indigenous peoples. She completed her undergraduate work at Stanford, earning a dual degree in Human Biology and Russian.

    For publications and CV, please see

  • Vasu Divi, MD

    Vasu Divi, MD

    Associate Professor of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery (OHNS)

    BioDr. Vasu Divi is a distinguished expert in the field of head and neck cancer treatment, renowned for his dual roles as a cancer surgeon and reconstructive surgeon. With a specialized focus on high-risk and advanced skin cancers, oral cavity cancers, and osteoradionecrosis of the head and neck, Dr. Divi stands at the forefront of medical innovation. As a national authority in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, Dr. Divi spearheads Stanford's clinical trial program dedicated to this condition. His trial portfolio encompasses both neoadjuvant and adjuvant applications of immunotherapy, reflecting his commitment to advancing treatment methodologies. Actively engaged in research, Dr. Divi endeavors to define the optimal treatment approach for this disease, integrating immunotherapy to enhance patient outcomes.

  • Anjali Dixit, MD, MPH

    Anjali Dixit, MD, MPH

    Instructor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine

    BioI am a pediatric anesthesiologist and health services researcher. My research focuses on outcomes in pediatric and adult surgical patients, management of pain and use of opioids in the perioperative period, and prevention and treatment of substance use disorders. My clinical care and research are both grounded in a desire to provide safe, equitable healthcare to all patients, particularly during high-risk or stressful events such as surgery.

  • Lance Dixon

    Lance Dixon

    Professor of Particle Physics and Astrophysics

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsI am interested in novel descriptions of how relativistic particles scattering, and how those insights can be applied to a variety of problems. Applications include precision QCD for the Large Hadron Collider; scattering in "toy models" such as N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory where an all orders solution seems feasible in the planar limit; the ultraviolet structure of quantum gravity; and problems in classical gravity such as gravitational radiation from compact binary inspiral.

  • Scott Dixon

    Scott Dixon

    Associate Professor of Biology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy lab is interested in the relationship between cell death and metabolism. Using techniques drawn from many disciplines my laboratory is investigating how perturbation of intracellular metabolic networks can result in novel forms of cell death, such as ferroptosis. We are interested in applying this knowledge to find new ways to treat diseases characterized by insufficient (e.g. cancer) or excessive (e.g. neurodegeneration) cell death.

  • Diana Do, MD

    Diana Do, MD

    Professor of Ophthalmology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Do's research focuses on collaborative clinical trials to investigate novel treatments for retinal vascular diseases and ocular inflammation. She performs research to develop state of the art therapies for age-related macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, retinal vein occlusion, retinal inflammation, and retinal detachment.

  • Amy D. Dobberfuhl, MD, MS

    Amy D. Dobberfuhl, MD, MS

    Assistant Professor of Urology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Dobberfuhl's current clinical practice includes: Pelvic Reconstruction, Neurourology, and Voiding Dysfunction.

  • Jasmine Dobbs-Marsh, PsyD

    Jasmine Dobbs-Marsh, PsyD

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    BioDr. Jasmine Dobbs-Marsh is a licensed psychologist who specializes in the management of trauma, complex trauma, interpersonal anxiety, mood disorders, and identity-related concerns. She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium and her BA with Distinction in Psychology and Political Science from Stanford University. She completed her clinical internship at the UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services and her postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. She provides psychotherapy and clinical supervision from an intersectional lens. Dr. Dobbs-Marsh currently serves patients through the DBT, PTSD, and THRIVE Clinics at Stanford School of Medicine. Within the DBT Clinic, she provides individual DBT, DBT Skills Group, and specialized care through the DBT-Trauma program and the DBT Couple and Family Program.

  • Dylan Dodd

    Dylan Dodd

    Assistant Professor of Pathology and of Microbiology and Immunology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsHarnessing the gut microbiome to treat human disease.

  • Robert Dodd, MD, PhD

    Robert Dodd, MD, PhD

    Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, of Radiology and, by courtesy, of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery (OHNS)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Dodd is involved in clinical trials using endovascular coils that have a fiber coating that help heal aneurysms of the neck and can prevent an aneurysm from reforming. He uses minimally invasive endoscopic techniques to treat brain tumors.

    Dodd's research interests are in cerebral blood vessel reactivity and stroke.

  • Leana Doherty, MD

    Leana Doherty, MD

    Clinical Associate Professor, Neurology & Neurological Sciences

    BioDr. Doherty is a board-certified, fellowship-trained neurologist with Stanford Health Care. She is also a clinical associate professor in the Department of Neurology & Neurological Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine.

    Dr. Doherty specializes in Guillain-Barre syndrome, myasthenia gravis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and other neuroinflammatory, neuromuscular, and general neurologic conditions.

    Her research interests include the diagnosis and management of neuromuscular disorders, and quality improvement for inpatient neurologic treatment and management. She has won numerous awards for her research, clinical, and teaching expertise in neurology.

    Dr. Doherty has published in several peer-reviewed journals including Neurology, Neuromuscular Disorders, and Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation. She has delivered presentations around the county and lectured before an international audience of neurology residents. Dr. Doherty serves as co-associate editor of Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology (interACTN) and associate editor of New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Journal Watch Neurology. She is on the editorial board of The Neurohospitalist.

    Dr. Doherty is a member of the American Academy of Neurology, American Neurological Association, Neurohospitalist Society, and Peripheral Nerve Society.

  • Milana V. Dolezal, MD, MSci

    Milana V. Dolezal, MD, MSci

    Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine - Oncology

    BioDr. Dolezal is a board-certified hematologist-oncologist with Stanford Medicine Cancer Center in Emeryville and a clinical associate professor in the Stanford School of Medicine, Division of Oncology.

    She strives to work with patients to develop care plans that are comprehensive and personalized achieve the best possible outcomes and quality of life.

    Dr. Dolezal also has extensive experience in research and drug development. She previously held positions as a clinical scientist, assistant medical director, and associate medical director in the BioOncology Therapeutics unit of the biotechnology company Genentech.

    She has conducted clinical research into fertility preservation in patients with breast cancer, advanced treatments for triple-negative breast cancer, and patients’ adherence to anti-cancer therapy. She has co-authored articles on her research findings that appeared in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Cancer, and other peer-reviewed publications.

    She also co-authored the chapter “Progression from Hormone-Dependent to Hormone-Independent Breast Cancer” in the textbook Hormones, Genes and Cancer published by Oxford University Press.

    Dr. Dolezal has made presentations to her peers at meetings of the American Association for Cancer Research, American Society of Clinical Oncology, and European Cancer Organisation.

  • Ben Domingue

    Ben Domingue

    Associate Professor of Education and, by courtesy, of Sociology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsI'm interested in models for psychological measurement and their uses alongside applied statistical projects of all kinds.

  • Pablo Domizi, Ph.D.

    Pablo Domizi, Ph.D.

    Instructor, Pediatrics - Hematology & Oncology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsUnderstanding phenotypic flexibility in B-cell ALL and its impact on CAR-T therapy success. Integration of single cell RNA and protein expression data to build models to predict patients at risk of Antigen Loss relapse after CAR-T cell immunotherapies.

  • Joseph P. Donahue

    Joseph P. Donahue

    Clinical Associate Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery

    BioDr. Donahue is a Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon with Subspecialty Certification in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. He is fellowship trained and specializes in Arthroscopic and Minimally Invasive Reconstructive Surgery of the Shoulder and Knee, and Sports Medicine.

    Dr. Donahue received his undergraduate degree from Stanford University and his Doctor of Medicine from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He completed his residency in Orthopedic Surgery at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center (NYC), Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (NYC), and the Alfred I. duPont Institute (DE), and went on to a fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine at the Stanford/SOAR Sports Medicine Fellowship Program.

    Dr. Donahue’s interests include arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder and knee. He specializes in anterior cruciate ligament injuries, shoulder instability, and rotator cuff tears. He has done research on both shoulder instability and rotator cuff tears and has developed new techniques and medical devices for rotator cuff and all soft tissue repairs. He has started and actively serves on the medical advisory board for several surgical device companies and continues to design new surgical devices for arthroscopic procedures. He has authored several device patents and journal articles.

    Dr. Donahue has been a member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and a Diplomat of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery. He is also member of the Arthroscopy Association of North America, the American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine, the California Orthopedic Association, The International Knee Society, the California Medical Association, and the Santa Clara Medical Society.

    Dr. Donahue has served as the Program Director of the SOAR Orthopedic Sports Medicine Fellowship Program. He has served as the Director of Santa Clara University’s Sports Medicine Program and the Head Team Physician for all of Santa Clara University’s athletic teams, a team physician for the San Francisco 49ers, the San Francisco Giants, the Stanford Athletic Department, and many other area collegiate and high school teams.

  • Sarah S. Donaldson, MD

    Sarah S. Donaldson, MD

    Catharine and Howard Avery Professor in the School of Medicine, Emerita

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsCombined Modality Treatment of Cancer
    Late Effects of Treatment
    Genetic Effects of Cancer
    Hodgkins Disease
    Pediatric Radiation Oncolgy
    Pediatric Oncolgy
    Breast Cancer
    Conformal Radiotherapy/IMRT
    Radiotherapy for Benign Diseases

  • Fei Dong

    Fei Dong

    Associate Professor of Pathology

    BioDr. Dong is the Associate Director of Molecular Pathology at Stanford Health Care. His clinical interests include the implementation and interpretation of laboratory developed tests in diagnosis and patient care. Previous accomplishments include the development of novel bioinformatics algorithms to infer microsatellite instability and allogeneic contamination from cancer sequencing data. Before arriving at Stanford, Dr. Dong was on faculty at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School for nine years, where he established a track record in education and mentorship and was the recipient of both the Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology resident teaching awards. Dr. Dong has served on national/international committees for the Association for Molecular Pathology, the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, and the College of American Pathologists and serves on the editorial boards of multiple academic journals, including the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, the Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, and Modern Pathology.

  • Sebastian Doniach

    Sebastian Doniach

    Professor of Applied Physics and of Physics, Emeritus

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsStudy of changes in conformation of proteins and RNA using x-ray scattering

  • Joseph Donnelly, MD

    Joseph Donnelly, MD

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery

    BioDr. Donnelly is a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon with subspecialty board certification in orthopaedic sports medicine. He is the medical director of Sports Medicine and the vice chief of Orthopaedics for Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley. He is also a clinical assistant professor at Stanford University School of Medicine.

    As a clinician, Dr. Donnelly delivers comprehensive prevention and treatment strategies for sports-related orthopaedic trauma. He specializes in the arthroscopic treatment of disorders of the shoulder and knee. He provides particular expertise in minimally invasive and tissue-sparing surgery such as all-inside ACL reconstruction and arthroscopic fixation of shoulder rotator cuff tears.

    He has extensive experience providing game coverage and athletic trainer support for teams including the Oakland Athletics of Major League Baseball as well as high school and college teams. He also has made numerous presentations to educate the community regarding prevention, evaluation, and treatment of injuries in athletes.

  • David Donoho

    David Donoho

    Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences

    BioDavid Donoho is a mathematician who has made fundamental contributions to theoretical and computational statistics, as well as to signal processing and harmonic analysis. His algorithms have contributed significantly to our understanding of the maximum entropy principle, of the structure of robust procedures, and of sparse data description.

    Research Statement:
    My theoretical research interests have focused on the mathematics of statistical inference and on theoretical questions arising in applying harmonic analysis to various applied problems. My applied research interests have ranged from data visualization to various problems in scientific signal processing, image processing, and inverse problems.

  • Les Dorfman, MD

    Les Dorfman, MD

    Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Emeritus

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsClinical electrophysiology of the peripheral and central nervous systems, including nerve conduction velocity; electromyography (EMG); and visual, auditory and somatosensory evoked potentials. Multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis and treatment. Neurological education.

  • Rowan Dorin

    Rowan Dorin

    Associate Professor of History

    BioI am a historian of western Europe and the Mediterranean, primarily during the high and late Middle Ages. Much of my research tries to understand how law and society interact with each other, especially where legal norms conflict with social practices. Another strand of my research explores the history of economic life and economic thought, especially medieval debates over usury and moneylending. I have also written on the circulation of goods, people, and ideas in the medieval Mediterranean.

    My first book (No Return: Jews, Christian Usurers, and the Spread of Mass Expulsion in Medieval Europe, Princeton University Press) uses the banishment of Jewish and Christian moneylenders to explore the rise of mass expulsion as a widespread practice in the later Middle Ages. A second ongoing project examines the ways in which medieval canon law was adapted, reinterpreted, or resisted in local contexts in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The latter builds on Corpus Synodalium, a prize-winning full-text database of late medieval local ecclesiastical legislation that I have been developing since 2016, with assistance from colleagues around the world.

    Born and raised in western Canada, I did my undergraduate and doctoral work at Harvard University, earning an MPhil in Medieval History from the University of Cambridge along the way. Before coming to Stanford, I was a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows.

  • Rajiv Doshi, MD

    Rajiv Doshi, MD

    Adjunct Professor and Director, India Biodesign Program, Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Rajiv Doshi serves as an Adjunct Professor of Medicine and as the Director of the India Program at the Byers Center for Biodesign. Dr. Doshi is also the co-Director of the India-based Founders Forum, an executive education training program for India’s leading health technology entrepreneurs. He has also advised the Government of India and various Indian state governments in the development of policies that support Indian health technology innovation.

  • Chrysoula Dosiou

    Chrysoula Dosiou

    Clinical Professor, Medicine - Endocrinology, Gerontology, & Metabolism

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsI am highly interested in the interactions between the endocrine and immune systems in women. Current clinical research interests lie in the field of autoimmune thyroid disease, especially thyroid autoimmunity in pregnancy.

  • Lyn Dos Santos

    Lyn Dos Santos

    Clinical Professor, Pediatrics

    BioDr. Lyn Dos Santos is Clinical Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine. She did her Pediatrics Internship and Residency at Rush Presbyterian Medical Center in Chicago, IL and a Fellowship in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at the Children's Hospital of Michigan, Wayne State University, Detroit MI. Following her clinical training, she practiced Pediatric Emergency Pediatrics for about 10 years in the Midwest and moved onto Pediatric Hospital medicine at Stanford in 2002. She is currently the Medical Director of the Pediatric Hospitalist Program at John Muir Medical Center; her special clinical interests are in Safety and Quality and surgical co-management.
    She also has a special interest in leadership and building resilient, cohesive teams and has become a champion for Physician Wellness in Hospital Medicine.

  • James R. Doty, M.D.

    James R. Doty, M.D.

    Adjunct Professor, Medicine - Primary Care and Population Health

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy interest for many years has focused on neuro-oncology (brain tumors) and utilizing both surgery and stereotactically focused radiation to treat solid tumors of the nervous system primarily utilizing the CyberKnife.

    In addition, I am an expert in complex and minimally invasive spine surgery.

    More recently, my interests revolve around understanding the neural, social and mental bases of compassion and altruism using a multi-disciplinary approach.

  • Anthony G. Doufas, M.D., Ph.D.

    Anthony G. Doufas, M.D., Ph.D.

    Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine (MSD)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research focuses on the relationship between sleep abnormalities and pain behavior and opioid pharmacology in the postoperative, as well as chronic pain setting. More specifically, I am interested in delineating the effect of the different components of sleep-diosordered breathing, like nocturnal recurrent hypoxemia and sleep fragmentation on pain behavior in the acute and/or chronic care setting.

  • N. Lance Downing

    N. Lance Downing

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine - Biomedical Informatics Research

    BioI am board-certified internal medicine and clinical informatics. I am a primary care physician and teaching hospitalist. I have published work in the New England Journal of Medicine, Health Affairs, Annals of Internal Medicine, and the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. My primary focus throughout my career has been to deliver personalized and compassionate care that incorporates the latest advancements in medical science. I aim to help all of my patients maximize their healthspan and age with the best quality of life possible.

  • Persis Drell

    Persis Drell

    Provost, Emerita, James and Anna Marie Spilker Professor, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and of Physics

    BioPersis Drell is the James and Anna Marie Spilker Professor in the School of Engineering, a professor of materials science and engineering, and a professor of physics. From Feb 1, 2017 to Sept. 30, 2023, Drell was the provost of Stanford University.

    Prior to her appointment as provost in February 2017, she was dean of the Stanford School of Engineering from 2014 to 2017 and director of U.S. Department of Energy SLAC National Acceleratory Laboratory from 2007 to 2012.

    She earned her bachelor’s degree in mathematics and physics from Wellesley College and her PhD in atomic physics from UC Berkeley. Before joining the faculty at Stanford in 2002, she was a faculty member in the physics department at Cornell University for 14 years.

  • Leora Dresselhaus-Marais

    Leora Dresselhaus-Marais

    Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, of Photon Science and, by courtesy, of Mechanical Engineering

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy group develops new methods to update old processes in metals manufacturing

  • Ron Dror

    Ron Dror

    Cheriton Family Professor and Professor, by courtesy, of Structural Biology and of Molecular & Cellular Physiology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy lab’s research focuses on computational biology, with an emphasis on 3D molecular structure. We combine two approaches: (1) Bottom-up: given the basic physics governing atomic interactions, use simulations to predict molecular behavior; (2) Top-down: given experimental data, use machine learning to predict molecular structures and properties. We collaborate closely with experimentalists and apply our methods to the discovery of safer, more effective drugs.

  • David Drover

    David Drover

    Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine (MSD)
    On Partial Leave from 05/01/2024 To 01/31/2025

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsField of clinical pharmacology. This involves analysis of what the body does to a drug (pharmacokinetics) and how exactly a specific drug affects the body (pharmacodynamics). His research starts at the level of new drug development with detailed analysis of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a medication.

  • Shaul Druckmann

    Shaul Druckmann

    Associate Professor of Neurobiology, of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and, by courtesy, of Electrical Engineering

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsOur research goal is to understand how dynamics in neuronal circuits relate and constrain the representation of information and computations upon it. We adopt three synergistic strategies: First, we analyze neural circuit population recordings to better understand the relation between neural dynamics and behavior, Second, we theoretically explore the types of dynamics that could be associated with particular network computations. Third, we analyze the structural properties of neural circuits.

  • Maurice L. Druzin

    Maurice L. Druzin

    Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Maternal Fetal Medicine and Obstetrics) and, by courtesy, of Pediatrics

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsAntepartum and intrapartum fetal monitoring Prenatal diagnosis Medical complications of pregnancy, particularly: SLE, hypertension, diabetes, malignancy A.

  • Tianwei Du

    Tianwei Du

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    BioDr. Du's clinical interests focus on providing evidence-based treatment to individuals with emotion dysregulation, interpersonal difficulties, and/or complex trauma. She is also passionate about addressing diversity factors in clinical work. Dr. Du provides services in the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Adult Program and the Anxiety and Depression Adult Psychological Treatment (ADAPT) Clinic. Dr. Du is a bilingual clinician speaking English and Mandarin.

    Dr. Du's research focuses on exploring the roles of interpersonal processes and personality in psychopathology, and she has published widely on this topic. Dr. Du also participated in a variety of clinical trials to help develop and improve evidence-based interventions for individuals with complex clinical presentations and populations with limited access to mental health care.

  • Justin Du Bois

    Justin Du Bois

    Henry Dreyfus Professor of Chemistry and Professor, by courtesy, of Chemical and Systems Biology

    BioResearch and Scholarship

    Research in the Du Bois laboratory spans reaction methods development, natural product synthesis, and chemical biology, and draws on expertise in molecular design, molecular recognition, and physical organic chemistry. An outstanding goal of our program has been to develop C–H bond functionalization processes as general methods for organic chemistry, and to demonstrate how such tools can impact the logic of chemical synthesis. A second area of interest focuses on the role of ion channels in electrical conduction and the specific involvement of channel subtypes in the sensation of pain. This work is enabled in part through the advent of small molecule modulators of channel function.

    The Du Bois group has described new tactics for the selective conversion of saturated C–H to C–N and C–O bonds. These methods have general utility in synthesis, making possible the single-step incorporation of nitrogen and oxygen functional groups and thus simplifying the process of assembling complex molecules. To date, lab members have employed these versatile oxidation technologies to prepare natural products that include manzacidin A and C, agelastatin, tetrodotoxin, and saxitoxin. Detailed mechanistic studies of metal-catalyzed C–H functionalization reactions are performed in parallel with process development and chemical synthesis. These efforts ultimately give way to advances in catalyst design. A long-standing goal of this program is to identify robust catalyst systems that afford absolute control of reaction selectivity.

    In a second program area, the Du Bois group is exploring voltage-gated ion channel structure and function using the tools of chemistry in combination with those of molecular biology, electrophysiology, microscopy and mass spectrometry. Much of this work has focused on studies of eukaryotic Na and Cl ion channels. The Du Bois lab is interested in understanding the biochemical mechanisms that underlie channel subtype regulation and how such processes may be altered following nerve injury. Small molecule toxins serve as lead compounds for the design of isoform-selective channel modulators, affinity reagents, and fluorescence imaging probes. Access to toxins and modified forms thereof (including saxitoxin, gonyautoxin, batrachotoxin, and veratridine) through de novo synthesis drives studies to elucidate toxin-receptor interactions and to develop new pharmacologic tools to study ion channel function in primary cells and murine pain models.

  • Monica M. Dua, MD

    Monica M. Dua, MD

    Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery - General Surgery

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsTechnical aspects of minimally invasive pancreatic and liver surgery
    Minimally invasive strategies for the management of pancreatic necrosis
    Management of severe acute pancreatitis – academic vs community treatment
    Multidisciplinary treatment of HCC; institutional barriers to appropriate referral/ care
    Endocrine/exocrine insufficiency after pancreatectomy; volumetric assessment
    Natural history and management of pancreatic cysts

  • Dawn Duane

    Dawn Duane

    Clinical Professor, Neurology
    Clinical Professor (By courtesy), Pediatrics

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsI am a general pediatric neurologist. My interest is in clinical diagnosis and treatment of common neurologic diseases in pediatric patients and teaching feature doctors, neurologists and pediatric neurologists about pediatric neurology.

  • Catherine Duarte

    Catherine Duarte

    Instructor, Epidemiology and Population Health

    BioDr. Catherine Duarte is an IDEAL Provostial Fellow based in the Department of Epidemiology & Population Health at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. She received her PhD in Epidemiology from the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health and her Master of Science in Social and Behavioral Sciences from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. As a doctoral student, Duarte was selected to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Health Policy Research Scholars Program - a national leadership training program bringing together scholars from across academic disciplines whose applied research seeks to contribute to building healthier and more equitable communities. Duarte’s work specifically focuses on examining how education and legal system policy and practices may shape racial health inequities throughout the life course. In so doing, her work aims to contribute to systems-level interventions designed to support health equity and wellbeing for collective thriving.

  • Anne Dubin

    Anne Dubin

    Endowed Professor of Pediatric Cardiology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsArrhythmia management in pediatric heart failure, especially resynchronization therapy in congenital heart disease,Radio frequency catheter ablation of pediatric arrhythmias,

  • Anthony DuBose

    Anthony DuBose

    Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine - Primary Care and Population Health

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSoft tissue musculoskeletal injuries with focus on repetitive strain injuries

  • Alfredo Dubra, PhD

    Alfredo Dubra, PhD

    Professor of Ophthalmology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsOur lab seeks to help the early diagnosing and monitoring progression of ocular, vascular, neurodegenerative and systemic diseases through novel non-invasive optical ophthalmic imaging. We pursue this goal through a multidisciplinary approach that integrates optics, computer science, vision science, electrical engineering and other engineering disciplines.

  • Piotr Dubrowski

    Piotr Dubrowski

    Clinical Instructor, Radiation Oncology - Radiation Physics

    BioPiotr Dubrowski is a Canadian trained and board-certified Therapy Medical Physicist. Throughout his career Piotr has had the opportunity to bring several new Cancer Clinics operational from the ground up, where he was able to hone a broad, systems-approach to Radiation Oncology. He was recently promoted to Associate Quality Director of Physics responsible for improving patient safety and workflow/technology improvements across a wide cancer care network. Piotr’s research interests focus mainly on improving the treatment planning process and increasing clinic safety through software development and hardware 3D-print prototyping. Additionally, Piotr has sought out opportunities to give back to the Global community with participation in the Stanford Global Radiation Oncology Outreach efforts expanding education and access to care in Tanzania and Kenya and throughout the developing world via online Radiation Therapy courses.