School of Medicine

Showing 151-200 of 4,924 Results

  • Steven Artandi, MD, PhD

    Steven Artandi, MD, PhD

    Laurie Kraus Lacob Director of the Stanford Cancer Institute (SCI), Jerome and Daisy Low Gilbert Professor and Professor of Biochemistry

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsTelomeres are nucleoprotein complexes that protect chromosome ends and shorten with cell division and aging. We are interested in how telomere shortening influences cancer, stem cell function, aging and human disease. Telomerase is a reverse transcriptase that synthesizes telomere repeats and is expressed in stem cells and in cancer. We have found that telomerase also regulates stem cells and we are pursuing the function of telomerase through diverse genetic and biochemical approaches.

  • Alisa Arunamata

    Alisa Arunamata

    Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics - Cardiology

    BioDr. Alisa Arunamata is a pediatric cardiologist and Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine. She specializes in cardiac imaging of the fetus through adulthood and provides comprehensive care to families and patients from the time of fetal diagnosis to post-operative management after cardiac surgery. She holds a number of leadership positions in education and hospital administration. She leads the pediatric cardiology fellowship training program as the Director, and was previously the Program Director of the Advanced Non-Invasive Imaging Fellowship as well as the Medical Director of Acute Cardiac Care at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford.

    Dr. Arunamata has a deep interest in improving clinical outcomes for children with congenital and acquired heart disease, with a primary focus on refining the assessment and contribution of the right ventricle in disease and health.

    She graduated early with a degree in Molecular and Cell Biology (Biochemistry) from the University of California, Berkeley, obtained her medical degree at New York University School of Medicine and completed pediatric residency and cardiology fellowship training at Stanford. She was elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society in 2019 and is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC) and American Society of Echocardiography (FASE).

  • Ann M. Arvin

    Ann M. Arvin

    Lucile Salter Packard Professor of Pediatrics and Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Emerita

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsOur laboratory investigates the pathogenesis of varicella zoster virus (VZV) infection, focusing on the functional roles of particular viral gene products in pathogenesis and virus-cell interactions in differentiated human cells in humans and in Scid-hu mouse models of VZV cell tropisms in vivo, and the immunobiology of VZV infections.

  • Shipra Arya

    Shipra Arya

    Professor of Surgery (Vascular Surgery)

    BioShipra Arya, MD SM FACS is a Professor of Surgery at the Stanford University School of Medicine and section chief of vascular surgery at VA Palo Alto Healthcare System. She has a Master’s degree in epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health with focus on research methodology and cardiovascular epidemiology. She completed her General Surgery Residency at Creighton University Medical Center followed by a Vascular Surgery Fellowship at University of Michigan. She has been funded by American Heart Association (AHA), NIH/NIA GEMSSTAR grant, VA Palo Alto Center for Innovation and Implementation (Ci2i), and is currently funded by VA HSR&D for a multicenter stepped wedge cluster randomized clinical trial called “PAtient-centered mUltidiSciplinary Care for vEterans Undergoing Surgery (PAUSE) trial”. Her current work focuses on streamlining frailty evaluation, as well as implementation of patient and system level interventions to improve surgical quality and to provide high-value and patient centered care.

    She has multiple administrative roles in surgical quality improvement as Director of Surgical Quality at VAPAHCS; Center director for Stanford University in the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI); and the Associate Medical Director of the Northern California region for VQI, which is the national registry database and patient safety organization for Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS). Her involvement in SVS VQI also extends to being a member of the steering committee of the Vascular Implant Surveillance and Interventional Outcomes Network (VISION) to improve the quality, safety and effectiveness of vascular care. She also serves as the President of the Surgical Outcomes Club, a national organization of surgical health services researchers, and chairs multiple national committees: VA surgeons committee for the SVS and Diversity and Inclusion Committee for the Association of VA surgeons.

  • Steven Asch

    Steven Asch

    Professor of Medicine (Primary Care and Population Health) and, by courtesy, of Health Policy

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDescribe your current research interest and activities

  • Ryan T. Ash MD, PhD

    Ryan T. Ash MD, PhD

    Instructor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    BioMy lab is interested in developing novel neuromodulation technologies to augment neuroplasticity and enhance the "unlearning" of maladaptive habitual ways of relating to the to the world. I have a K08 Career Development Award to measure how attention modulates neuroplasticity induced by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, using EEG steady-state visual evoked potentials and visual attention psychophysics. I have a Brain Behavior Research Foundation Young Investigator Award to develop in-human applications of transcranial ultrasound stimulation in the subcortical visual system and fear regulation circuit. I have a Simons Foundation Bridge to independence Award to develop closed-loop ultrasound neuromodulation technologies to enhance behavioral flexibility in autism spectrum disorders. I work closely with mentors Anthony Norcia, Kim Butts Pauly, and Nolan Williams on these projects. I am interested in the neural basis of mindfulness, concentration, and compassion practices from Buddhist meditation, and I have more than a year of silent retreat experience in the Theravada Buddhist meditation tradition. I see patients in the Stanford Neuropsychiatry clinic with a specialization in Functional Neurological disorders and related psychosomatic and dissociative conditions. My therapeutic orientations include integrated psychodynamic- and mindfulness-based approaches and neuromodulation-assisted psychotherapy.

  • Euan A. Ashley

    Euan A. Ashley

    Arthur L. Bloomfield Professor of Medicine and Professor of Genetics, of Biomedical Data Science and, by courtesy, of Pathology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsThe Ashley lab is focused on precision medicine. We develop methods for the interpretation of whole genome sequencing data to improve the diagnosis of genetic disease and to personalize the practice of medicine. At the wet bench, we take advantage of cell systems, transgenic models and microsurgical models of disease to prove causality in biological pathways and find targets for therapeutic development.

  • Ritu Asija

    Ritu Asija

    Clinical Professor, Pediatrics - Cardiology

    BioI specialize in providing cardiac critical care to infants, children and adults with congenital heart disease and heart failure. I am the Associate Director for the Pulmonary Artery Reconstruction Program at Stanford, helping to coordinate comprehensive multidisciplinary care for children with severe pulmonary artery abnormalities and right ventricular dysfunction. I was a Faculty Fellow at the Stanford Center for Biodesign in 2019-2020 and continue to work on development of new technologies for the unmet needs of pediatric patients. I have an interest in physician wellness and completed the Wellness Director course through the WellMD Center at Stanford.

  • Themistocles (Tim) Assimes

    Themistocles (Tim) Assimes

    Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine) and, by courtesy, of Epidemiology and Population Health

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsGenetic Epidemiology, Genetic Determinants of Complex Traits related to Cardiovasular Medicine, Coronary Artery Disease related pathway analyses and integrative genomics, Mendelian randomization studies, risk prediction for major adverse cardiovascular events, cardiovascular medicine related pharmacogenomics, ethnic differences in the determinants of Insulin Mediated Glucose Uptake, pharmacoepidemiology of cardiovascular drugs & outcomes

  • Diana Atashroo

    Diana Atashroo

    Clinical Associate Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology

    BioDr. Diana Atashroo is coming to Stanford Hospital from NorthShore UniversityHealthSysteml in Illinois, affiliated with the the University of Chicago-Pritzker School of Medicine.

    Dr. Atashroo sees patients for general gynecology and a variety of other complex gynecologic issues. Her expertise includes evaluation and management of complex pelvic pathology and pelvic pain. Her special interests include: pudendal neuralgia and other peripheral neuropathic pain conditions, pelvic floor muscle spasms, vulvodynia, pelvic congestion syndrome, endometriosis, and interstitial cystitis. She also performs minimally-invasive gynecologic surgery, including laparoscopic and robotic procedures. She has special skills in ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks, office procedures, and Botox trigger point injections.

    She has leadership roles within AAGL (American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists) and IPPS (International Pelvic Pain Society) and has presented on various topics related to pelvic pain.

    Dr. Atashroo is committed to furthering the well-being of women, and strives to provider her patients with an individualized and comprehensive approach.

  • Alan Atkins

    Alan Atkins

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Child Development

    BioDr. Al Atkins is a psychiatrist providing talk therapy and medical management in English and Spanish.

          Dr. Atkins grew up in California and started his mental health career facilitating therapy at a prison in Buenos Aires. He teamed up with his patients and colleagues to build a climbing wall inside the prison, allowing patients to challenge themselves physically and mentally. After medical school at Brown University, Dr. Atkins completed psychiatry residency and founded a research team dedicated to investigating the healing power of walking in nature. After residency, Dr. Atkins traveled to Colorado to complete a two year fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. There, he served as Chief Fellow and pursued specialized therapy training. Dr. Atkins has been awarded the Kimberly Kelsay Curiosity Award for his enthusiasm for learning from his patients and the Catcher in the Rye award for "going the extra mile" for his Spanish-speaking Unaccompanied Refugee Minor (URM) patients. Some career highlights have included teaching meditation neuroscience to doctors in Cambodia and getting to learn from doctors and patients in Kumasi, Ghana.
          Contemplative practice, psychotherapy, humor and nature time permeate both Dr. Atkins' clinical and personal interests. His clinical style involves a slow-moving dynamic emphasizing trust, understanding, and diagnostic humility. He takes an integrative and minimalist approach; often prescribing things like morning walks or returning to a favorite hobby before resorting to medications.

  • Aparna Atluru

    Aparna Atluru

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsPhysician Mental Health, Resident Mental Health

  • Laura Attardi

    Laura Attardi

    Catharine and Howard Avery Professor of the School of Medicine and Professor of Genetics

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsOur research is aimed at defining the pathways of p53-mediated apoptosis and tumor suppression, using a combination of biochemical, cell biological, and mouse genetic approaches. Our strategy is to start by generating hypotheses about p53 mechanisms of action using primary mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs), and then to test them using gene targeting technology in the mouse.

  • Naola Austin

    Naola Austin

    Clinical Associate Professor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine

    BioNaola S. Austin M.D., is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine at Stanford University and the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System. She co-directs the Anesthesia Crisis Resource Management (ACRM) course and teaches a number of simulation courses as faculty with the Center for Immersive and Simulation-based Learning, OB SIM Team, InterCEPT Team, and VA Palo Alto. As a point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) faculty, she teaches neuraxial, transthoracic, lung, gastric, FAST, and other ultrasound techniques. She is also a member of the Stanford Anesthesia Cognitive Aid Program (SACAP), a collaborative group who designs and updates the Stanford Emergency Manual.

    She is originally from New Mexico and received her medical degree at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, NY. After completing residency training in Anesthesiology at the University of Washington, she went on to dual fellowship training in Obstetric Anesthesia and Healthcare Simulation.

    In addition to her work as a Co-Primary Investigator with the Safety Learning Lab, she has published basic science articles on synapse biology, clinical reviews on cervical spine injury in trauma and burns, and Simulation and Communication in Obstetric care. She has received multiple honors including U.S.-E.U. Exchange Scholar Rogers’ Colloquium Speaker, Resident of the Year, Foundation for Anesthesia Education & Research Scholar, and Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society.

    Naola is an avid gardener, leisure cyclist, and very amateur rock climber.

  • Jennifer Avise, MD

    Jennifer Avise, MD

    Member, Cardiovascular Institute

    BioDr. Avise is a board-certified vascular surgeon specializing in cutting edge treatments of vascular disease. She is a clinical assistant professor in the Department Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine.

    She has helped to expand access to expert vascular surgery in the East Bay, establishing Stanford Health Care’s first vascular surgery practices at the medical center in Emeryville and at the Stanford Health Care – ValleyCare hospital in Pleasanton. Dr. Avise serves as the medical director of the Pleasanton vascular laboratory, an IAC accredited facility, where she advances developments in noninvasive testing to aid in early diagnosis of vascular disease.

    Her focus is on early detection and disease prevention, minimally invasive (endovascular) techniques, and complex open surgery. She treats a wide variety of conditions, including aortic aneurysm, limb salvage, varicose veins, peripheral vascular disease, carotid disease, complex wound care, and dialysis access.

  • Rania Awaad, MD

    Rania Awaad, MD

    Clinical Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsAs the Director of the Muslims and Mental Health Lab, Dr. Awaad is dedicated to creating an academic home for the study of mental health as it relates to the Islamic faith and Muslim populations. The lab aims to provide the intellectual resources to clinicians, researchers, trainees, educators, community and religious leaders working with or studying Muslims.

  • Ahmed Awad

    Ahmed Awad

    Clinical Instructor, Neurosurgery

    BioClinical instructor in Strereotactic, Functional Neurosurgery, Pain and Epilepsy Surgery

  • David M. Axelrod, MD

    David M. Axelrod, MD

    Clinical Professor, Pediatrics - Cardiology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsVirtual Reality Congenital Heart Disease experience: The Stanford Virtual Heart. Currently engaged with 19 academic medical centers across the globe using our Stanford Virtual Heart to educate students and trainees, and research our VR experience as a means for training and education. Also developing next generation modeling and image interaction with Stanford engineers and educators, to promote personalized surgical training in VR and advanced educational programs in congenital heart disease.

  • Jeffrey Axelrod

    Jeffrey Axelrod

    Professor of Pathology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsGenetic and cell biological analyses of signals controlling cell polarity and morphogenesis. Frizzled signaling and cytoskeletal organization.

  • Mehrdad Ayati

    Mehrdad Ayati

    Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine - Primary Care and Population Health

    BioDr. Ayati completed his residency at UC Davis and his fellowship at Stanford University. During his residency at UC Davis, Dr. Ayati received the Award of Excellence in Clinical Teaching. Dr. Ayati worked at hospitals such as Lodi Memorial Hospital in Lodi, California, and as an Emergency Medicine Attending at Veteran Affairs in Palo Alto, California. Dr. Ayati worked as a Stanford Medical Director at Los Altos and Palo Alto Subacute and Rehabilitation centers and he is currently serving as a medical advisor for many Skilled Nursing facilities and also memory care units and assisted living facilities in Northen California. Dr. Ayati has a broad spectrum of practice and knowledge of general medicine and primary care in various settings, from office to Emergency room and acute and Sub-acute care. Dr. Ayati’s main areas of research and clinical focus are in the physiology of aging and on finding practical and yet innovative ways of addressing the wellbeing and needs of the population in any age category. Dr. Ayati is an advocate of his patient’s physical and mental health at any age in addition to disease management and prevention. Dr. Ayati is currently a member of the Ethnogeriatric and Quality and Policy Performance Committees of the Americal Geraitric Society. He also serves as a Community Health Advisor for Alzheimer Association, Northen California and Nevada Chapter. Dr. Ayati is the author of “Paths to Healthy Aging”. Dr. Ayati is also a guest educational speaker on several radio stations such as National Public Radio (NPR) and San Francisco’s KQED and international and national conferences. He also testified in the Senate of the US, Special Committee of Aging in 2018 to address the challenges of aging populations in the US.
    Dr. Ayati strives to provide reliable information, effective strategies, and simple guidelines for patients of all ages to avoid or manage chronic diseases and to have a significantly better quality of life.
    Dr. Ayati’s main focus and passion are in:
    Raising awareness about Over Medication and Drug Cascade issues in the elderly population as well as highlighting prevention strategies
    Helping patients better understand and voice their end of life care choices and medical intervention wishes
    Bringing into focus the numerous social, economical, political and health challenges and hardship the elderly face in our society as well as finding solutions to address their needs
    Being the voice of the elderly in finding innovative and yet practical solutions to promote their physical and mental health and well being

  • Noel Ayoub, MD MBA

    Noel Ayoub, MD MBA

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology (Head and Neck Surgery)

    BioNoel Ayoub is a fellowship-trained rhinologist within the Stanford Health Care Division of Rhinology and Skull Base Surgery and Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. After receiving his medical degree from Stanford University School of Medicine, he completed residency in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at Stanford Health Care and fellowship in advanced Rhinology and Skull Base Surgery at Massachusetts Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School. In addition to his medical training, Noel holds an MBA from Stanford University Graduate School of Business, where he also earned a Certificate in Public Management and Social Innovation.

    Noel is a specialist in rhinology and skull base surgery and utilizes advanced endoscopic techniques to treat a variety of conditions, including complex revision sinus surgery, cerebrospinal fluid leaks, sinonasal and anterior skull base tumors, orbital tumors, and thyroid eye disease. His unique combination of medical and business acumen allows him to approach patient care and healthcare delivery with a comprehensive perspective.

    His research spans healthcare innovation, health technology, hospital operations, and health systems leadership. He is particularly focused on leveraging technology to enhance patient care, reduce costs, and reshape the healthcare landscape. He is the co-founder of an international 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, an initiative that demonstrates his commitment to expanding access to healthcare and leveraging technology to improve patient care globally. He serves on multiple hospital and national committees, including in the North American Skull Base Society, American Rhinologic Society, and American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

  • Rosa Bacchetta

    Rosa Bacchetta

    Professor (Research) of Pediatrics (Stem Cell Transplantation)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsIn the coming years, I plan to further determine the genetic and immunological basis of diseases with autoimmunity or immune dysregulation in children. I believe that much can still be learned from the in depth mechanistic studies of pediatric autoimmune diseases. Genomic analysis of the patients' samples has become possible which may provide a rapid indication of altered target molecules. I plan to implement robust functional studies to define the consequences of these genetic abnormalities and bridge them to the patient's clinical phenotype.

    Understanding functional consequences of gene mutations in single case/family first and then validating the molecular and cellular defects in other patients with similar phenotypes, will anticipate and complement cellular and gene therapy strategies.

    For further information please visit the Bacchetta Lab website:

  • Stephen A. Baccus

    Stephen A. Baccus

    Professor of Neurobiology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsWe study how the neural circuitry of the vertebrate retina encodes visual information and performs computations. To control and measure the retinal circuit, we present visual images while performing simultaneous two-photon imaging and multielectrode recording. We perturb the circuit as it operates using simultaneous intracellular current injection and multielectrode recording, and use the resulting large data sets to construct models of retinal computation.

  • Laura K. Bachrach

    Laura K. Bachrach

    Professor of Pediatrics (Endocrinology) at the Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital, Emerita

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsPrevention of osteoporosis begins in childhood and adolescence by measures that maximize acquistion of bone mineral during the critical adolescent years. Body mass, calcium nutriture, physical activity, growth and sex steroid hormones, and genetic factors are all thought to be important determinants of bone mass although the relative contribution of each remains controversial.

  • Leah Backhus

    Leah Backhus

    Thelma and Henry Doelger Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery

    BioLeah Backhus trained in general surgery at the University of Southern California and cardiothoracic surgery at the University of California Los Angeles. She practices at Stanford Hospital and is Chief of Thoracic Surgery at the VA Palo Alto. Her surgical practice consists of general thoracic surgery with special emphasis on thoracic oncology and minimally invasive surgical techniques. She also has special clinical expertise in adult chest wall surgery (including pectus excavated) and hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy or HITHOC (used to treat mesothelioma and other pleural tumors). She is Co-Director of the Thoracic Surgery Clinical Research Program, and has grant funding through the Veterans Affairs Administration and NIH. Her current research interests are in imaging surveillance following treatment for lung cancer and cancer survivorship. She is a member of the National Lung Cancer Roundtable of the American Cancer Society and the Task Group on Health Equity. She also serves on the Board of Directors of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. As an educator, Dr. Backhus is the Associate Program Director for the Thoracic Track Residency and is former Chair of the ACGME Residency Review Committee for Thoracic Surgery.

  • Joanna Badger, MD

    Joanna Badger, MD

    Clinical Professor, Dermatology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsI have trained in both Genito-Urinary Medicine (UK) and Dermatology. This has allowed me to develop a specialty clinic for the diagnosis and management of genital skin disorders. The rest of the time, I see individuals with general dermatology issues.

  • Nitish Badhwar

    Nitish Badhwar

    Clinical Professor, Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine

    BioNitish Badhwar, MD is Professor of Medicine and Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology Training Program at Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Badhwar received his medical degree from Maulana Azad Medical College (University of Delhi, India). After completing his internal medicine training from New York Hospital of Queens (affiliated with Cornell Medical School), he worked as faculty in the Department of Medicine at Hospital of St. Raphael (Yale University School of Medicine). He completed Cardiac Electrophysiology training at UCSF with Dr. Scheinman. After being on faculty at UCSF for 15 years he recently joined the Arrhythmia Service at Stanford Hospital. He is a Fellow of American College of Cardiology and Heart Rhythm Society. He has been named best doctor in cardiac electrophysiology in San Francisco Magazine 3 years in a row (2015-2017). This is nominated by his peers. He was given Excellence in Teaching award in Medical Education by Academy of Medical Educators in 2015. He was an invited speaker at prestigious international meetings including Oriental Congress of Cardiology (OCC) in Shanghai, China; Cardiostim EHRA /Europace in Nice, France; Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) in Seoul, S Korea; American Heart Association Annual Scientific Session in New Orleans, LA and Indian Heart Rhythm Society in New Delhi, India.

    Clinical Interest: Dr. Badhwar's clinical interest is in complex catheter ablation procedures including mapping and ventricular tachycardia (VT), atrial fibrillation (AF) and supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) including junctional variants of SVT. He started the epicardial ablation program at UCSF and also worked with Dr. Randall Lee to perform the first percutaneous epicardial left atrial appendage (LAA) ligation in the Bay Area in patients with atrial fibrillation. He has also differentiated himself in the field of electrophysiology by performing hybrid procedures with CT surgeons in patients with AF and VT. He is also involved in device implantation including pacemakers, ICD and biventricular pacing for heart failure.

    Research Interest: Dr. Badhwar has published electrophysiologic characteristics of SVTs including atrial tachycardia arising from the coronary sinus musculature, para-hisian atrial tachycardia, left sided AVNRT, junctional tachycardia and nodofascicular tachycardia. He has also published on the use of nuclear medicine (ERNA) in assessing left ventricular dyssynchrony as well as optimal pacing sties in patients with heart failure requiring biventricular pacing. He has described the unique clinical characteristics of epicardial idiopathic VT arising from the cardiac crux. He has also published clinical outcomes of combining LAA ligation with catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation perform (first in human percutaneous closed chested Maze procedure) and is now part of a multi-center randomized study comparing standard ablation to ablation plus LAA ligation in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (aMAZE trial).