Stanford University Libraries
Showing 1-100 of 424 Results
Maricela Abarca
Data Curator for Interdisciplinary Sustainability, Data Management Services
BioAs a Data Curator for the Doerr School of Sustainability community, I provide resources in data acquisition, management, and analysis in the interdisciplinary and evolving field of sustainability. I can provide guidance on best practices in open data and data science methods, including AI and machine learning.
Vijoy Abraham
Assistant Director and Head, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research
Current Role at StanfordAssistant Director and Head, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research
Stanford Libraries -
Hanna Ahn
Assistant University Archivist, Special Collections
Current Role at StanfordAssistant University Archivist
Benjamin Albritton
Rare Books Curator, Special Collections
Current Role at StanfordCurator of Rare Books and Early Manuscripts
Curator for Classics -
Michael Angeletti
Moving Image Digitization Specialist, Library Technology
Current Role at StanfordI work to reformat and preserve historically important moving image recordings held by the Stanford University Libraries. Our facility is located in Redwood City, California, in the building where the AMPEX corporation did much of its early work on audiotape and videotape recording systems. Aside from the work of reformatting magnetic media, our workgroup at SMPL contributes to the more broad efforts of the AV preservation community through collaboration on special projects and consultation with other archives, universities and research institutions.
Mie Araki
Library Spclst 3, Music Library
Current Role at StanfordAs an acquisitions & receiving specialist at MUS, I do order and receive scores & sound/video recordings, and (most importantly) open many many boxes!
Cathy Aster
Senior Digital Library Services Manager, Library Technology
Current Role at StanfordServices Manager, Digital Library Systems & Services
- Spotlight at Stanford
- Electronic Theses & Dissertations -
Kate Barron
Research Data Curator, Data Management Services
BioAs a Research Data Curator in the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR), I help preserve and document research data. My goal is to ensure that the Stanford Libraries' data collections are discoverable and reusable by the university community.
Tamar Barzel
Head of Music Library and Archive of Recorded Sound, Music Library
Current Role at StanfordHead Librarian, Music Library and Archive of Recorded Sound.
Benjamin Bates
Operations and Collections Specialist, Archive of Recorded Sound
Current Role at StanfordOperations and Collections Specialist (OCS), Archive of Recorded Sound
Andrew Berger
IT Systems Analyst 3, Library Technology
BioI am the Repository Manager for the Stanford Digital Repository (SDR). I work on the Product and Service Management Team in the Digital Library Systems and Services unit. In my capacity as repository manager, I am responsible for:
- Monitoring the SDR to ensure that it is operating smoothly
- Outreach, training, and documentation for SDR users
- Working with software development teams and operations staff to maintain and add functionality to the SDR -
Keith Bisaillon
Library Spclst 4, Music Library
BioMember of Music Library staff since 1991. Primary responsibilities are cataloging scores and providing internal desktop support for Music Library staff.
Richenda Brim
Associate Director for Preservation, Preservation
Current Role at StanfordAs the Associate Director for Preservation at Stanford Libraries I lead the preservation program for a network of 15 libraries holding a variety of formats. Through the complementary teamwork of two units, Collection Care and Conservation Services, the Preservation department stabilizes, repairs, houses, and prepares circulating collections, special collections and archives for storage, use, digitization, and exhibition.
Peter Broadwell
Digital Scholarship Research Developer, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research
Current Role at StanfordDigital Scholarship Research Developer, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research, Stanford University Libraries
Ellen Buckley
Librarian 2, University Librarian's Office
BioI support the Libraries' website and other programs and projects.
Joshua Capitanio
Curator for East & Southeast Asian Studies and Religious Studies Collections, East Asia Library
Current Role at StanfordCurator for East & Southeast Asian Studies
Curator for Religious Studies Collections
Public Services Librarian, East Asia Library -
Ebru Cetin Milci
Metadata Specialist for Turkish Resources & Complex Copy, Metadata Department
BioEbru Cetin Milci
Metadata Specialist for Turkish Resources & Complex Copy
PhD, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey, Turkish Philology (2014)
Dr. Ebru Çetin Milci serves as a Metadata Specialist for Turkish Resources & Complex Copy at Stanford University. She is in charge of cataloging a diverse array of materials, including modern and historical Turkish resources, with a particular focus on monographs, lithographs, political and cultural ephemera, as well as Stanford Library's extensive Ottoman world holdings.
Ebru Çetin Milci has over 15 years of experience in teaching Turkish language and literature at high schools and Galatasaray University. Beyond her contributions to academia, Dr. Cetin Milci has also held positions at companies such as Facebook, where she has shared her language expertise.
Dr. Çetin Milci's expertise as a linguist extends to Arabic, Persian, Armenian, and various branches of Turkic languages, while her academic research centers on the history of Turkish/Turkic languages, particularly the 17th and 18th-century Gregorian Zone Kipchak Turkish law texts that was written with Armenian scripts. She is proficient in Turkish, Ottoman, Kipchak branch Turkic languages, Armenian, Arabic, and Persian. -
Juanita Chabot
Library Spclst 4, Earth Sciences Library
BioOperations Manager, Branner Earth Sciences Library and Map Collections.
Freja H Cole
Sound Archives Metadata Librarian, Archive of Recorded Sound
BioAs Sound Archives Metadata Librarian, I create metadata for music audio recordings in the Archive of Recorded Sound. Before arriving at Stanford, I worked in public services at the Indiana University William and Gayle Cook Music Library.
Catherine Nicole Coleman
Research Director, Humanities+Design, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research
Affiliate, Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA)BioNicole is Digital Research Architect for the Stanford University Libraries and Research Director for Humanities+Design, a research lab at the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis. Nicole works at the intersection of the digital library and digital scholarship as a lead architect in the design and development of practical research services. She is currently leading an initiative within the Library to identify and enact applications of artificial intelligence —machine perception, machine learning, machine reasoning, and language recognition— to make the collections of maps, photographs, manuscripts, data sets and other assets more easily discoverable, accessible, and analyzable.
At Humanities + Design she has led the design and development of numerous tools for data visualization and analysis including Palladio, Breve, and Data Pen. The lab encourages and supports collaboration between researchers from the humanities and design to encode interpretive method in tools for data analysis. Lessons learned in that work have proven essential to improving the design of machine learning based tools for research. -
Lorna Corbetta
Evening Supervisor & Head of Reserves, Art and Architecture Library
BioAs Evening Supervisor, I oversee the hiring, training, and supervision of the dozen or so students who work for the library. In addition, I manage all the Course Reserves for art and architecture classes. I also maintain and prepare all Bowes special collections (Art Locked Stacks)
Nathan Coy
Sound Archives Librarian, Archive of Recorded Sound
Current Role at StanfordNathan provides research support to users of the Archive of Recorded Sound and works to provide resources that empower those inquiring into our shared recorded history.
Tom Cramer
Associate University Librarian, University Librarian's Office
Current Role at StanfordAssociate University Librarian &
Director, Digital Library Systems & Services
Chief Technology Strategist
Stanford University Libraries -
Alison de Geus
Media Center Librarian, University Libraries
Current Role at StanfordMedia Center Librarian
Greta de Groat
Metadata Librarian for Electronic and Visual Resources, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordI catalog digital materials (CD-ROMs, online monographs, websites, databases, video games, etc.) as well as videos, spoken word sound recordings, and general oddball stuff. If you can show it to me, i can catalog it! I also serve as a metadata consultant for digital projects. I have expertise in MARC, MODS, RDA, AACR2, Library of Congress Subject Headings, Library of Congress Classification, and an interest in the application of linked data to library metadata practices and infrastructure.
Catherine Descanzo
Sr. Assistant Head, Access Services (Circulation), University Libraries
BioI have oversight of the daytime and evening circulation, course reserves, and the student staffing programs in Access Services at Cecil H. Green Library. I also am currently leading the Circulation Subgroup as part of Stanford Libraries' migration to the new open source integrated library system called FOLIO.
Zoe Dilles
Map Librarian, Earth Sciences Library
BioAs Map Librarian, I am responsible for the stewardship of the Branner Earth Sciences Library Map Collection. This includes managing and coordinating the physical storage of paper maps, globes, and other cartographic materials as well as selecting new materials. I provide reference services, instruction, and outreach about the use of this collection and related library resources for teaching, learning, and research across diverse disciplines.
Quinn Dombrowski
Academic Technology Specialist in Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research
BioQuinn Dombrowski (non-binary, any pronouns are fine) is the Academic Technology Specialist in the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, and in the Library, at Stanford University. Prior to coming to Stanford in 2018, Quinn’s many DH adventures included supporting the high-performance computing cluster at UC Berkeley, running the DiRT tool directory with support from the Mellon Foundation, writing books on Drupal for Humanists and University of Chicago library graffiti, and working on the program staff of Project Bamboo, a failed digital humanities cyberinfrastructure initiative.
Quinn has a BA/MA in Slavic Linguistics from the University of Chicago, and an MLIS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since coming to Stanford, Quinn has supported numerous non-English DH projects, taught courses on non-English DH, started a Textile Makerspace, developed a tabletop roleplaying game to teach DH project management, explored trends in multilingual Harry Potter fanfic, and started the Data-Sitters Club, a feminist DH pedagogy and research group focused on Ann M. Martin’s 90’s girls series “The Baby-Sitters Club”. Quinn is currently co-VP of the Association for Computers and the Humanities along with Roopika Risam, and advocates for better support for DH in languages other than English. -
Niles Dorn
Center Services Support Specialist, David Rumsey Map Center
BioNiles Dorn received his BA in Physics & Astronomy from Pomona College. At the Map Center, he assists in overseeing operations and technology in service of making the collections more accessible to students, researchers and the public.
Kimberly Durante
Science Metadata Librarian, Data Management Services
BioAs the Science Metadata Librarian in the Reseach Data Services group, my primary role is to support the curation of geospatial data within the Stanford Digital Repository, the Stanford Spatial Data Infrastructure, and EarthWorks. I also provide one-on-one research consultations in data science tools, as well as workshops in Python toolkits such as GDAL, Pandas, and GeoPandas.
Glynn Edwards
Assistant Director, Special Collections
Current Role at StanfordGlynn is the Assistant Director in the Department of Special Collections & University Archives is primarily in charge of the Collection Services Division and the libraries' Born- and Acquired-Digital Programs. She also collaborates with other managers to develop new programs and directions within the department.
Collection Services staff work collaboratively with over 20 subject specialists and curators throughout the library; we take in over 350 collections each year, totaling between 1,800 and 3,500 linear feet (this is equivalent to 2.5-6 million documents) a year. Our focus is on collection management as well as discovery and access including: acquisitions, cataloging and processing of incoming material in any format - from rare books and papyrus fragments to artifacts and computer media. We also manage all digitization projects and descriptive metadata for special collections materials in conjunction with subject specialists and the digital library group.
The departments' Born-Digital Program collaborates with Digital Libraries Systems and Services as well as the libraries' Metadata Development Unit. The department of Special Collections also directs the ePADD Project - developing software to acquire, process and deliver email archives in our collections. A new release of ePADD software (Version 5.0) came out in winter 2018. -
Claudia Engel
Academic Technology Specialist, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research
BioClaudia Engel collaborates with students and faculty on digital research projects in the Anthropology Department, where she also has a lecturer appointment and teaches courses in GIS, Digital Methods, and Critical Data Practices. She is a member of the Research Data Services (RDS) Division at the Stanford Libraries. In that role she teaches workshops and supports researchers in the use of digital data repositories.
Liisi Esse
Curator for Estonian and Baltic Studies, Humanities Resource Group
BioLiisi Esse serves as Curator for Estonian and Baltic Studies at Stanford Libraries since 2013. Her main responsibility is to build and maintain Stanford's collection of Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Finnish material in all formats (books, periodicals, manuscripts, electronic sources, etc.). Her wider goal is to enhance Baltic studies by advising scholars and students interested in the matter, engaging in collaborative projects with other institutions, and organizing events and exhibits at Stanford.
Liisi also serves as Administrative Executive Director of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS) and Reviews Editor at the Journal of Baltic Studies. -
Arcadia Falcone
Metadata Coordinator, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordMetadata Coordinator and Head, Metadata Design Unit
Metadata Services, Stanford Libraries