School of Medicine

Showing 12,731-12,740 of 12,927 Results

  • Xianghao Zhan

    Xianghao Zhan

    Ph.D. Student in Bioengineering, admitted Autumn 2019
    Ph.D. Minor, Biomedical Data Science
    Student Employee, DASH

    BioXianghao Zhan is a 5th -year Ph.D. candidate at Stanford Bioengineering. He obtained his M.S in Bioengineering in 2021 and his M.S in Statistics in 2023 both at Stanford. Before that he got B. Eng. in Control Science and Engineering (Automation) and his B. Art in English Language and Literature with Summa Cum Laude at Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University, China, in 2019.

    Under the guidance of Prof. Oliver Gevaert and Prof. David B. Camarillo, he mainly focuses on the optimization of computational modeling of traumatic brain injury with machine learning and animal modeling based on biomechanical and radiological data. His research interests and projects also extend to the data mining of free-text clinical notes with natural language processing, biomedical data fusion for COVID-19 patient outcome prediction, machine learning reliability quantification with conformal prediction, reliability-based semi-supervised learning, and domain adaptation for biomedical sensory systems (with artificial olfaction systems and surface electromyography systems). He has published 18 peer-reviewed articles as a first/co-first author (IF 136.1) in such journals as NPJ Digital Medicine, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Journal of Sport and Health Science, with 4 first-author journal articles under review. He has been a peer reviewer for 16 journals including Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Journal of Neurotrauma, Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering.

    In addition to his research, he has two master degrees while pursuing his Ph.D. degree: BIOE 2021 and STATS 2023. He has taken more than 10 data science and machine learning courses at Stanford with course project experiences and technical background with UNet-based image segmentation, BERT, Transformer-XL, DeepSEA, BPNet, VAE/SSVAE, flow model, energy-based model cycle-GAN, CNN-based image classification, LSTM-based clinical event prediction, Bi-LSTM-based neural machine translation, BERT, DCT/DWT/STFT, PCA, DRCA, NFL, convex optimization.

    His research is recognized by the field and he was awarded with IET Postgraduate Research Award for an Outstanding Researcher (one awardee across the globe, first Chinese), Siebel Scholar Class of 2024, IET Healthcare Technology William James Award (one awardee across the globe), Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship (highest honor for interdisciplinary Stanford graduates), Pfeiffer Research Foundation Fellow, AMIA Trainee Award (six awardees, the only Chinese), American Society of Neurotrauma Trainee Award (20 awardees, the only Chinese), Chu Kochen Scholarship (12/23,000), Ten most Preeminent Students of Zhejiang University (10/36,000), Chinese National Scholarship (Top 0.2%).

    He is dedicated to support underrepresented minorities. He has been a program leader for Stanford Summer Research Program and mentored 3 undergrads from the underrepresented minorities. He has been a research mentor at Foothill College for two years and mentored latino students from local community college. Additionally, he is a sports fan with 13 Stanford Intramural champions (10 volleyball, 3 tennis) and two medals from regional volleyball tournaments. He enjoys the sport passion and team spirits as a captain.

  • An Ni Zhang

    An Ni Zhang

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford Cancer Center

    BioAnni obtained her Ph.D. in Dr. James Johnson and Dr. Janel Kopp's labs at the University of British Columbia. Her Ph.D. work showed that hyperinsulinemia contributes to pancreatic cancer development. Her work also showed that insulin directly acted via the insulin receptors in pancreatic acinar cells to increase digestive enzyme production, thereby generating an inflammatory condition that accelerates neoplastic transformation. She is now working at Diehn lab to investigate the mechanisms of KEAP1 mutation-induced immunotherapy resistance in lung cancer.

  • Bing Melody Zhang

    Bing Melody Zhang

    Clinical Associate Professor, Pathology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy main research interests lie in the following areas:
    1) HLA testing for BMT/solid organ transplantation
    2) NGS-based TCR/Ig clonality/MRD testing
    3) HLA testing in cellular therapy and oncology
    4) Genetic/genomic testing for malignant and non-malignant hematologic disorders
    5) HLA-related disease association/drug hypersensitivity testing.