Stanford University Libraries
Showing 1-82 of 82 Results
Richenda Brim
Associate Director for Preservation, Preservation
Current Role at StanfordAs the Associate Director for Preservation at Stanford Libraries I lead the preservation program for a network of 15 libraries holding a variety of formats. Through the complementary teamwork of two units, Collection Care and Conservation Services, the Preservation department stabilizes, repairs, houses, and prepares circulating collections, special collections and archives for storage, use, digitization, and exhibition.
Ebru Cetin Milci
Metadata Specialist for Turkish Resources & Complex Copy, Metadata Department
BioEbru Cetin Milci
Metadata Specialist for Turkish Resources & Complex Copy
PhD, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey, Turkish Philology (2014)
Dr. Ebru Çetin Milci serves as a Metadata Specialist for Turkish Resources & Complex Copy at Stanford University. She is in charge of cataloging a diverse array of materials, including modern and historical Turkish resources, with a particular focus on monographs, lithographs, political and cultural ephemera, as well as Stanford Library's extensive Ottoman world holdings.
Ebru Çetin Milci has over 15 years of experience in teaching Turkish language and literature at high schools and Galatasaray University. Beyond her contributions to academia, Dr. Cetin Milci has also held positions at companies such as Facebook, where she has shared her language expertise.
Dr. Çetin Milci's expertise as a linguist extends to Arabic, Persian, Armenian, and various branches of Turkic languages, while her academic research centers on the history of Turkish/Turkic languages, particularly the 17th and 18th-century Gregorian Zone Kipchak Turkish law texts that was written with Armenian scripts. She is proficient in Turkish, Ottoman, Kipchak branch Turkic languages, Armenian, Arabic, and Persian. -
Alison de Geus
Media Center Librarian, University Libraries
Current Role at StanfordMedia Center Librarian
Greta de Groat
Metadata Librarian for Electronic and Visual Resources, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordI catalog digital materials (CD-ROMs, online monographs, websites, databases, video games, etc.) as well as videos, spoken word sound recordings, and general oddball stuff. If you can show it to me, i can catalog it! I also serve as a metadata consultant for digital projects. I have expertise in MARC, MODS, RDA, AACR2, Library of Congress Subject Headings, Library of Congress Classification, and an interest in the application of linked data to library metadata practices and infrastructure.
Catherine Descanzo
Sr. Assistant Head, Access Services (Circulation), University Libraries
BioI have oversight of the daytime and evening circulation, course reserves, and the student staffing programs in Access Services at Cecil H. Green Library. I also am currently leading the Circulation Subgroup as part of Stanford Libraries' migration to the new open source integrated library system called FOLIO.
Arcadia Falcone
Metadata Coordinator, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordMetadata Coordinator and Head, Metadata Design Unit
Metadata Services, Stanford Libraries -
Magda Gad
Metadata Librarian for Middle East Resources, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordMetadata Librarian for Middle East Resources &
South Asian and Middle East team lead.
Metadata Services Department
Stanford Libraries. -
Dan Kook
Library Privileges Supervisor, University Libraries
BioDan oversees the privileges department, including library card issuance and assigned study spaces. He also supervises the circulation desk and serves as one of the Expert Partners for the Access Services department. Dan also has 14 years of public library work experience and has been working at Stanford's Green Library since 2016.
Ryan Lieu
Conservation Operations Coordinator, Preservation
Current Role at StanfordAs the operations and technology specialist for Stanford Libraries Conservation Services, I manage collection logistics and lab documentation practices, including conservation database development, metadata creation, and related digital workflows. I work with colleagues throughout the Libraries to track rare materials in transit to and from the Conservation Lab, to plan preservation projects and workflows, and to document the pivotal work of Conservation staff.
Beyond Stanford, I collaborate with conservators and informatics specialists around the world to assess practical concerns regarding technology and publish research aimed at establishing shared methodologies for the creation of conservation data and metadata in libraries and museums. -
Erik Limpitlaw
Digital Collections Licensing Librarian, Acquisitions Department
Current Role at StanfordMy primary responsibility of the Digital Collections Licensing Librarian is to review and negotiate e-resource licenses and related documents on behalf of Stanford University Libraries (SUL) with publishers, resource aggregators, data sources and other service providers. I primarily work on the negotiation of document terms but am often brought into pricing negotiations with vendors as well as work with vendors in creating terms which have not historically worked with academia.
I work to ensure that the terms of these agreements meet SUL and Stanford University’s policies and requirements, that their terms of use are consistent with the needs of Stanford faculty, students, and staff, and that the cost meets SUL’s funding capabilities and is the best available negotiated price.
I also recommend to Associate University Librarians (AUL) for Collections, the Deputy University Librarian and/or the University Librarian whether a proposed license is acceptable and whether there are any issues and risks to consider. I am currently reviewing distinguishing terms across licensing various e-resources such as datasets and streaming media and improving internal document and licensing workflows.
I also serve, as needed and as appropriate, on SUL committees or other groups addressing Stanford’s e-resource needs, planning, and evaluation. I also serve as the liaison for e-resource matters to the relevant counterparts in Stanford’s Coordinate Libraries (Crown Law, Lane Medical, and Graduate School of Business). -
Nancy Lorimer
Associate Director, Metadata Department, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordAssociate Director, Metadata Department, Stanford Libraries
Danielle Noble
Librarian 1, University Libraries
Current Role at StanfordAssistant Librarian (Librarian 1) evenings
Mario Pamplona
Asst. Head, Access Services (User Experience & Privileges), University Libraries
BioMario was born and raised in Southern California. He spent most of his young adult life in San Bernardino County, which he will always call home. Mario's undergraduate degree was in History, and earning a Master of Library and Information Science paved the way for their librarianship career. In their leisure time, he enjoys playing soccer, watching films and playing the guitar.
Breana Ramirez
Library Circulation Student Supervisor, University Libraries
Current Role at StanfordCirculation Supervisor
Robert J. Rohrbacher
Metadata Librarian for Social Sciences and Government Documents, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordI create and maintain discovery metadata for social science monographs and government documents in Western European languages. I have experience in using RDA, AACR2, MARC21, MODS, BIBFRAME, LCSH, and LC classification.
Elizabeth Ryan
Book Conservator, Preservation
Current Role at StanfordBook Conservator
Kay Teel
Metadata Librarian for Serials and Arts Resources, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordI provide discovery metadata for serial publications in Western European languages in all formats and subject disciplines, and discovery metadata for monographic publications in Western European languages about the arts excluding music.
Hilary Thorsen
Resource Sharing Librarian, University Libraries
BioI am currently Resource Sharing Libarian in Access Services at Green Library and manage interlibrary loan for Stanford and non-Stanford affiliates, BorrowDirect, and scan-to-PDF services. Formerly, I was Wikimedian-in-Residence as part of the Linked Data for Production (LD4P) project focusing on Wikidata. Prior to that, I served as Metadata Librarian for Humanities in Stanford Libraries.
Zachariah Veley
Operations Manager, Resource Sharing & Digital Delivery, University Libraries
Current Role at StanfordResource Sharing & Digital Delivery Operations Manager at Green Library