Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

Showing 1-47 of 47 Results

  • Christine Alfano

    Christine Alfano

    Senior Lecturer in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Digital Rhetoric, Rhetoric of Gaming, Visual Rhetoric, Gender and Technology, Writing Program Administration

  • Mutallip Anwar

    Mutallip Anwar


    BioMutallip Anwar completed his PhD in Language & Rhetoric at the University of Washington. Prior to joining PWR, he taught college writing courses at the University of Washington and Highline College. His primary teaching and research interests include rhetoric and composition studies, language education, discourse analysis, and translation.

  • Shaleen Brawn

    Shaleen Brawn

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Rhetoric of Science and Technology, Science Communication, Publishing as Process and Institution

  • Nissa Ren Cannon

    Nissa Ren Cannon


    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research focuses on transatlantic modernism, citizenship, and print culture. My book project, which was chosen for the 2019 Penn State First Book Institute, argues that the bureaucratic and literary documents of interwar itinerancy–including passports, travel ephemera, and newspapers–shape expatriation as a distinct mode of national belonging.

  • Laura Joyce Davis

    Laura Joyce Davis


    BioLaura Joyce Davis teaches podcasting at Stanford University, where she helps students turn climate change research into planet-saving stories, and manages production for the award-winning State of the Human. She is the CEO and cofounder of Narrative Podcasts, the Executive Producer of Shelter in Place, and a Podcast Magazine Top Influencer in Podcasting. Her work has been recognized with a Social Impact Award for Mentoring and DEI initiatives, a Fulbright scholarship, a Poet & Writers Exchange Award, and the International Women’s Podcasting Award for “Changing the World One Moment at a Time.”

  • Tara Dosumu Diener

    Tara Dosumu Diener

    PWR Lecturer

    BioTara received a Ph.D. in Anthropology and History from the University of Michigan in 2016 and a Graduate Certificate in Science, Technology, and Society in 2014. Prior to graduate studies at Michigan, she practiced as a Registered Nurse in obstetrics and pediatrics while earning an M.A. in Bioethics, Humanities, and Society from the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences (CEHLS) at Michigan State University. She has taught courses in creative non-fiction writing, medical, biological, and sociocultural anthropology, international and African studies, global health, political science, and the history of medicine in the US, Western Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa. She is an anthropologist and historian of medicine, maternal and infant health and mortality, global health (non)systems, and nursing ethics and practice. She is proficient in both archival and ethnographic methods and her previous projects have focused on the United Kingdom and Sierra Leone.

  • Kevin DiPirro

    Kevin DiPirro

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Rhetoric of Performance; Multimodal Presentation; Devised Theatre; Art and Technology

  • Erik Ellis

    Erik Ellis

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Multimodal Composition, Visual Rhetoric, The Essay, Style, Picture Books

  • Norah Fahim

    Norah Fahim

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Digital Rhetoric, Narrative Inquiry, Writing Program Administration, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and Second Language Writing

  • Lindsey Felt

    Lindsey Felt


    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: 20th and 21st Century American Literature, Disability Studies, Media Culture, Science and Technology Studies, Graphic Narrative, Digital Humanities, Posthumanism.

  • Megan Formato

    Megan Formato

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: History of Science and Technology; Rhetoric of Science; Literature and Science; Science and Technology Studies; Scientific Writing Practices; Women and Science; Revision Practices

  • Thomas Freeland

    Thomas Freeland

    Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Theatre (Shakespeare, German Theatre, Shakespeare in German); Critical Theory, Literature in Translation, German Literature, History of the American West, European History, Political Science

  • Mark Gardiner

    Mark Gardiner


    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Social and Cultural Anthropology, African Studies, Environmental Justice, Race, Critical Science and Technology Studies, Politics, Institutions, International Development

  • Alexander Greenhough

    Alexander Greenhough


    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSpecialization: Film Theory; Film History; Postwar European and American Cinema; Contemporary New Zealand Cinema

  • Shannon Hervey

    Shannon Hervey

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Cold War Literature and Culture, Popular American Literature and Culture, Young Adult Literature, Posthumanism, the Digital Humanities, Writing Pedagogy, and Multimodal Composition

  • Harriett Virginia-Ann Jernigan

    Harriett Virginia-Ann Jernigan


    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsLearner autonomy; task-, literacy-, and project-based instruction; storytelling, critical race theory (CRT); cultural rhetorics; large language models

    Writing across the disciplines; Humanities 2.0; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in pedagogy; social geography; presentation culture and public speaking

  • Jennifer Johnson

    Jennifer Johnson

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Intersections of Language, Identity and Culture, Sociocultural Studies in Education, Second Language Acquisition Theory and Bilingualism, Multimodal Communication and Theories of Embodiment, Deaf Studies

  • Christopher Kamrath

    Christopher Kamrath

    Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Citizenship and Political Dissent, Media History, Cultural Memory, the Role of Cultural Identity and Self-Fashioning in Rhetoric

  • Hayden Kantor

    Hayden Kantor


    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsFood and agriculture; ethnographic writing; rhetorics of capitalism; ethics of care; culture and history of India and South Asia

  • Nora Kassner

    Nora Kassner


    BioNora Kassner (she/they) is a career-track Lecturer in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University. Educated at the University of California, Santa Barbara with a Ph.D. in history and a concentration in feminist studies, Nora’s research explores the operation of race, gender, and sexuality in 20th century U.S. child welfare policy. Her dissertation, “Hard to Place: Gay and Lesbian Foster Families and the Remaking of U.S. Family Policy,” won the 2024 John D’Emilio award for the best dissertation in U.S. LGBTQ studies from the Organization of American Historians. Nora is currently in the process of adapting this dissertation into a monograph. Prior to their academic career, Nora worked as a community organizer, and a commitment to public engagement remains central to their work.

  • Valerie Kinsey

    Valerie Kinsey

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Writing and Critical Thinking Instruction; Institutional Rhetorics; Rhetorics of Race and Gender; Creative Writing; Philosophy and Rhetoric; Historiography; American History and Literature

  • Raechel Lee

    Raechel Lee


    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: 20 - 21st century Latin American Literatures and Cultures; Creative Writing; Translation; Poetry

  • Helen Lie

    Helen Lie

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Communication Pedagogy; Visual Communication; Presentation Skills

  • Sangeeta Mediratta

    Sangeeta Mediratta

    PWR Lecturer

    BioSangeeta Mediratta returns to PWR after a sojourn in Stanford Global Studies as Associate Director. She has served as Teaching Fellow and then Lecturer over five years in the past and returns with ever-greater enthusiasm for the teaching of writing and for working with her students. At Stanford, she has taught classes on rhetoric and writing, literature and film. Her PWR classes currently focus on maps, borders, networks, objects, and objectification. She loves learning about and helping her students develop their personalized research projects.

    She completed her Ph.D. from University of California, San Diego in English Literature. Her dissertation :Bazaars, Cannibals, and Sepoys: Sensationalism and Transnational Cultures of Empire" studied at the ways texts, objects, and spectacles in the U.S. and Britain drew upon imperial stories and objects to critique contemporary social evils such as slavery, class injustice, and the Corn Laws. She has also written on world cinema, popular culture, disability studies, as well as gender and race studies.

    Her current research focuses on the materiality of writing and on how students use culture as a way to build campus communities. She is also interested in student activism and empathy as a mode of living, connecting, writing, and being.

  • Kevin C. Moore

    Kevin C. Moore


    BioKevin C. Moore is a Lecturer in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR), and the Coordinator of PWR's Notation in Science Communication. He holds a PhD in English from UCLA (2013). Prior to arriving at Stanford, he taught in the Writing Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2013-2019). His research interests include science and rhetoric, propaganda studies, Ralph Ellison, and writer's block. Dr. Moore's work has appeared in Arizona Quarterly, Arts, Writing on the Edge, African American Review, Composition Studies, MAKE, Souciant, and the Santa Barbara Independent, as well as collections such as Ralph Ellison in Context (Cambridge University Press 2021) and Creative Ways of Knowing in Engineering (Springer 2017). He also writes fiction and creative nonfiction.

  • Gabrielle Moyer

    Gabrielle Moyer

    Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Poetics of Art History; The Relation of Ethics and Aesthetics; Analytic Philosophy; Essayism

  • Eldon Pei

    Eldon Pei


    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSpecialisation: world cinema; documentary film; post-war visual cultures; East and Southeast Asian studies; propaganda; media, technology and society; critical theory; postcolonialism

  • John Peterson

    John Peterson

    Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATIONS: Social Media and Changes to Mass Media; Art Versus Commerce; Liberal Arts Education & Public Schools; Social/Racial Justice; Consumer Culture; Music & Film; Technology & Learning; Public Policy

  • Sarah Pittock

    Sarah Pittock

    Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Writing Across the Curriculum; Writing In the Disciplines; Tutoring Pedagogy

  • Emily Polk

    Emily Polk

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Facilitation and Mobilization of Social Movements in the Digital and Public Spheres; Communication of Community-Led Responses to Climate Change; the Role and Impact of Scholar Activism; Participatory Research; Rhetoric of Sustainability and Environmental Humanities; Rhetoric of Global and Local Development

  • Stephanie Reist

    Stephanie Reist


    BioStephanie Virginia Reist is a Lecturer in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University. Before joining PWR, she was a lecturing fellow in Stanford's COLLEGE Program. Prior to coming to Stanford, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Education Department at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, financed by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. She completed a PhD in Romance Studies with a focus on Latin American Cultural Studies as well as a Master's in Public Policy at Duke University in 2018. She holds a BA in Comparative Literature from Williams College.

    Her research and writing focus on issues of race, public policy, Black feminisms, cultural production, youth, and urban belonging in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Specifically, she is interested in the relationship between youth movements and access to higher education in Rio's predominately black, working class urban peripheries. As part of her commitment to public scholarship, her writing has been featured in RioOnWatch, Times Higher Education, The Independent and Jacobin Magazine.

    She also co-directed a short documentary on expanded access to higher education in Brazil that can be seen here:

  • Rebecca Richardson

    Rebecca Richardson

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: The Rhetoric of Inspiration and Self-Help; Nineteenth-Century Literature; Environmental Studies; History of Political Economy; The Medical Humanities; Expressive Writing and Self-Reflection

  • Katherine Rothschild

    Katherine Rothschild


    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsFourth wave feminism has offered many opportunities for activism from anonymous or covert places, such as X and Tiktok. How effective are these new forms of linguistic activism?

  • Kim Savelson

    Kim Savelson

    Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Design Thinking for Writing & Research; Science and Health Communication; Storytelling; Creativity Studies; Innovation Across the Disciplines

  • Julia Schulte

    Julia Schulte


    Current Research and Scholarly Interestspeer review, reading strategies, reflection, native speakerism in ESL

  • Lynn Sokei

    Lynn Sokei


    BioLynn Sokei holds a PhD in English from the University of Colorado at Boulder and an MFA in Fiction from Arizona State University.

  • Jennifer Stonaker

    Jennifer Stonaker

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Electronic Portfolios; Science Communication; Science Storytelling

  • Lisa Marie Swan

    Lisa Marie Swan

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Composition Pedagogy; Equity; Faculty Professional Development

  • Kathleen Tarr

    Kathleen Tarr

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Jurisprudence; Rhetoric and Climate Catastrophe; Strategic Planning in International Relations and Governments; Rhetoric and Global Economy; and Equal Employment Opportunity in the Entertainment Industry

  • Roberta Wolfson

    Roberta Wolfson


    Current Research and Scholarly Interests20th and 21st Century Multiethnic U.S. Literatures, Comparative Ethnic Studies, Critical Mixed Race Studies, Racial and Social Justice, Ethnofuturist Speculative Fiction, Popular U.S. Culture, Risk and Security Studies

  • Cassie Wright

    Cassie Wright

    PWR Advanced Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Writing Program Administration; Rhetorical Theory, Writing Studies and Assessment, Critical Discourse Analysis , Sports Rhetorics

  • Irena Yamboliev

    Irena Yamboliev


    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Literature and Culture of 19th- and 20th-Century Britain; Aesthetics; Narrative Theory; Science and its Rhetoric; Color Theory; Digital Humanities; Writing Pedagogy; Queer Theory