SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Showing 1,701-1,710 of 2,130 Results
Philip Schuster
Professor of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
BioProfessor Schuster is a theoretical physicist focused on identifying dark matter and its properties, developing concepts for new experimental tests of physics beyond the Standard Model, and studying novel theories of long-range forces. He is also directly involved in several experimental efforts as co-spokesperson for APEX, a founding member and physics coordinator for LDMX, and as a founding member of HPS.
Prospective graduate students interested in research rotations should contact Professor Schuster directly. Recent research directions include new ideas to detect axions, milli-charge dark matter, the use of novel accelerator experiments to search for light WIMP-like dark matter, and generalizations of gauge theories that include massless particles with continuous spin. Publications are listed on INSPIRE.
Professor Schuster is also chair of the Particle Physics & Astrophysics department at Stanford’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. -
Matthew H Seaberg
Staff Scientist, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
BioI am a staff scientist in the LCLS Materials Science Department, with interests in X-ray imaging, optics and diagnostics.