Preetha Basaviah, M.D.
Clinical Professor, Medicine - Primary Care and Population Health
Preetha Basaviah, MD, is Clinical Professor of Medicine at Stanford University where she serves as Assistant Dean of Pre-clerkship Education, Director Emeritus of the Practice of Medicine Course (two-year doctoring course) for Stanford medical students, an Educator for CARE, CCAP Chair emeritus(Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy) and as inpatient and outpatient attending. At Stanford since 2006, she has completed certification and faculty development through the Stanford Faculty Development Center in Professionalism and Teaching, Faculty Fellows Program, and through the American Academy on Communication in Healthcare. She received the 2011 SGIM National Award for Scholarship in Medical Education, 2007 General Internal Medicine Division Teaching Award, the 2009 Kaiser Award for excellence in preclinical teaching, the 2010 Larry Mathers Award for exceptional medical student teaching and mentoring, the 2010 California Region Clinician Educator of the Year Award, and the 2011 SGIM National Award for Medical Education Scholarship. She previously worked at UCSF from 2000-2005, where she served as an academic hospitalist, general internist, member of the Academy of Medical Educators, Teaching Scholar, and Co-Director of the Foundations of Patient Care Course at UCSF. She received a BA and MD from Brown University. She completed a Primary Care Internal Medicine residency at Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard University, and she then served as a Primary Care Chief Resident for the Beth Israel Hospital residency training program at the Veteran’s Administration Hospital, located in West Roxbury, MA. After completing residency, Dr. Basaviah pursued a fellowship in medical education at the Harvard Institute for Education and Research as well as a faculty position as Associate Firm Chief and hospitalist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard University. While at Harvard, she received the Lowell B. McGee Teaching Award and the Katherine Swan Ginsburg Award for humanism in medicine.
Dr. Basaviah has been active directing doctoring courses and developing clinical skills curricula for medical students and was a founding member of DOCS. In addition, she teaches and mentors residents in both outpatient and inpatient settings. She has written articles and book chapters in these areas of medical education (hospital medicine, bedside medicine, cultural competency, update in hospital medicine, cardiac auscultation curricula, feedback, information literacy, discharge process, and communicating professionalism). AAMC, WGEA (Co-Director of 2011 WGEA), ACP, SGIM, SHM (Director of 2005 national meeting), ACLGIM, and APDIM are venues in which she has presented workshops, plenary sessions, and panels regionally and nationally. She has actively participated in the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) and Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) at regional and national levels by chairing and co-chairing committees involving national meetings, clinical vignettes, medical education, and clinical updates. She served as SHM Annual Meeting Chair in 2005, Pre-Course Chair in 2004, CA Regional SGIM President in 2004-5, and WGEA Co-Director in 2011. She was recently inducted into the Association of Chairs and Leaders in General Internal Medicine (ACLGIM) and served as Annual Meeting Co-Chair and Leadership Summit Co-Chair in 2011-12.
She enjoys dancing (Indian classical, folk, ballet, and jazz), tennis, hoola-hooping, traveling, and most of all, spending time with her family and friends. She and husband Venky Ganesan, a venture capitalist in Palo Alto, are the lucky parents of 3 girls.
Clinical Focus
- Internal Medicine
Administrative Appointments
Clinical Fellow in Internal Medicine, Harvard Medical School (1995 - 1998)
Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School (1998 - 2000)
Teaching Assistant, Brown University (1991 - 1991)
Research Intern, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (1991 - 1991)
25th Anniversary Commencement Aide, Brown University (2000 - 2000)
Revision Committee: Program in Liberal Medical Education, Brown University (2000 - 2000)
Staff Physician/Hospitalist, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard (1998 - 2000)
Staff Physician/General Internist, Beth Israel Medical Center, Harvard (1998 - 2000)
Attending Physician, Beth Israel Deaconess, Harvard (1998 - 2000)
Co-Director, Area of Concentration in Medical Education, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (1998 - 2000)
Associate Firm Chief, G. Kurkland Firm, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard (1999 - 2000)
Director, Quality Improvement, Hospitalist Group, UCSF (2001 - 2003)
Director, Nurse Practitioner Course, "Chronic Illness", UCSF (2003 - 2004)
Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF (2006 - 2006)
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine (2006 - Present)
Associate Firm Chief, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard (2000 - 2001)
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF (2000 - 2006)
Co-Director, Foundation of Patient Care Course, UCSF Medical Center (2000 - 2006)
Course Director, Practice of Medicine, Stanford University (2007 - Present)
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine (2006 - Present)
Educator for CARE, Stanford University School of Medicine (2008 - Present)
Assistant Dean of Preclerkship Education, Stanford University School of Medicine (2013 - Present)
Chair, Stanford Committee on Curriculum, Advising, and Policy (2013 - 2015)
Honors & Awards
SGIM National Award for Scholarship in Medical Education, Society for General Internal Medicine (SGIM) (2011)
2010 California Regional SGIM Clinician Educator of the Year Award, SGIM (2010)
L. Mathers Award for Exceptional Commitment to Teaching, Stanford Medical School (2010)
Fellow, Fellow in Hospital Medicine (2009)
Pre-Clinical Teaching Award, Kaiser Family Foundation (2009)
Faculty Fellow, Stanford University (2008-2009)
Educators for CARE, Stanford Medical School (2008)
Division of General Internal Medicine Teaching Award, Stanford University (2007)
Harvard Macy Scholar, Harvard Macy Institute (2006)
Nominee: Division of General Internal Medicine Teaching Award, Stanford University (2006)
Stanford Faculty Development Program, Stanford University (2006)
Nominee: Clinical X track for Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF (2005)
Nominee: Kaiser Teaching Award, UCSF School of Medicine (2005)
Academy of Medical Educators induction, UCSF (2004)
Awardee: STAR award for clinical service, UCSF Medical Center (2004)
Nominee: Crede Award for Teaching, Division of General Internal Medicine, UCSF (2004)
Nominee: Outstanding Clinical Teaching, Class of 2004, UCSF (2004)
Nominee: Outstanding Foundation of Patient Care Facilitator, Class of 2007, UCSF (2004)
Nominee: Crede Award for Clinical Care, Division of General Internal Medicine, UCSF (2003)
Nominee: Outstanding Foundations of Patient Care Educator, UCSF (2003)
Teaching Scholars Program, UCSF School of Medicine (2002-2003)
Honoree: UCSF Women in Medicine Residency Group, UCSF (2002)
Nominee: Kaiser Teaching Award, UCSF School of Medicine (2002)
First prize winner, Clinical Vignette National Poster Competition, National Association of Inpatient Physicians (2001)
Nominee: Crede Award for Clinical Care, Division of General Internal Medicine, UCSF (2001)
25th Anniversary Commencement Aide, Brown University School of Medicine (2000)
Institute Scholar, Harvard Institute for Education and Research (2000)
Nominee: Award for Excellence in Teaching, Harvard University Medical School (2000)
Katherine Swan Ginsburg Memorial Award for Humanism in Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (1998)
Lowell McGee Memorial Teaching Award, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (1998)
Glasgow Memorial Achievement Citation for Scholastic Achievement, American Medical Women's Association (1995)
Outstanding Category Ranking, Brown University School of Medicine (1995)
Upjohn Achievement Prize for Outstanding Performance and Contribution, Brown University School of Medicine (1995)
The Joseph Collins Scholarship for Academic Achievement, Brown University (1993-1995)
Association of Women Psychiatrists' Leah J. Dickstein, M.D. Award, Brown University School of Medicine (1993)
McGraw-Hill Book Award for Academic Achievement, Brown University School of Medicine (1992)
Society for Pediatric Research Scholar, Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Columbia University School of Medicine (1992)
Babette and Peter Stewart Prize for Overall Achievement in the Program in Liberal Medical Education, Brown University (1991)
Emery Fellowship for Scholarly Ability and Excellence of Character, Brown University (1991)
George W. Hagy Prize in Human Biology, Brown University (1991)
Magna Cum Laude, Brown University (1991)
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society, Sigma Xi (1991)
National Science Foundation Fellow, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University (1990)
Honors Research Program Intern, Roche Institute of Molecular Biology (1988)
Professional Education
Board Certification: American Board of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine (2022)
Fellowship: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Harvard Medical School (1998) MA
Residency: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Harvard Medical School (1998) MA
Medical Education: Brown University Program In Medicine (1995) RI
M.D., Beth Israel Deaconess Center, Fellow in Medical Education (1999)
M.D., West Roxbury VA Medical Center, Harvard, Chief Resident (1998)
M.D., Beth Israel Hosital, Harvard, Residency (1998)
M.D., Brown School of Medicine, M.D. with Honors (1995)
B.A., Brown University, Human Biology with Honors (1991)
Current Research and Scholarly Interests
Medical education, preparation for clerkship curricula and hospital medicine.
2024-25 Courses
Independent Studies (5)
- Directed Reading in Medicine
MED 299 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Early Clinical Experience in Medicine
MED 280 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Graduate Research
MED 399 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Medical Scholars Research
MED 370 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Undergraduate Research
MED 199 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum)
- Directed Reading in Medicine
Prior Year Courses
2022-23 Courses
- Early Clinical Engagement (ECE)
INDE 268 (Spr)
2021-22 Courses
- Early Clinical Engagement (ECE)
INDE 268 (Aut, Win, Spr)
- Early Clinical Engagement (ECE)
Stanford Advisees
E4C Mentor
Layla Aboukhater, Kimiya Aframian, Muzzammil Ahmadzada, Leonora Akporyoe, Alvaro Amorin, Jacqueline Aredo, Basil Baccouche, Marc Carmichael, Marcello Chang, Augustine Chemparathy, Lauren Clarke, Annelisse Cuéllar-Montes, Tejas Dharmaraj, Max Durtschi, Brian Garcia Rodriguez, Jk Gopakumar, Shweta Gudapati, Kristin Kennedy, Samuel Kim, Stewart Kim, Eric Kohut, Fikunwa Kolawole, Hannah Lee, Christina Miranda, Henry Nguyen, Ryan Park, Zachary Renfro, Akshay Sanghi, Umar Siddiqi, Kritika Singh, Kalijah Terilli, Helen Wang
All Publications
- Medical Students and the Electronic Health Record: ' An Epic Use of Time' The American Journal of Medicine 2014; 127 (9): 891-895
The flipped classroom paradigm for teaching palliative care skills.
The virtual mentor : VM
2013; 15 (12): 1034-1037
View details for DOI 10.1001/virtualmentor.2013.15.12.medu1-1312
View details for PubMedID 24331444
- Developing a national collaborative of medical educators who lead clinical skills courses Teaching and Learning Medicine 2012
- Medical Student Wellness: An Essential Role For Mentors Medical Science Educator 2011; 21 (4)
- Hospitalist handoffs: a systematic review and task force recommendations J Hosp Med 2009; 4 (7): 433-40
- Deficits in Communication and Information Transfer Between Hospital-Based and Primary Care Physicians: Implications for Patient Safety and Continuity of Care. JAMA 2007; Feb: 28;297(8):831-41
Update in hospital medicine
2006; 145 (9): 685-691
View details for Web of Science ID 000241707800007
View details for PubMedID 17088582
- From classroom to bedside; A curriculum for first year medical students Med Education 2003; May: 37(5):477-8
- Is there a New Doctor in the House? Hospital Medicine in the United States Swiss Medical Journal (Schweiz Ärztezeitung) 2002; July (83): 2045-2051
Qualitative Assessment of Clerkship Students' Perspectives of the Topics of Pain and Addiction in their Preclinical Curriculum
Academic Psychiatry
2018: 664–67
A majority of physicians feel poorly trained in the treatment of chronic pain and addiction. As such, it is critical that medical students receive appropriate education in both pain management and addiction. The purpose of this study was to assess the pre-clinical curriculum in pain medicine and addiction from the perspective of students after they had completed their pre-clinical training and to assess what they perceived as the strengths and weaknesses of their training.The authors conducted focused interviews among clinical medical students who had completed at least 6 months of clerkships. The interviews targeted the students' retrospective opinions about the pre-clinical curriculum and their preparedness for clinical encounters with either pain or addiction-related issues during their rotations. Coders thematically analyzed the de-identified interview transcripts, with consensus reached through discussion and code modification.Themes that emerged through the focused interviews included: fragmented curricular structure (and insufficient time) for pain and addiction medicine, not enough specific treatment strategies for pain or addiction, especially for complex clinical scenarios, and lack of a trained work-force to provide guidance in the management of pain and addiction.This study demonstrated the feasibility of gathering student perspectives to inform changes to improve the pre-clinical curriculum in pain and addiction medicine. Students identified multiple areas for improvement at the pre-clerkship level, which have informed updates to the curriculum. More research is needed to determine if curricular changes based on student feedback lead to improved learning outcomes.
View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-018-0927-1
An Innovative Blended Preclinical Curriculum in Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics: Impact on Student Satisfaction and Performance
2016; 91 (5): 696-700
There is little understanding of the impact of teaching clinical epidemiology and biostatistics in a flipped or blended format. At Stanford University School of Medicine, the quantitative medicine (QM) curriculum for first-year students was redesigned to use a blended format, in response to student feedback.The blended QM curriculum introduced in 2013 integrated self-paced, online learning with small-group collaborative learning. The authors analyzed the blended format's impact on student satisfaction and performance, comparing the pilot cohort of students (n = 101) with students who took the traditional curriculum in 2011 and 2012 (n = 178). They also analyzed QM resource utilization in 2013.The blended curriculum had a positive impact on satisfaction and mastery of core material. Comparing the 2013 blended cohort with the 2011-2012 traditional cohort, there were significant improvements in student satisfaction ratings (overall, P < .0001; organization, P < .0001; logical sequence, P = .008; value of content, P < .0001). The mean (SD) overall satisfaction rating for small-group sessions increased: 3.40 (1.03) in 2013 versus 2.79 (1.00) in 2011 and 2.83 (1.06) in 2012. Performance on the QM final exam showed no significant changes in 2013 versus 2011 and 2012. The majority of students in 2013 reported using the QM online videos as their primary learning resource (69%-85% across modules).The positive impact of the curricular elements studied will inform continued development of the QM curriculum. Features of the curriculum could serve as a model for future blended courses.
View details for DOI 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001085
View details for Web of Science ID 000375153500029
View details for PubMedID 26796089
Training Future Clinician-Educators: A Track for Family Medicine Residents.
Family medicine
2016; 48 (3): 212-216
Despite a growing demand for skilled clinician-educators, residents today rarely receive formal training in clinical teaching, curriculum development, administration, leadership, or educational scholarship. The authors describe the development, implementation, and preliminary evaluation of the O'Connor Stanford Leaders in Education Residency (OSLER) track, a novel clinician-educator track within the family medicine residency program affiliated with Stanford University School of Medicine.In 2010, the OSLER track was introduced at O'Connor Hospital, a community hospital that houses an 8-8-8 family medicine residency program. Residents who are in good standing can apply to the track at the midpoint of their first postgraduate year. Residents are immersed in a flexible, experience-based, 2.5-year-long curriculum with hands-on teaching activities at its core. To foster skills in educational scholarship, track residents are required to design and complete a scholarly project.A comprehensive evaluation plan is currently in progress. Preliminary data indicates high levels of satisfaction with the track's overall value, impact on core teaching skills, and effect on career trajectory. Residents gained more confidence in core teaching skills as they progressed through the track. Scholarly work output by residents has increased significantly since the track was implemented. The residency program has seen an increased interest from applicants since the track was started, with data suggesting that applicant quality has increased from the pre-track to post-track years.More research is needed to assess the effectiveness and reproducibility of this clinician-educator track. If proven, this model may be replicated at other academic medical centers.
View details for PubMedID 26950910
Training Future Clinician-Educators: A Track for Family Medicine Residents.
Family medicine
2016; 48 (3): 212-216
View details for PubMedID 26950910
Students' goal orientations, perceptions of early clinical experiences and learning outcomes.
Medical education
2016; 50 (2): 203-213
Workplace learning is optimised when learners engage in the activities of the workplace; learner engagement is influenced by workplace affordances and learner agency. Learner agency can be operationalised through achievement goal theory, which explains that students can have different goal orientations as they enter learning situations: mastery (learn and improve), performance approach (demonstrate competence) or performance-avoid (avoid demonstrating incompetence). Mastery-orientated, compared with performance-orientated, students approach curricular experiences as opportunities for developing rather than demonstrating competence. This study explored the relationships among students' achievement goal orientations, workplace affordances and learning outcomes in the context of early clinical experiences.Students who completed their preclerkship curricula at four medical schools answered a questionnaire about their personal goal orientation and the perceived goal structure and workplace affordances of their preceptorship experiences. All items used a 5-point scale (1 = strongly disagree/not at all true, 5 = strongly agree/very true). Students were evaluated by their preceptors and completed standardised-patient exams at the end of their pre-clerkship curricula. Analyses included descriptive statistics and mediation analysis.Of 517 students, 296 (57.3%) responded and 253 (85.5%) had linked performance data. Student goal orientation means were: mastery, mean = 4.27 (SD = 0.65); performance-approach, 2.41 (0.76); performance-avoid, 2.84 (0.88). Student goal orientation and performance on preceptor evaluations (PEval) or standardised-patient exams (SPExam) were not significantly related. Perceptions of a mastery-structured curriculum and inviting workplace were associated with higher SPExam (β = 0.28, p = 0.02) and PEval (β = 0.51, p = 0.00) scores, respectively. Student mastery goal orientation was positively associated with perceptions of a mastery-structured curriculum (β = 0.59, p = 0.00) and positive workplace affordances (β = 0.25-0.29, p ≤ 0.01).Students held a predominant mastery goal orientation towards their early clinical experiences. Mastery-orientated students perceived preceptorships as mastery-structured with positive workplace affordances, and those perceiving a mastery-structured or inviting preceptorship performed better. Clinical experiences should be structured to emphasise learning rather than demonstration of skills to promote learning outcomes.
View details for DOI 10.1111/medu.12885
View details for PubMedID 26812999
Medical students and the electronic health record: 'an epic use of time'.
American journal of medicine
2014; 127 (9): 891-895
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.05.027
View details for PubMedID 24907594
Developing A National Collaborative Of Medical Educators Who Lead Clinical Skills Courses
2012; 24 (4): 361-364
The majority of US medical schools now have pre-clerkship clinical skills (PCCS) courses. Course directors for these often logistically complicated courses may be in different medical specialties and, historically, have had few formal opportunities for communication and collaboration with their counterparts at other institutions. As such, we hypothesized that leaders of PCCS courses would benefit from a national network.In this paper, we outline the methodology used to form a national collaborative from grass roots interest. Over three years, a self-identified eleven-person task force with national representation has created an organization for PCCS course directors from US medical schools called Directors Of Clinical Skills courses (DOCS) that meets annually.Through iterative presentations at regional and national medical education meetings, we have produced an inventory of educational issues for those developing, administering, and evaluating PCCS courses. Further development of this nascent organization is ongoing. Our process is generalizable.
View details for DOI 10.1080/10401334.2012.730452
View details for Web of Science ID 000315219600013
View details for PubMedID 23036005
Hospitalist Handoffs: A Systematic Review and Task Force Recommendations
2009; 4 (7): 433-440
Handoffs are ubiquitous to Hospital Medicine and are considered a vulnerable time for patient safety.To develop recommendations for hospitalist handoffs during shift change and service change.PubMed (through January 2007), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Network, white papers, and hand search of article bibliographies.Controlled studies evaluating interventions to improve in-hospital handoffs (n = 10).Studies were abstracted for design, setting, target, outcomes (including patient-level, staff-level, or system-level outcomes), and relevance to hospitalists.Although there were no studies of hospitalist handoffs, the existing literature from related disciplines and expert opinion support the use of a verbal handoff supplemented with written documentation in a structured format or technology solution. Technology solutions were associated with a reduction in preventable adverse events, improved satisfaction with handoff quality, and improved provider identification. Nursing studies demonstrate that supplementing verbal exchange with a written medium leads to improved retention of information. White papers characterized effective verbal exchange, as focusing on ill patients and actions required, with time for questions and minimal interruptions. In addition, content should be updated daily to ensure communication of the latest clinical information. Using this literature, recommendations for hospitalist handoffs are presented with corresponding levels of evidence. Recommendations were reviewed by hospitalists at the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) Annual Meeting and by an interdisciplinary team of expert consultants and were endorsed by the SHM governing board.The systematic review and resulting recommendations provide hospitalists a starting point from which to improve in-hospital handoffs.
View details for DOI 10.1002/jhm.573
View details for Web of Science ID 000269981200008
View details for PubMedID 19753573
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC3575739
- Scholarship and Career Development for the Hospitalist Clinician Educator In Hospitalist as Teacher - Just the Facts by McGraw-Hill 2008
- Acknowledgement for coding surveys and input: Preparing medical students for Clerkships: a descriptive anlaysis of transition courses. Acad Med 2008; 83 (5): 444-451
Deficits in communication and information transfer between hospital-based and primary care physicians - Implications for patient safety and continuity of care
2007; 297 (8): 831-841
Delayed or inaccurate communication between hospital-based and primary care physicians at hospital discharge may negatively affect continuity of care and contribute to adverse events.To characterize the prevalence of deficits in communication and information transfer at hospital discharge and to identify interventions to improve this process.MEDLINE (through November 2006), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and hand search of article bibliographies.Observational studies investigating communication and information transfer at hospital discharge (n = 55) and controlled studies evaluating the efficacy of interventions to improve information transfer (n = 18).Data from observational studies were extracted on the availability, timeliness, content, and format of discharge communications, as well as primary care physician satisfaction. Results of interventions were summarized by their effect on timeliness, accuracy, completeness, and overall quality of the information transfer.Direct communication between hospital physicians and primary care physicians occurred infrequently (3%-20%). The availability of a discharge summary at the first postdischarge visit was low (12%-34%) and remained poor at 4 weeks (51%-77%), affecting the quality of care in approximately 25% of follow-up visits and contributing to primary care physician dissatisfaction. Discharge summaries often lacked important information such as diagnostic test results (missing from 33%-63%), treatment or hospital course (7%-22%), discharge medications (2%-40%), test results pending at discharge (65%), patient or family counseling (90%-92%), and follow-up plans (2%-43%). Several interventions, including computer-generated discharge summaries and using patients as couriers, shortened the delivery time of discharge communications. Use of standardized formats to highlight the most pertinent information improved the perceived quality of documents.Deficits in communication and information transfer at hospital discharge are common and may adversely affect patient care. Interventions such as computer-generated summaries and standardized formats may facilitate more timely transfer of pertinent patient information to primary care physicians and make discharge summaries more consistently available during follow-up care.
View details for Web of Science ID 000244485000026
View details for PubMedID 17327525
- Hospital Discharge Hospital Medicine 2005: 31-36
- Clinical Updates SGIM Forum 2004; January
- Innovations in Medical Education Update SGIM Forum 2004; January
- Core Competencies Update The Hospitalist 2002; March
- Asthma Guide to Internal Medicine 2002
- Structuring Residency and Fellowship Curricula in Hospital Medicine The Hospitalist 2002; November
- Clinical Vignettes Update SGIM Forum 2001; 24 (11): 4-7
- "Through the Eyes of a Physician" in This Side of Doctoring: Reflections of Women in Medicine Sage Publications 2001; December
- Through the Eyes of a Physician. In: Reflections in Medicine: A Time to Heal Brown University School of Medicine 25th Anniversary Publication 2000; May