Stanford University

Showing 201-250 of 385 Results

  • Mary Kane Goldstein

    Mary Kane Goldstein

    Professor of Health Policy, Emerita

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsHealth services research in primary care and geriatrics: developing, implementing, and evaluating methods for clinical quality improvement. Current work includes applying health information technology to quality improvement through clinical decision support (CDS) integrated with electronic health records; encoding clinical knowledge into computable formats in automated knowledge bases; natural language processing of free text in electronic health records; analyzing multiple comorbidities

  • Andrea Goldstein-Piekarski

    Andrea Goldstein-Piekarski

    Assistant Professor (Research) of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Sleep Medicine)

    BioDr. Goldstein-Piekarski directs the Computational Psychiatry, Neuroscience, and Sleep Laboratory (CoPsyN Sleep Lab) as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine and PI within the Sierra-Pacific Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) at the Palo Alto VA. She received her PhD in 2014 at the University of California, Berkeley where she studied the consequences of sleep on emotional brain function. She then completed a Postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford focusing on understanding the brain basis of anxiety and depression.

    As the director of the CoPsyN Sleep Lab she is developing a translational, interdisciplinary research program that combines human neuroimaging, high-density EEG sleep recording, and computational modeling to understand the neural mechanisms through which sleep disruption contributes to affective disorders, particularly depression, across the lifespan. The ultimate goals of this research are to (1) develop mechanistically-informed interventions that directly target aspects of sleep and brain function to prevent and treat affective disorders and (2) identify novel biomarkers which can identify which individuals are most likely to experience improved mood following targeted sleep interventions.

    This work is currently supported by The KLS Foundation, a R01 from National Institute of Mental Health, and a R61 from the National Institute of Mental Health.

  • Natalia Gomez-Ospina

    Natalia Gomez-Ospina

    Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Genetics) and of Pediatrics (Stem Cell Transplantation)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Gomez-Ospina is a physician scientist and medical geneticist with a strong interest in the diagnosis and management of genetic diseases.

    1) Lysosomal storage diseases:
    Her research program is on developing better therapies for a large class of neurodegenerative diseases in children known as lysosomal storage disorders. Her current focus is on developing genome editing of hematopoietic stem cells as a therapeutic approach for these diseases beginning with Mucopolysaccharidosis type 1 and Gaucher disease. She established a genetic approach where therapeutic proteins can be targeted to a single well-characterized place in the genome known as a safe harbor. This approach constitutes a flexible, “one size fits all” approach that is independent of specific genes and mutations. This strategy, in which the hematopoietic system is commandeered to express and deliver therapeutic proteins to the brain can potentially change the current approaches to treating childhood neurodegenerative diseases and pave the way for alternative therapies for adult neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

    2) Point of care ammonia testing
    She also works in collaboration with other researchers at Stanford to develop point-of-care testing for serum ammonia levels. Such device will greatly improve the quality of life of children and families with metabolic disorders with hyperammonemia.

    3) Gene discovery
    Dr Gomez-Ospina lead a multi-institutional collaboration resulting in the discovery of a novel genetic cause of neonatal and infantile cholestatic liver disease. She collaborated in the description of two novel neurologic syndromes caused by mutations in DYRK1 and CHD4.

    For more information go to our website:

  • Alexander Gonzalez

    Alexander Gonzalez

    Scientific Project Manager

    Current Role at StanfordScientific Project Manager for the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance

  • Benjamin Good

    Benjamin Good

    Assistant Professor of Applied Physics

    BioBenjamin Good is a theoretical biophysicist with a background in experimental evolution and population genetics. He is interested in the short-term evolutionary dynamics that emerge in rapidly evolving microbial populations like the gut microbiome. Technological advances are revolutionizing our ability to peer into these evolving ecosystems, providing us with an increasingly detailed catalog of their component species, genes, and pathways. Yet a vast gap still remains in understanding the population-level processes that control their emergent structure and function. Our group uses tools from statistical physics, population genetics, and computational biology to understand how microscopic growth processes and genome dynamics at the single cell level give rise to the collective behaviors that can be observed at the population level. Projects range from basic theoretical investigations of non-equilibrium processes in microbial evolution and ecology, to the development of new computational tools for measuring these processes in situ in both natural and experimental microbial communities. Through these specific examples, we seek to uncover unifying theoretical principles that could help us understand, forecast, and eventually control the ecological and evolutionary dynamics that take place in these diverse scenarios.

  • Julie Good, MD

    Julie Good, MD

    Clinical Associate Professor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsJulie's academic interests include pediatric palliative care, pain and symptom management for children with life-threatening illness, medical acupuncture, and meaning in medicine (the humanistic side of doctoring)

  • Alex J Goodell

    Alex J Goodell

    Clinical Scholar, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine
    Postdoctoral Scholar, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine

    BioAnesthesiologist and internist interested in artificial intelligence, design thinking in healthcare, open-source technology, and epidemiology.

    I am currently a fellow in the Anesthesia Informatics and Media Lab where I focus on building tools to improve the user experience of patients and doctors. My current projects include medical usability analysis, evaluation of artificial intelligence, and improving real-time data access for anesthesiologists.

    I completed medical school at the UC Berkeley - UCSF Joint Medical Program, followed by the Combined Internal Medicine/Anesthesiology Residency at the Stanford School of Medicine.

  • Miriam B. Goodman

    Miriam B. Goodman

    Mrs. George A. Winzer Professor of Cell Biology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsWe study the molecular events that give rise to the sensation of touch and chemical stressors that compromise touch sensation in C. elegans. To do this, we use a combination of quantitative behavioral analysis, genetics, in vivo electrophysiology, and heterologous expression of ion channels. We collaborate with physicists and other physiologist to expand our experimental research.

  • Steven Goodman

    Steven Goodman

    Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health, of Medicine (Primary Care and Population Health) and, by courtesy, of Health Policy

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsI am interested in issues relating to the representation and measurement of evidence in medical research, and determinants of the truth of medical findings, using a Bayesian framework. I also do work in evidence synthesis, comparative effectiveness research, and the ethics of clinical research.

  • Stuart Goodman, MD, PhD

    Stuart Goodman, MD, PhD

    The Robert L. and Mary Ellenburg Professor of Surgery and Professor, by courtesy, of Bioengineering

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsAs an academic orthopaedic surgeon, my interests center on adult reconstructive surgery, arthritis surgery, joint replacement, biomaterials, biocompatibility, tissue engineering, mesenchymal stem cells. Collaborative clinical, applied and basic research studies are ongoing.

  • L. Henry Goodnough, MD, PhD

    L. Henry Goodnough, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

    BioDr. Goodnough is an orthopaedic surgeon who is fellowship-trained in orthopaedic traumatology. This specialty is dedicated to the care of patients with complex injuries to the body’s bones, joints, or tissues.

    Dr. Goodnough is a clinical instructor of orthopaedic surgery. He also holds a PhD degree, and his doctoral research focused on genetic mechanisms of early bone development.

    For each patient, he develops a personalized plan of care. His goals are to treat the patient’s injury, restore function, and help promote the best possible quality of life. His clinical interests include nonunions, periarticular fractures, fractures of the pelvis and acetabulum, and infections.

    Dr. Goodnough has conducted research on the role of skeletal stem cells in fracture healing. He also has investigated how cells function in fractures that have failed to heal (“nonunions”).

    He has co-authored articles on his research discoveries in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, and elsewhere. Topics include advances in surgical technique and technology.

    He also has contributed to chapters in the textbooks Surgery of the Hip, Skeletal Trauma of the Upper Extremity, and Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Trauma.

    Dr. Goodnough has presented the findings of his research at numerous national and regional conferences. They include meetings of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, and Western Orthopaedic Association. Topics have included the effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on skeletal stem cells in fractures.

    Dr. Goodnough is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Orthopaedic Trauma Association, and AO, the global network of doctors dedicated to the surgical treatment of trauma and musculoskeletal disorders.

  • Lawrence Tim Goodnough

    Lawrence Tim Goodnough

    Professor of Pathology and of Medicine (Hematology), Emeritus

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsImproving blood utilization
    Promoting alternatives to blood transfusion
    Quality improvements

  • Kenneth Goodson

    Kenneth Goodson

    Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs, Davies Family Provostial Professor, and Professor, by courtesy, of Materials Science and Engineering

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsProf. Goodson’s Nanoheat Lab studies heat transfer in electronic nanostructures, microfluidic heat sinks, and packaging, focussing on basic transport physics and practical impact for industry. We work closely with companies on novel cooling and packaging strategies for power devices, portables, ASICs, & data centers. At present, sponsors and collaborators include ARPA-E, the NSF POETS Center, SRC ASCENT, Google, Intel, Toyota, Ford, among others.

  • William Rowland Goodyer, MD/PhD

    William Rowland Goodyer, MD/PhD

    Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Cardiology)

    BioDr. Goodyer is a physician scientist who specializes in Pediatric Cardiology and Electrophysiology. Will graduated from McGill University (Montreal, Canada) with a BSc in Biology prior to completing his graduate studies at Stanford University in the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP). He subsequently completed residency training in Pediatrics at Boston Children’s Hospital before returning to Stanford to complete a fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology and advanced fellowship in Pediatric Electrophysiology. He additionally performed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Sean Wu laboratory at the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute where he developed the first comprehensive single-cell gene atlas of the entire murine cardiac conduction system (CCS) as well as pioneered the generation of optical imaging agents for the real-time visualization of the CCS to help prevent accidental surgical damage during heart surgeries. Will's lab ( focuses on basic science advances aimed at the improved diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

  • Deborah M Gordon

    Deborah M Gordon

    Professor of Biology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsProfessor Deborah M Gordon studies the evolutionary ecology of collective behavior. Ant colonies operate without central control, using local interactions to regulate colony behavior.

  • Cheryl Gore-Felton, Ph.D.

    Cheryl Gore-Felton, Ph.D.

    Walter E. Nichols, MD Professor in the School of Medicine

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy clinical focus is the treatment of anxiety disorders, including post traumatic stress disorder. My research focuses on developing effective psychotherapy interventions to reduce chronic stress as well as enhance positive health behaviors to reduce morbidity and mortality among patients coping with chronic, medical illnesses which are often life threatening.

  • Steven Gorelick

    Steven Gorelick

    Cyrus Fisher Tolman Professor and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

    Current Research and Scholarly Interests. Research : .

    As a hydrogeologist and hydrologist, my research involves the study of water resources and water security with emphasis on freshwater. Using lab and field data, our aim is to develop an understanding of fundamental aspects of the transport of water and contaminants, and to investigate regional water resources systems. We have developed simulation-based planning tools to aid in sustainable agricultural and urban water management in the US, Mexico, India, and Jordan. With my colleagues, we have initiated the Global Freshwater Initiative, which studies water resources vulnerability problems throughout the world. During the past 15 years, our field investigations have focused on the interactions between groundwater and patterns of vegetation in studies of both meadow and salt-marsh ecohydrology. Scales of physical processes of interest extend from the domain of small pores to vast regional subsurface flow environments. Although driven by observations and data, we develop conceptual and quantitative models to rigorously understand physical processes, make predictions, and explore the impacts of new water management policies, such as taxes, quota, and markets. Such models enhance our understanding of groundwater flow behavior and provide the means to better manage water resources. .

    . - Teaching :

    . I teach courses for graduate and undergraduate students involving principles and methods used in physical and contaminant hydrogeology. In addition, I run a seminar series that exposes students to a variety of multidisciplinary topics involving hydrology. .

    : - Professional Activities :

    . 2021-2022 von Humboldt Fellow-Germany, 2022-23 Fulbright Fellow - Distinguished Chair in Science, Technology and Innovation, Australian-American Program, 2016 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2014 Best Paper in Environmental Research Letters in 2014 (Padowski and Gorelick, (2014), 2013 Editor's Choice Award, Water Resources Research for paper Srinivasan et al., (2012), Member, US National Academy of Engineering (2012), International Fellow, Institute for Environmental Science and Research (ESR) (2011), New Zealand, Fulbright Senior Scholar (2008-09); Chester C. Keisel Memorial Lecturer, University of Arizona (2008); Best Paper Award in Computers and Geosciences, International Association for Mathematical Geology (2006); fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (2005); Stanford representative to the Consortium of Universities for Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences (2005-2008); M. King Hubbert Science Award, NGWA (2004); Ineson Distinguished Lecturer (1998); Fulbright Senior Scholar (1997); O.E. Meinzer Award, GSA (1994) James B. Macelwane medal, AGU (1990); Fellow, GSA (1988) and AGU (1990); Editorial Board, Optimization and Engineering Journal (1990-present); visiting professor, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Ecological Engineering Laboratory (2006); visiting professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, jointly at the Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (2005); visiting scholar, University of Cambridge, Zoology (2007); visiting scientist, CSIRO, Perth, Australia (2009); Member AGU Water and Society Technical Committee (2011-present) visiting professor, University of Western Australia Centre for Ecohydrology (2012); visiting professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich (2013, 2019)

  • Michael L. Goris

    Michael L. Goris

    Professor of Radiology (Nuclear Medicine), Emeritus

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsRadio-immunotherapy. Medical Imaging Processing. Quantification for diagnosis Clinical validations

  • Catherine Gorle

    Catherine Gorle

    Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and, by courtesy, of Mechanical Engineering

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsGorle's research focuses on the development of predictive flow simulations to support the design of sustainable buildings and cities. Specific topics of interest are the coupling of large- and small-scale models and experiments to quantify uncertainties related to the variability of boundary conditions, the development of uncertainty quantification methods for low-fidelity models using high-fidelity data, and the use of field measurements to validate and improve computational predictions.

  • Jorg Goronzy

    Jorg Goronzy

    Professor of Medicine (Immunology and Rheumatology), Emeritus

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsT cell homeostasis and function with age

  • Heather Gotham

    Heather Gotham

    Clinical Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Gotham’s research focuses on implementation science, including factors affecting implementation, and training and education of health care providers, across a range of evidence-based practices for adolescent and adult substance use and mental health disorders, co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, and screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT).

  • Ian Gotlib

    Ian Gotlib

    David Starr Jordan Professor

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsCurrent interests include social, cognitive, and biological factors in affective disorders; neural and cognitive processing of emotional stimuli and reward by depressed persons; behavioral activation and anhedonia in depression; social, emotional, and biological risk factors for depression in children.

  • Jason Gotlib

    Jason Gotlib

    Professor of Medicine (Hematology)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research interests include phase I/II clinical trial evaluation of novel therapies for the following diseases:
    --Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)
    --Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
    --Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
    --Myeloproliferative disorders (MPDs) including:
    Hypereosinophilic syndrome
    Systemic mastocytosis
    BCR-ABL-negative MPDs

  • Christine E. Gould

    Christine E. Gould

    Clinical Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    BioDr. Gould received her Ph.D in psychology from West Virginia University. She completed her internship at VA Palo Alto Health Care System and an Advanced Fellowship in Geriatrics at the GRECC. Dr. Gould is board certified in geropsychology. Her research program develops and tests tailored, self-directed mental health interventions in older adults. Her current funded studies are testing the efficacy of a video-delivered progressive muscle relaxation program with telephone coaching support in reducing anxiety and improving functioning and examining the use of technology by older Veterans. She is also is examining a mobile app-based intervention for depression in middle age and older adults. Dr. Gould has an active interest in training future geriatric mental health clinicians and researchers. She provides mentorship in the following areas: geriatric mental health interventions, technology-delivered interventions for older adults, program evaluation/quality improvement, and qualitative research methods.

  • Erica Gould

    Erica Gould


    BioErica Gould is the Director of the International Relations Honors Program, a lecturer in International Relations and also a lecturer in International Policy Studies at Stanford University. She has taught courses on honors thesis writing, international political economy and international organizations at Stanford for the past ten years. Previously, Dr. Gould was on the faculty at the University of Virginia, and has also taught courses on international relations at Johns Hopkins University and the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Dr. Gould’s research has centered mainly around the question of how international organizations are controlled. She is currently working on a project concerning international organizational decision-making rules and also one on the accountability mechanisms associated with international organizations. Her publications include Money Talks: The International Monetary Fund, Conditionality and Supplementary Financiers (Stanford University Press, 2006), as well as numerous articles in academic journals and edited volumes. In addition to her research and teaching, Dr. Gould serves on the Board of Accountability Counsel, an international NGO based in San Francisco. She received her PhD in Political Science from Stanford University and her BA from Cornell University.

  • Jeffrey Gould

    Jeffrey Gould

    Robert L. Hess Endowed Professor of Pediatrics

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsPopulation-based studies related to neonatal and perinatal diseases.