School of Medicine
Showing 1-100 of 953 Results
Ruth Adewuya
Managing Director, Center for Continuing Medical Education, School of Medicine - Post Grad Med Education (CME)
Current Role at StanfordManaging Director, Center for Continuing Medical Education (February 2018 - present)
Executive Director, Stanford Advanced Practice Provider Leadership Certificate Program (September 2022 – present)
Executive Director, Stanford Physician Leadership Certificate Program (October 2021 – present)
Podcast Host | Stanford Medcast (September 2020 – present) -
Thea Allen
Director, Resource Management, School of Medicine - Lane Medical Library
Current Role at StanfordDirector of Resource Management, Lane Medical Library
Nidharshan Anandasivam
Affiliate, Department Funds
Fellow in Medicine - Med/NephrologyBioNidharshan Anandasivam is a fellow in the Stanford University Nephrology Fellowship Program. He received a Bachelor of Science in Biological Engineering at MIT, an MD from Yale School of Medicine, and an MBA from Yale School of Management. He completed his Internal Medicine Residency at University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School.
Leah Anderson
Manager Access Services, School of Medicine - Lane Medical Library
Current Role at StanfordManager, Access Services
-- Manages Access Services, the public-facing department at Lane Library
-- Manages DocXpress Document Delivery Service
-- Manages access and storage of the library's physical collections -
Marcella A. Anthony, Ed.D., MPA
Assistant Director, Diversity Outreach, Recruitment and Engagement, Office of Diversity in Medical Education
Current Role at StanfordAssistant Director of Diversity Outreach, Recruitment, and Engagement
Director, Leadership Education for Aspiring Physicians
Summer Community College Programs Administrator -
Mary Ayers
Director of Learning Spaces and Immersive Learning Center Operations, Immersive and Simulation-based Learning
Current Role at StanfordAs Director of Operations for Learning Spaces and the Immersive Learning Center, Mary oversees the learning space and resource scheduling services and facilities support teams in the School of Medicine to ensure outstanding services to faculty and staff.
Farzad Azimpour
Casual - Non-Exempt, School of Medicine - MDRP'S - Biodesign Program
BioFarzad leads Edwards Lifesciences’ strategic innovation and future therapies incubator in the Advanced Technology unit as Senior Vice President. He’s a cardiologist by background, bringing academic, start-up, and industry experience applying needs-driven innovation discipline to define and solve high-impact challenges in cardiovascular disease.
Within his role, Farzad heads the Edwards Lifesciences Innovation Fellowship Program for cardiovascular physicians and surgeons, in partnership with the Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF). Academically, Farzad serves as Associate Director, Lead for Design at Stanford University’s Mussallem Center for Biodesign.
In January of 2025, Farzad was selected to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the Edwards Lifesciences Foundation.
He previously served as Director of Health at the global design and innovation firm IDEO, and Chief Medical Officer of an American College of Cardiology Foundation and venture capital-backed health technology start-up focused on heart failure.
Farzad completed his training in medicine and cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic and the University of Minnesota / Lillehei Heart Institute respectively, served as Chief Cardiology Fellow and NIH T32 Research Fellow designing and testing advanced cardiovascular technologies, and operated as the St. Jude Medical and Dean’s Innovation Fellow at Stanford Biodesign.
He holds patents and patents pending in the fields of interventional cardiology, cardiac electrophysiology, and robotic surgery.
Farzad earned both his bachelor’s degree in biological sciences and his MD from the University of Texas at Austin, and his post-doc in Biodesign from Stanford University School of Medicine.
He is a recipient of Phi Beta Kappa distinction and the Arnold P. Gold Humanism in Medicine Award. -
Rosa Bacchetta
Professor (Research) of Pediatrics (Stem Cell Transplantation)
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsIn the coming years, I plan to further determine the genetic and immunological basis of diseases with autoimmunity or immune dysregulation in children. I believe that much can still be learned from the in depth mechanistic studies of pediatric autoimmune diseases. Genomic analysis of the patients' samples has become possible which may provide a rapid indication of altered target molecules. I plan to implement robust functional studies to define the consequences of these genetic abnormalities and bridge them to the patient's clinical phenotype.
Understanding functional consequences of gene mutations in single case/family first and then validating the molecular and cellular defects in other patients with similar phenotypes, will anticipate and complement cellular and gene therapy strategies.
For further information please visit the Bacchetta Lab website: -
Annelise E. Barron
Associate Professor of Bioengineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsBiophysical mechanisms of host defense peptides (a.k.a. antimicrobial peptides) and their peptoid mimics; also, molecular and cellular biophysics of human innate immune responses.
Yigit Baykara
Affiliate, Department Funds
Fellow in PathologyBioDr. Yigit Baykara received his MD from Ankara University and completed his Anatomic & Clinical Pathology residency at Brown University before joining Stanford for his Transfusion Medicine Fellowship.
Elizabeth Beam
Affiliate, Department Funds
Resident in Psychiatry and Behavioral SciencesBioEllie Beam is a psychiatry resident pursuing research at the intersection of neuroscience, computer science, and language. She completed MD/PhD training at Stanford Medical School with funding from the MSTP and the NRSA fellowship. Her doctoral thesis synthesized the neuroimaging literature into a framework for knowledge of human brain function, published in Nature Neuroscience and forming the basis for a US patent. Her work has been recognized by the Leah J. Dickstein Medical Student Award and Angier B. Duke Memorial Scholarship.
Pauline Becker
Adm Svcs Admstr 2, Technology & Digital Solutions
Current Role at StanfordPauline Becker is the Strategy & Operations Director at EdTech in the department of Technology & Digital Solutions (TDS).
Her primary responsibilities include:
* managing the design, implementation and maintenance of the MediaFlow system, the school of medicine's video capture system
* coordinating the Stanford Medicine Interactive Learning Initiative (SMILI:, an inter-disciplinary and cross-institutional steering committee for school of medicine online learning activities
* overseeing the Surgery Septris project, a project to create an education game for surgical decision making, based on the existing game Septris, for treatment of sepsis
Pauline Becker has been an active member of the Stanford community for 19 years. She has an undergraduate degree in Human Biology (1998) and a masters in Learning, Design and Technology (1999). In 1998, she received the Albert H. Hastorf Award for Outstanding Service for excellence in teaching, from the Program in Human Biology. She has worked in industry as a quality assurance engineer and online community manager (Macromedia, 1999-2002). Since then she was a program manager at SUMMIT (Stanford University Medical Media & Information Technologies), where in partnership with PATH (a nonprofit international health organization) she headed the technical and educational design side of the AIM e-Learning project, dedicated to delivering online content to national health policy makers.
In her work for AIM e-Learning, Becker traveled to India, Uganda, Thailand, WHO Geneva and CDC Atlanta, where between designing and implementing appropriate technologies to deliver educational content, she conducted training sessions, usability studies and user needs surveys. She was introduced to the major issues and players in international health, in discussions with global partners and in-country staff.
At Stanford, Becker worked with medical students to develop the new course Rethinking International Health. The course uses online interviews of important figures in international health as a springboard for discussion of the major issues. Becker also worked with PATH and the World Health Organization in the redesign of a WHO computer-based tool for measles strategic planning.
Becker's research interests include the use of simulations and "serious games" (games for learning) in medical and health education. Her work on AIM e-Learning and the use of Web-based patient simulators for assessment in medical education has been published in peer-reviewed conference proceedings. She is fluent in conversational French and enjoys entertaining. -
Edward Bertaccini
Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine (MSD)
On Partial Leave from 01/26/2025 To 01/27/2026Current Research and Scholarly Interestsmolecular modeling of anesthetic-protein interactions, molecular modeling of the ligand-gated ion channels
Deeksha Suresh Bidare
Affiliate, Department Funds
Resident in Surgery - General SurgeryBioGeneral Surgery PGY-1
Stanford Medicine - Department of Surgery
M.D. | Baylor College of Medicine, 2023
B.S. in Biochemistry and Cell Biology | Rice University, 2019 -
Nasrin Biglari
Academic Technology Specialist, School of Medicine - Post Grad Med Education (CME)
Current Role at StanfordStanford Continuing Medical Education Website Coordinator/Developer
Kameron Black
Affiliate, Department Funds
Fellow in Graduate Medical EducationBioFirst-generation, Latino college grad and current clinical Informatics fellow (class of 2026) excited to contribute to translational data science and health equity projects. Background includes MPH in community & behavioral health, as well as prior research affiliations with MGH, Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins University, and OHSU. Recently completed residency training at OHSU in internal medicine. Operational project interests include bias assessment/ mitigation in CDS tools, as well as implementation science. Recent publications in Nature Scientific Data, JMIR and Applied Clinical Informatics.
Drew Bourn, PhD, MLIS
History Curator, School of Medicine - Lane Medical Library
Current Role at StanfordHistorical Curator, Stanford Medical History Center
Instructor in History, Stanford Continuing Studies -
Anitra Bowers
Director, Strategic Leadership, Chief of Staff
Current Role at StanfordDirector, Strategic Leadership
Jennifer Swanton Brown, RN
Director, Clinical Research Quality; Asst. Dean Compliance, Regulatory & Quality, Clinical Research Quality (CRQ)
Current Role at StanfordDirector, Clinical Research Quality
Assistant Dean, Compliance, Regulatory and Quality
Research Office, School of Medicine