SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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Joachim Stöhr
Professor of Photon Science, Emeritus
1968 Vordiplom in Physics, Bonn University, Germany
1971 M.S. in Physics, Washington State University, USA
1974 Dr. rer. nat. in Physics, TU München, Germany
Professional History:
Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (1976-77)
Senior Research Associate at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (1977-81)
Senior Staff Physicist at Exxon Research and Engineering Company (1981-85)
Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden Research Center (1985-89)
Manager, Department of Condensed Matter Science, IBM ARC (1989-91)
Manager, Department of Magnetic Materials and Phenomena, IBM ARC (1991-94)
Manager, Synchrotron Radiation Project, IBM ARC (1994-95)
Research Staff Member at IBM ARC (1995-99)
Professor of Photon Science, Stanford University (2000 – 2017)
Deputy Director, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) (2000-2005)
Director, SSRL (2005-2009)
Director, Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) (2009-2013)
Professor Emeritus (2017 – present)
Fellowships, Awards, Honors:
Fulbright Scholarship 1969-70
Postdoctoral Scholarship from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 1975-76
Fellow of the American Physical Society since 1988
Adjoint Professor in Physics at Uppsala University, Sweden (1993-2000)
Consulting Professor at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (1994-1999)
IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award 1997
Hofstadter Lecture, Stanford University, 2010
Davisson-Germer Prize 2011 in Surface Physics from American Physical Society
Ångstrom Lecture, Uppsala University, 2017
Summary of Scientific Work:
My early scientific research focused on the development of x-ray based surface techniques, especially surface EXAFS and NEXAFS, and their use for the determination of the geometric arrangement and bonding of atoms, molecules and thin organic films on surfaces. This work is summarized in my review article “SEXAFS: Everything you always wanted to know about SEXAFS but were afraid to ask” (in X-Ray Absorption: Principles, Applications, Techniques of EXAFS, SEXAFS and XANES, Edits. D. Koningsberger and R. Prins, Wiley, 1988) and my 1992 book “NEXAFS Spectroscopy” (Springer).
My later research focused on magnetic materials and phenomena, in particular the study of magnetic thin films, interfaces and nanostructures, and their ultrafast dynamics by use of forefront x-ray techniques. This work forms the foundation of my 2006 book (with H. Siegmann) entitled “Magnetism: From Fundamentals to Nanoscale Dynamics” (Springer).
With the advent of x-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) around 2010 my research increasingly focused on the description of x-rays and their interactions with matter within modern quantum optics, leading to my 2023 book “The Nature of X-Rays and their Interactions with Matter”.
In total I have written 3 books, 10 review articles in the form of book chapters and about 250 scientific Journal publications. I hold 5 patents and have given more than 150 invited talks at international scientific conferences, about 100 colloquia at Universities and Scientific Research Institutions, and 3 public lectures on the topic of magnetism and x-ray free electron lasers.
More information on my career, research, students and postdocs is given on my Stanford website: