Stanford University Libraries
Showing 201-250 of 432 Results
Anna Lee
Photography Curator, Special Collections
Current Role at StanfordI am the Photography Curator for Green Library. I collect historical photographic material for the Department of Special Collections and photographers' archives through the library's Photography Initiative.
Peter Leonard
Assistant University Librarian for Research Data Services, University Librarian's Office
Current Role at StanfordAs the Assistant University Librarian for Research Data Services at Stanford Libraries, I work with teams supporting GIS, data acquisition & analysis, data curation, digital scholarship development, and the Academic Technology Specialist program.
Pauline Lucy Lewis
Reference and Instruction Librarian, Learning and Outreach
BioI provide reference assistance and research support to students and library patrons. Whether you are looking for a particular resource, or you need assistance navigating our collection, I'm here to help you explore our library resources.
I earned my doctorate in Middle East History at UCLA, where I also worked as a writing and research counselor. -
Ryan Lieu
Conservation Operations Coordinator, Preservation
Current Role at StanfordAs the operations and technology specialist for Stanford Libraries Conservation Services, I manage collection logistics and lab documentation practices, including conservation database development, metadata creation, and related digital workflows. I work with colleagues throughout the Libraries to track rare materials in transit to and from the Conservation Lab, to plan preservation projects and workflows, and to document the pivotal work of Conservation staff.
Beyond Stanford, I collaborate with conservators and informatics specialists around the world to assess practical concerns regarding technology and publish research aimed at establishing shared methodologies for the creation of conservation data and metadata in libraries and museums. -
Erik Limpitlaw
Digital Collections Licensing Librarian, Acquisitions Department
Current Role at StanfordMy primary responsibility of the Digital Collections Licensing Librarian is to review and negotiate e-resource licenses and related documents on behalf of Stanford University Libraries (SUL) with publishers, resource aggregators, data sources and other service providers. I primarily work on the negotiation of document terms but am often brought into pricing negotiations with vendors as well as work with vendors in creating terms which have not historically worked with academia.
I work to ensure that the terms of these agreements meet SUL and Stanford University’s policies and requirements, that their terms of use are consistent with the needs of Stanford faculty, students, and staff, and that the cost meets SUL’s funding capabilities and is the best available negotiated price.
I also recommend to Associate University Librarians (AUL) for Collections, the Deputy University Librarian and/or the University Librarian whether a proposed license is acceptable and whether there are any issues and risks to consider. I am currently reviewing distinguishing terms across licensing various e-resources such as datasets and streaming media and improving internal document and licensing workflows.
I also serve, as needed and as appropriate, on SUL committees or other groups addressing Stanford’s e-resource needs, planning, and evaluation. I also serve as the liaison for e-resource matters to the relevant counterparts in Stanford’s Coordinate Libraries (Crown Law, Lane Medical, and Graduate School of Business). -
Bernadette Liu
Executive Director, Finance, Facilities & Planning, University Librarian's Office
BioI oversee finance, facilities, and planning for Stanford University Libraries, acting as the principal steward of the Libraries' fiscal and physical assets. The functional areas for which I am responsible include financial operations, budget planning, contract and grant administration, capital planning, and facilities services. I provide input and guidance to the leadership team on the Libraries' overall financial position and strategic direction. The overarching goal of my finance team and facilities team is to ensure the prudent and effective management of university and organizational resources, while providing excellent service and support to all library staff.
Nancy Lorimer
Associate Director, Metadata Department, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordAssociate Director, Metadata Services, Stanford Libraries
Henry Lowood
Harold C. Hohbach Curator - History of Science & Technology; Film & Media, Humanities Resource Group
Current Role at StanfordHarold C. Hohbach Curator, Stanford Libraries
Anh Ly
Assistant University Librarian for External Relations, University Librarian's Office
Current Role at StanfordAssistant University Librarian for External Relations
As the Assistant University Librarian for External Relations, Anh leads development and communications at Stanford University Libraries. She works across Stanford's network of Libraries to build support for the Libraries' collections, services and resources and to share news about the Libraries to the campus and worldwide Stanford community at large. -
Alex Manchester
Mathematics, Statistics & Computational Sciences Librarian, Science Library
BioI received a Ph.D. in mathematics from Rice University, with research in knot and link concordance, satellite constructions, and 4-dimensional manifolds, particularly in the topological setting. Before coming to Stanford, I also worked as the Mathematics Collection Development assistant at Rice's Fondren Library. I assisted with the selection and acquisition of new books, as well as the weeding of of damaged and outdated books in the collection. Additionally, I contributed to our online research guides, particularly on the history of math, as well as AI and its relationship to accessibility. I also helped to run workshops for students on LaTeX and Overleaf.
Peter Mangiafico
Digital Library Software Engineer & Specialist (Infrastructure), Library Technology
Current Role at StanfordProduct Manager and Software Engineer, Digital Library Systems and Services, Stanford Libraries
Alexis Manheim
Associate University Librarian for Technical and Access Services, University Librarian's Office
BioAs the AUL for Technical and Access Services, I oversee the departments and work with the librarians and staff that are responsible for the acquisition, cataloging, access, and preservation of Stanford Libraries collections.
Stace Maples
Assistant Director of Geospatial Collections & Services, Geospatial Information Services
Current Role at StanfordAssistant Director of Geospatial Collections & Services, Stanford Libraries
Head, Stanford Geospatial Center
Interim Head, David Rumsey Map Center
Lecturer, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability -
Bogdana Marchis
Reference and Instruction Librarian, Learning and Outreach
Current Role at StanfordHead, Learning and Outreach
Natalie Marine-Street
Oral Historian and Program Manager, Stanford Historical Society
Current Role at StanfordOral Historian and Program Manager, Stanford Historical Society
Kathi Matsuura
Japanese Studies Librarian, East Asia Library
BioAs the Japanese Studies Librarian, I am responsible for Japan-related research consultations, instruction, and the development of Japanese collections. Prior to Stanford, I worked at the Japan Digital Research Center at Harvard University where I served as the Japan Digital Scholarship Librarian. My ongoing connections to Japan include research in maritime history, for which I am completing a dissertation at Yale. I also hold an MSLS in Information and Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, an MA in East Asian Studies from Duke University, and a BA from Grinnell College, where my interest in Japan first began.
Anne Ladyem McDivitt
Academic Technology Specialist, Department of History, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research
BioAnne Ladyem McDivitt(she/her) is the Academic Technology Specialist for the Department of History at Stanford University, as well as a member of the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research. She has a background in public and digital history and specializes in digital storytelling and digital public history. She published her monograph Hot Tubs and Pac-Man: Gender and the Early Video Game Industry in the United States in 2020, as well as articles on video game studies and podcasting in education.
David Medeiros
Geospatial Reference and Instruction Specialist, Geospatial Information Services
BioI am the Geospatial Reference and Instruction Specialist for the Stanford Geospatial Center, part of the Research Data Services group. I provide GIS consultation and reference support to Stanford students, faculty and staff. My primary role is supporting Stanford researchers in their use and understanding of geospatial tools, data, and methods.
Much of my time is spent conducting one-on-one consultations, training users on GIS software, finding spatial data, and helping design spatial analysis. In addition to one-on-one consultations I also coordinate and present our ongoing series of workshops in GIS (Introduction to GIS, Georeferencing, ArcGIS Online 101, GIS Cartography).
My educational background is in Geography and Geographic Information Science, but a significant part of my professional background is in digital cartography. I have a strong interest in the effective use of design in map making for GIS. I am available for faculty publication map support as well as novel geospatial design work with tools like Blender3d or 3d printing of spatial data.