School of Engineering
Showing 201-300 of 415 Results
John Higgins
Adjunct Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
BioJohn received a BS in biochemistry from Albright College and his Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry from Brown University. After completing a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute in NYC in the departments of Positron Emission Tomography and Neurology, he joined the Medicinal Chemistry Discovery group at Johnson Matthey Biomedical. There he made several significant contributions to early research projects on new Pt- antitumor drugs and peptide-based diagnostic radio-imaging agents. After nearly a decade as a discovery med chemist, he moved on to drug development in positions of increasing responsibility at J&J and Sanofi-Aventis. He and his teams have specialized in the areas of drug delivery, solid state chemistry and biomaterials in relation to improving the bioperformance of therapeutic agents. Towards this end, he has led the successful implementation of a wide range of methodologies into drug discovery space including prodrug design for enhanced solubility/permeability, miniaturized polymeric amorphous dispersions and nanoparticle technologies.
John currently is Executive Director of the Discovery Pharmaceutical Sciences department at Merck’s Discovery Center. In this multidisciplinary role, he is responsible for oversight of the biopharmaceutical and drug delivery aspects of Merck’s discovery programs (small molecules and peptides) as well as the identification of new enabling technologies. Over his over 30 year pharma career, he is co-inventor on 13 US Patents and author of numerous and diverse publications and book chapters in the fields of organic, solid state & medicinal chemistry and drug delivery.
John also currently serves as an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, where he regularly teaches classes in various aspects of drug discovery and development. -
Lynn Hildemann
Wayne Loel Professor of Sustainability and Senior Associate Dean for Education
BioLynn Hildemann's current research areas include the sources and dispersion of airborne particulate matter indoors, and assessment of human exposure to air pollutants.
Prof. Hildemann received BS, MS, and PhD degrees in environmental engineering science from the California Institute of Technology. She is an author on >100 peer-reviewed publications, including two with over 1000 citations each, and another 6 with over 500 citations each. She has been honored with Young Investigator Awards from NSF and ONR, the Kenneth T. Whitby Award from the AAAR (1998), and Stanford's Gores Award for Teaching Excellence (2013); she also was a co-recipient of Atmospheric Environment’s Haagen-Smit Outstanding Paper Award (2001).
She has served on advisory committees for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and for the California Air Resources Board. She has been an Associate Editor for Environmental Science & Technology, and Aerosol Science and Technology, and has served on the advisory board for the journal Environmental Science & Technology.
At Stanford, Prof. Hildemann has been chair of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and served as an elected member of the Faculty Senate. She has chaired the School of Engineering Library Committee, the University Committee on Judicial Affairs, and the University Breadth Governance Board. -
Vayu Hill-Maini
Assistant Professor of Bioengineering
BioVayu fell in love with cooking at a young age in his multicultural home in Stockholm, Sweden. He first moved to the U.S to work in restaurants, but the flavors, textures, and sensations of the kitchen eventually led him to scientific research. He received his B.A in Chemistry and Biology at Carleton College in 2015. He completed his PhD in Biochemistry from Harvard University in 2020, where he worked in the lab of Emily Balskus to characterize strains and enzymes from human gut microbiota responsible for the metabolism of drugs and dietary compounds. As a Miller Fellow at UC Berkeley, Vayu discovered and engineered filamentous fungi for sustainable foods in the lab of Jay Keasling. In addition, Vayu has trained at diverse gastronomic institutions, including Basque Culinary Center, Fundación Alicia, The Cultured Pickled Shop, and Michelin-star restaurants Alchemist, Blue Hill at Stone Barns. He is excited about building synthetic biology tools for fungi to unlock new discoveries within mycology, address sustainability challenges, and enable gastronomic creativity. His favorite fungi are Neurospora intermedia and chantarelles (both orange!).
Pamela Hinds
Rodney H. Adams Professor in the School of Engineering, Fortinet Founders Chair of the Department of Management Science and Engineering and Professor of Management Science and Engineering
BioPamela J. Hinds is Rodney H. Adams Chair and Fortinet Founders Chair and Professor of Management Science & Engineering, Co-Director of the Center on Work, Technology, and Organization and on the Director's Council for the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design. She studies the effect of technology on teams, collaboration, and innovation. Pamela has conducted extensive research on the dynamics of cross-boundary work teams, particularly those spanning national borders. She explores issues of culture, language, identity, conflict, and the role of site visits in promoting knowledge sharing and collaboration. She has published extensively on the relationship between national culture and work practices, particularly exploring how work practices or technologies created in one location are understood and employed at distant sites. Pamela also has a body of research on human-robot interaction in the work environment and the dynamics of human-robot teams. Most recently, Pamela has been looking at the changing nature of work in the face of emerging technologies, including the nature of coordination in open innovation, changes in work and organizing resulting from 3D-printing, and the work of data analysts. Her research has appeared in journals such as Organization Science, Research in Organizational Behavior, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Discoveries, Human-Computer Interaction, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Pamela is a Senior Editor of Organization Science. She is also co-editor with Sara Kiesler of the book Distributed Work (MIT Press). Pamela holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Science and Management from Carnegie Mellon University.
Daniel Ho
William Benjamin Scott & Luna M. Scott Professor of Law, Professor of Political Science, Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, at the Stanford Institute for HAI and Professor, by courtesy, of Computer Science
BioDaniel E. Ho is the William Benjamin Scott and Luna M. Scott Professor of Law, Professor of Political Science, Professor of Computer Science (by courtesy), Senior Fellow at Stanford's Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, and Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research at Stanford University. He is a Faculty Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and is Director of the Regulation, Evaluation, and Governance Lab (RegLab). Ho serves on the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Commission (NAIAC), advising the White House on artificial intelligence, as Senior Advisor on Responsible AI at the U.S. Department of Labor, and as a Public Member of the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS). He received his J.D. from Yale Law School and Ph.D. from Harvard University and clerked for Judge Stephen F. Williams on the U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit.
Theodore Terence Ho
Basic Life Research Scientist
BioHonors & Awards
1. Cum Laude Society, National Cum Laude Society 2008
2. Harvard College Research Program Fellowship, Harvard University 2009-2011
3. 1st Place, Therapeutics Category, University Research and Entrepreneurship Symposium 2011
4. Quantitative Biosciences Consortium Fellowship, University of California San Francisco 2012
5. Honorable Mention, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program 2013
6. Honorable Mention, Ford Foundation Fellowship 2014
7. American Heart Association Fellowship, American Heart Association 2015
8. Best Poster, Bay Area Aging Meeting 2015
9. Hillblom Center for the Biology of Aging Fellowship, Hillblom Center for the Biology of Aging 2016
10. Travel Award Winner, ASCB, Else Kröner-Fresenius, Keystone Symposium NIA Scholarship, ISSCR, Seahorse Bioscience, UCSF 2013-2017
11. Merit Award Winner, International Society for Stem Cell Research 2017
12. Forbes 30 Under 30, Forbes 2019
13. Jane Coffin Childs Fellowship, Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund and Howard Hughes Medical Institute 2019
14. Invited speaker, Tedx Middlebury 2019
Professional Education
Bachelor of Arts, Harvard University (2012)
Masters of Science, Harvard University (2012)
Doctor of Philosophy, University of California San Francisco (2017)
Stanford Advisors
Karl Deisseroth, Postdoctoral Faculty Sponsor
1. Autophagy maintains the metabolism and function of young and old stem cells, Nature 2017 (PubMed ID – 28241143)
2. Aged hematopoietic stem cells are refractory to bloodborne systemic rejuvenation interventions, J Exp Med 2021 (PubMed ID – 34032859)
3. Metabolic regulation of stem cell function in tissue homeostasis and organismal ageing, Nature Cell Biology 2016 (PubMed ID – 27428307)
4. siRNA Delivery Impedes the Temporal Expression of Cytokine-Activated VCAM1 on Endothelial Cells, Annals of biomedical engineering 2016 (PubMed ID – 26101035)
5. Functional evidence implicating chromosome 7q22 haploinsufficiency in myelodysplastic syndrome pathogenesis, Elife 2015 (PubMed ID – 26193121)
6. Lysosome activation clears aggregates and enhances quiescent neural stem cell activation during aging, Science 2018 (PubMed ID – 29590078) -
Anh Tuan Hoang
Postdoctoral Scholar, Materials Science and Engineering
BioAnh Tuan Hoang is a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University, where he is working with Prof. Eric Pop and Prof. Andrew Mannix. Hoang received his Ph.D. (2022) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Yonsei University and his M.S. (2016) in Bionano Engineering from Hanyang University, supported by the BK21+ Fellowship. Before that, he earned his B.S. degree (2014) in Chemical Engineering from Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Hoang's research interests span various fields, including colorimetric sensors, chemical analysis, displays, flexible and wearable devices, crystallography, and semiconductor physics. During his time at Stanford, he focused primarily on the wafer-scale synthesis and characterization of 2D semiconductors.
Connor Hoffmann
Masters Student in Management Science and Engineering, admitted Summer 2023
BioConnor assists with research and programs led by Dr. Palmer’s group in conjunction with CISAC. His interests include how technology development shapes social and political orders, norms and governance practices with a particular focus in the life sciences. Connor received an Honors Baccalaureate and Bachelors in Chemical Engineering, Biological Engineering, and Interdisciplinary Studies (BS) with foci in biological engineering, economics and political science from Montana State University. His thesis work studied the application of nuclear nonproliferation norms to dual-use biotechnology. He also conducted research on the biochemistry and structural biology of CRISPR-Cas systems under the direction of Dr. Blake Wiedenheft during his undergraduate studies. Connor was named a Truman Scholar, the premier graduate fellowship in the United States for those pursuing careers as public service leaders. Before joining Stanford, he worked with the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy [ACEEE] to develop a connected and autonomous vehicle policy toolkit. An avid outdoorsman, he can be found after hours exploring the backcountry with his mountain bike, touring skis, climbing gear, or backpack.
Mark Holodniy
Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research program is currently focused in three areas: 1) Translational research (viral evolution and antiviral resistance prevalence and development), 2) Clinical trials (diagnostic assay/medical device, antimicrobials and immunomodulators), and 3) Health services research focusing on public health, infectious diseases and clinical outcomes.
Andrew Mosser Hong
Masters Student in Management Science and Engineering, admitted Autumn 2022
Peer Advisor, StatisticsCurrent Role at StanfordMasters student in Management Science & Engineering. Undergraduate student in Data Science. Peer Advisor in Data Science. Resident Assistant.
Guosong Hong
Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
BioGuosong Hong's research aims to bridge materials science and neuroscience, and blur the distinction between the living and non-living worlds by developing novel neuroengineering tools to interrogate and manipulate the brain. Specifically, the Hong lab is currently developing ultrasound, infrared, and radiofrequency-based in-vivo neural interfaces with minimal invasiveness, high spatiotemporal resolution, and cell-type specificity.
Dr. Guosong Hong received his PhD in chemistry from Stanford University in 2014, and then carried out postdoctoral studies at Harvard University. Dr. Hong joined Stanford Materials Science and Engineering and Neurosciences Institute as an assistant professor in 2018. He is a recipient of the NIH Pathway to Independence (K99/R00) Award, the MIT Technology Review ‘35 Innovators Under 35’ Award, the Science PINS Prize for Neuromodulation, the NSF CAREER Award, the Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the Rita Allen Foundation Scholars Award. -
Mark Horowitz
Fortinet Founders Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Yahoo! Founders Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science
BioProfessor Horowitz initially focused on designing high-performance digital systems by combining work in computer-aided design tools, circuit design, and system architecture. During this time, he built a number of early RISC microprocessors, and contributed to the design of early distributed shared memory multiprocessors. In 1990, Dr. Horowitz took leave from Stanford to help start Rambus Inc., a company designing high-bandwidth memory interface technology. After returning in 1991, his research group pioneered many innovations in high-speed link design, and many of today’s high speed link designs are designed by his former students or colleagues from Rambus.
In the 2000s he started a long collaboration with Prof. Levoy on computational photography, which included work that led to the Lytro camera, whose photographs could be refocused after they were captured.. Dr. Horowitz's current research interests are quite broad and span using EE and CS analysis methods to problems in neuro and molecular biology to creating new agile design methodologies for analog and digital VLSI circuits. He remains interested in learning new things, and building interdisciplinary teams. -
Yifan Hou
Postdoctoral Scholar, Electrical Engineering
BioI am a Post Doctoral researcher working with Prof. Shuran Song at Stanford Electric Engineering. Prior to joining Stanford, I spent three years as an Applied Scientist at Amazon Robotics working on the Stow project. I obtained my PhD and MS degrees from the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, obtained BoE from the department of Automation at Tsinghua University. I had also spent time interning at Toyota Research Institute and MIT.
I work on robotic manipulation. I am currently interested in the intersection of data-driven visual motor policies and model based compliance control. -
Roger Howe
William E. Ayer Professor of Electrical Engineering, Emeritus
BioDesign and fabrication of sensors and actuators using micro and nanotechnologies, with applications to information processing and energy conversion.
Kurt Howerton
Director of Information Technology, School of Engineering
Current Role at StanfordDirector of Information Technology, School of Engineering