Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME)
Showing 1-50 of 176 Results
Juan Alonso
Vance D. and Arlene C. Coffman Professor and the James and Anna Marie Spilker Chair of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
BioProf. Alonso is the founder and director of the Aerospace Design Laboratory (ADL) where he specializes in the development of high-fidelity computational design methodologies to enable the creation of realizable and efficient aerospace systems. Prof. Alonso’s research involves a large number of different manned and unmanned applications including transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic aircraft, helicopters, turbomachinery, and launch and re-entry vehicles. He is the author of over 200 technical publications on the topics of computational aircraft and spacecraft design, multi-disciplinary optimization, fundamental numerical methods, and high-performance parallel computing. Prof. Alonso is keenly interested in the development of an advanced curriculum for the training of future engineers and scientists and has participated actively in course-development activities in both the Aeronautics & Astronautics Department (particularly in the development of coursework for aircraft design, sustainable aviation, and UAS design and operation) and for the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME) at Stanford University. He was a member of the team that currently holds the world speed record for human powered vehicles over water. A student team led by Prof. Alonso also holds the altitude record for an unmanned electric vehicle under 5 lbs of mass.
Biondo Biondi
Barney and Estelle Morris Professor
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsResearch
My students and I devise new algorithms to improve the imaging of reflection seismic data. Images obtained from seismic data are the main source of information on the structural and stratigraphic complexities in Earth's subsurface. These images are constructed by processing seismic wavefields recorded at the surface of Earth and generated by either active-source experiments (reflection data), or by far-away earthquakes (teleseismic data). The high-resolution and fidelity of 3-D reflection-seismic images enables oil companies to drill with high accuracy for hydrocarbon reservoirs that are buried under two kilometers of water and up to 15 kilometers of sediments and hard rock. To achieve this technological feat, the recorded data must be processed employing advanced mathematical algorithms that harness the power of huge computational resources. To demonstrate the advantages of our new methods, we process 3D field data on our parallel cluster running several hundreds of processors.
I teach a course on seismic imaging for graduate students in geophysics and in the other departments of the School of Earth Sciences. I run a research graduate seminar every quarter of the year. This year I will be teaching a one-day short course in 30 cities around the world as the SEG/EAGE Distinguished Instructor Short Course, the most important educational outreach program of these two societies.
Professional Activities
2007 SEG/EAGE Distinguished Instructor Short Course (2007); co-director, Stanford Exploration Project (1998-present); founding member, Editorial Board of SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (2007-present); member, SEG Research Committee (1996-present); chairman, SEG/EAGE Summer Research Workshop (2006) -
Stephen Boyd
Samsung Professor in the School of Engineering
BioStephen P. Boyd is the Samsung Professor of Engineering, and Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Information Systems Laboratory at Stanford University, and a member of the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering. His current research focus is on convex optimization applications in control, signal processing, machine learning, and finance.
Professor Boyd received an AB degree in Mathematics, summa cum laude, from Harvard University in 1980, and a PhD in EECS from U. C. Berkeley in 1985. In 1985 he joined Stanford's Electrical Engineering Department. He has held visiting Professor positions at Katholieke University (Leuven), McGill University (Montreal), Ecole Polytechnique Federale (Lausanne), Tsinghua University (Beijing), Universite Paul Sabatier (Toulouse), Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm), Kyoto University, Harbin Institute of Technology, NYU, MIT, UC Berkeley, CUHK-Shenzhen, and IMT Lucca. He holds honorary doctorates from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, and Catholic University of Louvain (UCL).
Professor Boyd is the author of many research articles and four books: Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices, and Least-Squares (with Lieven Vandenberghe, 2018), Convex Optimization (with Lieven Vandenberghe, 2004), Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory (with El Ghaoui, Feron, and Balakrishnan, 1994), and Linear Controller Design: Limits of Performance (with Craig Barratt, 1991). His group has produced many open source tools, including CVX (with Michael Grant), CVXPY (with Steven Diamond) and Convex.jl (with Madeleine Udell and others), widely used parser-solvers for convex optimization.
He has received many awards and honors for his research in control systems engineering and optimization, including an ONR Young Investigator Award, a Presidential Young Investigator Award, and the AACC Donald P. Eckman Award. In 2013, he received the IEEE Control Systems Award, given for outstanding contributions to control systems engineering, science, or technology. In 2012, Michael Grant and he were given the Mathematical Optimization Society's Beale-Orchard-Hays Award, for excellence in computational mathematical programming. In 2023, he was given the AACC Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award, the highest recognition of professional achievement for U.S. control systems engineers and scientists. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, SIAM, INFORMS, and IFAC, a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Control Systems Society, a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea. He has been invited to deliver more than 90 plenary and keynote lectures at major conferences in control, optimization, signal processing, and machine learning.
He has developed and taught many undergraduate and graduate courses, including Signals & Systems, Linear Dynamical Systems, Convex Optimization, and a recent undergraduate course on Matrix Methods. His graduate convex optimization course attracts around 300 students from more than 20 departments. In 1991 he received an ASSU Graduate Teaching Award, and in 1994 he received the Perrin Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching in the School of Engineering. In 2003, he received the AACC Ragazzini Education award, for contributions to control education. In 2016 he received the Walter J. Gores award, the highest award for teaching at Stanford University. In 2017 he received the IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal, for a career of outstanding contributions to education in the fields of interest of IEEE, with citation "For inspirational education of students and researchers in the theory and application of optimization." -
Emmanuel Candes
Barnum-Simons Chair of Math and Statistics, and Professor of Statistics and, by courtesy, of Electrical Engineering
BioEmmanuel Candès is the Barnum-Simons Chair in Mathematics and Statistics, a professor of electrical engineering (by courtesy) and a member of the Institute of Computational and Mathematical Engineering at Stanford University. Earlier, Candès was the Ronald and Maxine Linde Professor of Applied and Computational Mathematics at the California Institute of Technology. His research interests are in computational harmonic analysis, statistics, information theory, signal processing and mathematical optimization with applications to the imaging sciences, scientific computing and inverse problems. He received his Ph.D. in statistics from Stanford University in 1998.
Candès has received several awards including the Alan T. Waterman Award from NSF, which is the highest honor bestowed by the National Science Foundation, and which recognizes the achievements of early-career scientists. He has given over 60 plenary lectures at major international conferences, not only in mathematics and statistics but in many other areas as well including biomedical imaging and solid-state physics. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences and to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2014. -
Gunnar Carlsson
Ann and Bill Swindells Professor, Emeritus
BioDr. Carlsson has been a professor of mathematics at Stanford University since 1991. In the last ten years, he has been involved in adapting topological techniques to data analysis, under NSF funding and as the lead PI on the DARPA “Topological Data Analysis” project from 2005 to 2010. He is the lead organizer of the ATMCS conferences, and serves as an editor of several Mathematics journals
Haoxuan Chen
Ph.D. Student in Computational and Mathematical Engineering, admitted Autumn 2022
BioPersonal website:
Marta D'Elia
Adjunct Professor, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME)
BioI’m a research/computational scientist working on the design and analysis of models and data-driven algorithms for the simulation of complex, multiscale and multiphysics problems. My background and training have foundations in Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, Inverse Problems, Control and Optimization, and Uncertainty Quantification. In the past five years I have focused on Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) and Deep Learning. I am an expert in Nonlocal/Fractional Modeling and Simulation (10 years) with application to Continuum Mechanics, Subsurface Transport, Image Processing, and Turbulence. I have a master's degree in Mathematical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (2007) and a PhD in Applied Mathematics from Emory University (2011).
Eric Darve
Director, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME) and Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsThe research interests of Professor Darve span across several domains, including machine learning for science and engineering, large-language models, transformer models, surrogate and reduced order modeling, stochastic inversing, anomaly detection, numerical linear algebra, high-performance, parallel, and GPU computing.
Stefan P. Domino
Adjunct Professor, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME)
BioDr. Domino’s research interest rests within low-Mach fluid mechanics methods development for complex systems that drive the coupling of mass, momentum, species and energy transport. His core research resides within the intersection of physics elucidation, numerical methods research, V&V techniques exploration, and high performance computing and coding methods for turbulent flow applications. Stefan also supports the teaching of ME469, Computational Methods in Fluid Mechanics, while continuing his primary career at Sandia National Laboratories as a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff.
University of Utah
Ph.D. Department of Chemical Engineering, 1999
"Methods towards improved simulations for the oxides of nitrogen in pulverized-coal furnaces"
Professor Philip J. Smith, Advisor
Select Recent Publications:
* Domino, S. P., "On the subject of large-scale pool fires and turbulent boundary layer interactions", Phys. Fluids, 2024. (Featured)
* Domino, S. P., Wenzel, E. A, "A direct numerical simulation study for confined non-isothermal jet impingement at moderate nozzle-to-plate distances: capturing jet-to-ambient density effects", Int. J. Heat Mass Trans, 2023.
* Benjamin, M., Domino, S. P., Iaccarino, G., "Neural networks for large eddy simulations of wall-bounded turbulence: numerical experiments and challenges", Eur. Phys. J. E., 2023.
* Hubbard, J., Cheng, M., Domino, S. P., "Mixing in low-Reynolds number reacting impinging jets in crossflow", J. Fluids Engr., 2023.
* Domino, S. P. “Unstructured finite volume approaches for turbulence,” in Numerical Methods in Turbulence Simulation, edited by R. Moser (Elsevier, 2023), Ch. 7, pp. 285–317.
* Scott, S., Domino, S. P., "A computational examination of large-scale pool fires: variations in crosswind velocity and pool shape", Flow, 2022.
* Domino, S. P., Horne, W., "Development and deployment of a credible unstructured, six-DOF, implicit low-Mach overset simulation tool for wave energy applications", Renew. Energy, 2022.
* Hubbard, J., Hansen, M., Kirsch, J., Hewson, J., Domino, S. P., “Medium scale methanol pool fire model validation”, J. Heat Transfer, 2022.
* Barone, M., Ray, J., Domino, S. P., "Feature selection, clustering, and prototype placement for turbulence datasets", AIAA J., 2021,
* Domino, S. P., Hewson, J., Knaus, R., Hansen, M., "Predicting large-scale pool fire dynamics using an unsteady flamelet- and large-eddy simulation-based model suite", Phys. Fluids, 2021. (Editor's pick)
* Domino, S. P., "A case study on pathogen transport, deposition, evaporation and transmission: linking high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations to probability of infection", Int. J. CFD, 2021.
* Domino, S. P., Pierce, F., Hubbard, J., "A multi-physics computational investigation of droplet pathogen transport emanating from synthetic coughs and breathing", Atom. Sprays, 2021.
* Jofre, L., Domino, S. P., Iaacarino, G., "Eigensensitivity analysis of subgrid-scale stresses in large-eddy simulation of a turbulent axisymmetric jet", Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 2019.
* Domino, S. P., Sakievich, P., Barone, M., "An assessment of atypical mesh topologies for low-Mach large-eddy simulation", Comp. Fluids, 2019.
* Domino, S. P., "Design-order, non-conformal low-Mach fluid algorithms using a hybrid CVFEM/DG approach ", J. Comput. Physics, 2018.
* Jofre, L., Domino, S. P., Iaacarino, G., "A Framework for Characterizing Structural Uncertainty in Large-Eddy Simulation Closures", Flow Turb. Combust., 2018.
CV: -
David Donoho
Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences
On Leave from 01/01/2025 To 03/31/2025BioDavid Donoho is a mathematician who has made fundamental contributions to theoretical and computational statistics, as well as to signal processing and harmonic analysis. His algorithms have contributed significantly to our understanding of the maximum entropy principle, of the structure of robust procedures, and of sparse data description.
Research Statement:
My theoretical research interests have focused on the mathematics of statistical inference and on theoretical questions arising in applying harmonic analysis to various applied problems. My applied research interests have ranged from data visualization to various problems in scientific signal processing, image processing, and inverse problems. -
Ron Dror
Cheriton Family Professor and Professor, by courtesy, of Structural Biology and of Molecular & Cellular Physiology
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy lab’s research focuses on computational biology, with an emphasis on 3D molecular structure. We combine two approaches: (1) Bottom-up: given the basic physics governing atomic interactions, use simulations to predict molecular behavior; (2) Top-down: given experimental data, use machine learning to predict molecular structures and properties. We collaborate closely with experimentalists and apply our methods to the discovery of safer, more effective drugs.
Eric Dunham
Professor of Geophysics
On Leave from 01/01/2025 To 06/30/2025Current Research and Scholarly InterestsPhysics of natural hazards, specifically earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. Computational geophysics.
Charbel Farhat
Vivian Church Hoff Professor of Aircraft Structures and Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsCharbel Farhat and his Research Group (FRG) develop mathematical models, advanced computational algorithms, and high-performance software for the design, analysis, and digital twinning of complex systems in aerospace, marine, mechanical, and naval engineering. They contribute major advances to Simulation-Based Engineering Science. Current engineering foci in research are on reliable autonomous carrier landing in rough seas; dissipation of vertical landing energies through structural flexibility; nonlinear aeroelasticity of N+3 aircraft with High Aspect Ratio (HAR) wings; pulsation and flutter of a parachute; pendulum motion in main parachute clusters; coupled fluid-structure interaction (FSI) in supersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerators for Mars landing; flight dynamics of hypersonic systems and their trajectories; and advanced digital twinning. Current theoretical and computational emphases in research are on high-performance, multi-scale modeling for the high-fidelity analysis of multi-component, multi-physics problems; discrete-event-free embedded boundary methods for CFD and FSI; efficient Bayesian optimization using physics-based surrogate models; modeling and quantifying model-form uncertainty; probabilistic, physics-based machine learning; mechanics-informed artificial neural networks for data-driven constitutive modeling; and efficient nonlinear projection-based model order reduction for time-critical applications such as design, active control, and digital twinning.
Ron Fedkiw
Canon Professor in the School of Engineering
BioFedkiw's research is focused on the design of new computational algorithms for a variety of applications including computational fluid dynamics, computer graphics, and biomechanics.
Emily Fox
Professor of Statistics and of Computer Science
On Partial Leave from 10/01/2024 To 06/30/2025BioEmily Fox is a Professor in the Departments of Statistics and Computer Science at Stanford University. Prior to Stanford, she was the Amazon Professor of Machine Learning in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering and Department of Statistics at the University of Washington. From 2018-2021, Emily led the Health AI team at Apple, where she was a Distinguished Engineer. Before joining UW, Emily was an Assistant Professor at the Wharton School Department of Statistics at the University of Pennsylvania. She earned her doctorate from Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at MIT where her thesis was recognized with EECS' Jin-Au Kong Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Prize and the Leonard J. Savage Award for Best Thesis in Applied Methodology.
Emily has been awarded a CZ Biohub Investigator Award, Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), a Sloan Research Fellowship, ONR Young Investigator Award, and NSF CAREER Award. Her research interests are in modeling complex time series arising in health, particularly from health wearables and neuroimaging modalities. -
Oliver Fringer
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and of Oceans
BioFringer's research focuses on the development and application of numerical models and high-performance computational techniques to the study of fundamental processes that influence the dynamics of the coastal ocean, rivers, lakes, and estuaries.
Margot Gerritsen
Professor of Energy Resources Engineering, Emerita
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsResearch
My work is about understanding and simulating complicated fluid flow problems. My research focuses on the design of highly accurate and efficient parallel computational methods to predict the performance of enhanced oil recovery methods. I'm particularly interested in gas injection and in-situ combustion processes. These recovery methods are extremely challenging to simulate because of the very strong nonlinearities in the governing equations. Outside petroleum engineering, I'm active in coastal ocean simulation with colleagues from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, yacht research and pterosaur flight mechanics with colleagues from the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, and the design of search algorithms in collaboration with the Library of Congress and colleagues from the Institute of Computational and Mathematical Engineering.
I teach courses in both energy related topics (reservoir simulation, energy, and the environment) in my department, and mathematics for engineers through the Institute of Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME). I also initiated two courses in professional development in our department (presentation skills and teaching assistant training), and a consulting course for graduate students in ICME, which offers expertise in computational methods to the Stanford community and selected industries.
Professional Activities
Senior Associate Dean, School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences, Stanford (from 2015); Director, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Stanford (from 2010); Stanford Fellow (2010-2012); Magne Espedal Professor II, Bergen University (2011-2014); Aldo Leopold Fellow (2009); Chair, SIAM Activity group in Geosciences (2007, present, reelected in 2009); Faculty Research Fellow, Clayman Institute (2008); Elected to Council of Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) (2007); organizing committee, 2008 Gordon Conference on Flow in Porous Media; producer, Smart Energy podcast channel; Director, Stanford Yacht Research; Co-director and founder, Stanford Center of Excellence for Computational Algorithms in Digital Stewardship; Editor, Journal of Small Craft Technology; Associate editor, Transport in Porous Media; Reviewer for various journals and organizations including SPE, DoE, NSF, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Scientific Computing, Transport in Porous Media, Computational Geosciences; member, SIAM, SPE, KIVI, AGU, and APS -
Kay Giesecke
Professor of Management Science and Engineering
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsKay is a financial technologist whose research agenda is driven by significant applied problems in areas such as investment management, risk analytics, lending, and regulation, where data streams are increasingly large-scale and dynamical, and where computational demands are critical. He develops and analyzes statistical machine learning methods to make explainable data-driven decisions in these and other areas and efficient numerical algorithms to address the associated computational issues.
Julia Gillespie
Director of Finance and Operations, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME)
Current Role at StanfordI am the Director of Finance and Operations for the Institute for Computational Mathematics and Engineering within the School of Engineering.
Peter Glynn
Thomas W. Ford Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor, by courtesy, of Electrical Engineering
On Leave from 01/01/2025 To 03/31/2025Current Research and Scholarly InterestsStochastic modeling; statistics; simulation; finance
Ashish Goel
Professor of Management Science and Engineering and, by courtesy, of Computer Science
BioAshish Goel is a Professor of Management Science and Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science at Stanford University. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Stanford in 1999, and was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southern California from 1999 to 2002. His research interests lie in the design, analysis, and applications of algorithms.