School of Engineering
Showing 401-480 of 480 Results
Wendy Wenderski
Postdoctoral Scholar, Bioengineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMolecular mechanisms of chromatin remodeling by the BAF complex.
Kindle Williams
Postdoctoral Scholar, Chemical Engineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsKindle is a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. William Tarpeh's group. She studies nutrient recovery from wastewaters, with a particular focus on electrochemical techniques for the conversion and recovery of inorganic nitrogen species. She is interested in translating technologies for nutrient recovery to practice.
Christopher Wolters
Graduate Visiting Researcher Student, Electrical Engineering
BioChristopher Wolters is an M.Sc. candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). His research focuses on artificial intelligence, bio-inspired computing, and hardware-software co-design. He is currently a Visiting Student Researcher at Stanford University, where he works on AI computing architectures under the supervision of Prof. Subhasish Mitra and Prof. Ulf Schlichtmann.
Christopher has conducted research at the University of Tokyo on compute-in-memory architectures and at Duke University on neuromorphic hardware, and he completed academic training at ETH Zurich in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His accolades include the Max Weber Program scholarship by the German state, the Best Poster Award at MWSCAS 2023, and the NSF-CISE MWSCAS Student Award. -
Min Wu
Postdoctoral Scholar, Computer Science
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsResponsible AI, AI safety, trustworthy AI, robustness, explainability and interpretability.
Formal methods, automated verification, verification of deep neural networks, formal explainable AI. -
Yu Wu
Postdoctoral Scholar, Electrical Engineering
BioYu Wu is a postdoctoral scholar in Ginzton Laboratory. She received her Ph.D. degree in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at UCLA in 2023 and B.S. degree in Physics from Nanjing University in 2017. Her research interests primarily center on nanophotonics, terahertz techniques, quantum cascade lasers, and frequency comb.
熊剑 (Jian Xiong)
Postdoctoral Scholar, Chemical Engineering
BioI thrive to understand the roles of lysosomes in physiological and pathological conditions. Lysosomes are both degradation compartment and metabolic controlling hub, and dysregulation of lysosomal functions are frequently implicated in a vast number of diseases including neurodegenerative diseases, however, the systematic knowledge of the molecular mechanism by which lysosomal contributes to these diseases is lacking. Ion channels are the primary mediators of neuronal activity, defects in neuronal ion channel activity are linked with many kinds of neurodegenerative diseases. Interestingly, besides typical ion channels that are involved in the neuronal activity, defects in lysosomal ion channels, such as TRPML1, CLN7 and CLC-7 are also implicated in neuropathy. My previous work as Ph.D student in University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center focused on regulation of lysosomal function by ion channels and metabolites. I discovered a mechanism of lysosomal Na+ channel regulate mTORC1 activation by regulating lysosomal amino acid accumulation. I also discovered role of glutamine in controlling lysosomal degradation capacity. In the meantime, I developed novel methods to isolate organelles. My ultimate research goal is to understand the key developmental pathways and how alterations in gene sequences and expression contribute to human disease, therefore, I am pursuing independent academic researcher as my career goal. Starting Feb 2022, I work with Dr. Monther Abu-Remaileh at Stanford University on role of lysosomes in neurodegenerative diseases. I use genetics, chemical biology and omics approaches to study lysosome function under various physiological and pathological conditions, especially age-associated neurodegenerative disorders, and monogenic neurodegenerative lysosome storage diseases. In Stanford, I aim to integrate ionic regulation, metabolomic regulation and functional proteomic regulation to systematically understand the biology of lysosome in physiological conditions and pathological conditions.
Kun Xu
Postdoctoral Scholar, Mechanical Engineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMaterials characterization by using advanced electron microscopy
Pei Xu
Postdoctoral Scholar, Computer Science
Current Research and Scholarly Interestscharacter animation, physics-based character control, crowd simulation
Yusuke Yamashita
Postdoctoral Scholar, Aeronautics and Astronautics
BioYusuke Yamashita is a Postdoctoral Researcher of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University. He received a Ph.D. and M.S. in Aerospace Engineering and a Graduate Certificate in Engineering from the University of Tokyo, and B.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Osaka Prefecture University. He obtained fellowship as a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. His interests include electric propulsion, low-temperature plasmas, microwave and plasma interaction, and computational plasma physics. He received Second place award in student competition at International Electric Propulsion Conference, and Japanese Rocket Society Award at 33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science.
Wenhao Yang
Postdoctoral Scholar, Management Science and Engineering
BioI'm a postdoctoral researcher in Department of Management Science and Engineering (MS&E) at Stanford University, hosted by Prof. Jose Blanchet.
Prior to that, I recieved my Ph.D. at Peking Univerisity in 2023, where I was advised by Prof. Zhihua Zhang. Previously, I received my Bachelor's degree in Statistics from School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University in 2018.
My research interests lie broadly in the intersection areas among probability, statistics and machine learning, with applications spanning operations research, reinforcement learning, and deep learning. Specifically, I am interested in establishing statistical theories for modern large-scale models and designing practical algorithms with theoretical guarantees.
I am on the 2024-2025 job market looking for full-time academia positions. I am happy to discuss any opportunities!
Please see my personal website for more details: -
Yigao Yuan
Postdoctoral Scholar, Materials Science and Engineering
Bioheterogeneous photocatalysis
Tony Zahtila
Postdoctoral Scholar, Mechanical Engineering
BioI am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Turbulence Research.
I received my PhD in Australia from the University of Melbourne in 2023.
My PhD research focused on the physics and computing strategies of multiphase flows. More recently, my interests are in multi-fidelity simulation ensembles and uncertainty quantification. -
Mohammad Asif Zaman
Postdoctoral Scholar, Electrical Engineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research focuses on trapping and controlled manipulation of sub-micron sized particles. The work included modeling, fabrication and testing of chips that employ optical forces and/or dielectrophoretic forces to trap and transport nanoparticles. Our goal is to develop lab-on-a-chip systems for biomedical and chemical applications.
Xianfeng Zeng
Postdoctoral Scholar, Bioengineering
BioPh.D. in Chemistry, Princeton University (2023)
B.Sc. in Chemistry, Tsinghua University (2017) -
Anqi Zhang
Postdoctoral Scholar, Bioengineering
BioDr. Anqi Zhang is a postdoctoral scholar co-advised by Professor Karl Deisseroth and Professor Zhenan Bao at Stanford University. She received her Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Professor Charles M. Lieber in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University in 2020, and her B.S. degree in Materials Chemistry from Fudan University in 2014. She is interested in combining novel electronic, chemical, and genetic tools to monitor and modulate neural circuits in a minimally invasive manner. Her research is funded by the American Heart Association (AHA) postdoctoral fellowship and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) K99/R00 award.
Zhuo Zheng
Postdoctoral Scholar, Computer Science
BioMy research interests are Earth Vision and AI4Earth, especially multi-modal and multi-temporal remote sensing image analysis and their real-world applications.
First-author representative works:
- Our Change family: ChangeStar (single-temporal learning, ICCV 2021), ChangeMask (many-to-many architecture, ISPRS P&RS 2022), ChangeOS (one-to-many architecture, RSE 2021), Changen (generative change modeling, ICCV 2023)
- Geospatial object segmentation: FarSeg (CVPR 2020) and FarSeg++ (TPAMI 2023), LoveDA dataset (NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmark 2021)
- Missing-modality all weather mapping: Deep Multisensory Learning (first work on this topic, ISPRS P&RS 2021)
- Hyperspectral image classification: FPGA (first fully end-to-end patch-free method for HSI, TGRS 2020)