School of Medicine
Showing 101-120 of 970 Results
Philip Bulterys
Affiliate, Department Funds
Fellow in PathologyBioI am a clinical fellow in dermatopathology at Stanford Health Care. I completed my anatomic and clinical pathology residency (2019-2023), chief residency (2022-2023), and hematopathology fellowship (2023-2024) at Stanford Health Care. I received my MD and PhD (molecular biology/microbiology) in the UCLA-Caltech Medical Scientist Training Program, where I developed expertise in bacterial pathogenesis and drug discovery. I was an undergraduate at Stanford, where I studied biology. I am interested in emerging and neglected infections, lymphoma, infectious causes of cancer, global health, and therapeutics and diagnostics development.
Mary Buttner
Digital Licensing Librarian, School of Medicine - Lane Medical Library
Current Role at StanfordDigital Licensing Librarian
Resource Management
Lane Medical Library and Knowledge Management Center.
Digital Accessibility Committee, 2022-23.
Marketing and Communications Team, Member, 2018-19.
Collection Development Committee, Member -
Glennia R. Campbell
Senior Services Agreement Contract Officer, School of Medicine - Research Management Group
Current Role at StanfordSenior Contract Officer - Services Agreements
Britt Carr
Sr. Academic Technology Spec., Technology & Digital Solutions
Current Role at StanfordBritt Carr is the Academic Technology Specialist at EdTech in the department of Information, Resources & Technology (IRT). His primary responsibilities include:
* Training and supporting the School of Medicine Faculty in the design and implementation of their courses on the Canvas learning management system
* Migrating and archiving existing courses from the CourseWork learning management system
* Supporting other School of Medicine course related educational technology operations, projects, and initiatives