Graduate School of Education
Showing 101-200 of 543 Results
Arisa Sugiyama Chue
Student Employee, Computer Science
Undergraduate, Computer Science
Undergraduate, Graduate School of Education
Student Tour Guide, VISBioContact:
achue [at] cs [dot] stanford [dot] edu -
Geoffrey Cohen
James G. March Professor of Organizational Studies in Education and Business, Professor of Psychology and, by courtesy, of Organizational Behavior at the Graduate School of Business
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMuch of my research examines processes related to identity maintenance and their implications for social problems. One primary aim of my research is the development of theory-driven, rigorously tested intervention strategies that further our understanding of the processes underpinning social problems and that offer solutions to alleviate them. Two key questions lie at the core of my research: “Given that a problem exists, what are its underlying processes?” And, “Once identified, how can these processes be overcome?” One reason for this interest in intervention is my belief that a useful way to understand psychological processes and social systems is to try to change them. We also are interested in how and when seemingly brief interventions, attuned to underlying psychological processes, produce large and long-lasting psychological and behavioral change.
The methods that my lab uses include laboratory experiments, longitudinal studies, content analyses, and randomized field experiments. One specific area of research addresses the effects of group identity on achievement, with a focus on under-performance and racial and gender achievement gaps. Additional research programs address hiring discrimination, the psychology of closed-mindedness and inter-group conflict, and psychological processes underlying anti-social and health-risk behavior. -
Geoffrey Cox
Sr. Asso Dean for Finance & Administration, GSE Dean's Office
Current Role at StanfordSenior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration, Graduate School of Education
Program Director, MA/MBA program
Director, Stanford Learning Partners, an initiative of the Transforming Learning Accelerator -
Caitlyn Craft
Technical Consultant, GSE Dean's Office
Staff, Graduate School of EducationBioFrom 2014 to mid-2020 I served as the Director of Technology and Communications for Stanford University's Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education. I have since transitioned to a full-time role outside of the University while continuing to serve as a technical consultant within graduate education, namely for the Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research (SIHER).
Sophie D'Souza
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2023
BioSophie D'Souza is a PhD student in Developmental and Psychological Sciences with a cross-area specialisation in Race, Inequality, and Language in Education.
William Damon
Professor of Education and Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Hoover Istitution
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDevelopment of purpose through the lifespan; educational methods for promoting purpose and the capacity for good work.
Kristina Dance
Director Of Data Science, YouCubed Jo BoalerBioKristina Dance serves as Director of Data Science at Youcubed. In that role she oversees curriculum writing and professional development for the youcubed high school course, Explorations in Data Science. She is a co-author of the curriculum and supports other aspects of youcubed curriculum and professional development. She is also a Lecturer in the Stanford Teacher Education Program and has taught courses focusing on race, intersectionality, identity, classroom community, assessment, and curriculum and instruction in mathematics. Before joining youcubed, she taught middle school and high school math for 10 years. She has designed professional development opportunities and coached mathematics teachers at all levels for the last ten years throughout the west coast. Kristina is a graduate of the Stanford Teacher Education program where she received her masters in education and teaching credential and has an undergraduate degree in mathematics.
Linda Darling-Hammond
Charles E. Ducommun Professor in the School of Education, Emerita
BioLinda Darling-Hammond is the Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus at Stanford University and founding president of the Learning Policy Institute, created to provide high-quality research for policies that enable equitable and empowering education for each and every child. At Stanford she founded the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education and served as faculty sponsor for the Stanford Teacher Education Program, which she helped to redesign.
Darling-Hammond is past president of the American Educational Research Association and recipient of its awards for Distinguished Contributions to Research, Lifetime Achievement, Research Review, and Research-to-Policy. She is also a member of the American Association of Arts and Sciences and of the National Academy of Education. From 1994–2001, she was executive director of the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future, whose 1996 report What Matters Most: Teaching for America’s Future was named one of the most influential reports affecting U.S. education in that decade. In 2006, Darling-Hammond was named one of the nation’s ten most influential people affecting educational policy. In 2008, she directed President Barack Obama's Education Policy Transition Team. She is currently President of the California State Board of Education.
Darling-Hammond began her career as a public school teacher and co-founded both a preschool and a public high school. She served as Director of the RAND Corporation’s education program and as an endowed professor at Columbia University, Teachers College before coming to Stanford. She has consulted widely with federal, state and local officials and educators on strategies for improving education policies and practices and is the recipient of 14 honorary degrees in the U.S. and internationally. Among her more than 600 publications are a number of award-winning books, including The Right to Learn, Teaching as the Learning Profession, Preparing Teachers for a Changing World and The Flat World and Education: How America's Commitment will Determine our Future. She received an Ed.D. from Temple University (with highest distinction) and a B.A. from Yale University (magna cum laude). -
Margaret Constance de Leon
Graduate Visiting Researcher Student, Education
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMargaret's research explores financial aid policy, student employment, and postsecondary affordability, with a focus on access and persistence for low-income and first-generation students. She examines how financial aid structures and employment patterns shape student success, informing policies that promote equity in higher education.
Thomas Dee
Barnett Family Professor, Professor of Education, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
BioThomas S. Dee, Ph.D., is the Barnett Family Professor at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education (GSE), a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), a Senior Fellow (Joint) at the Hoover Institution, and the Faculty Director of the John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities. His research focuses largely on the use of quantitative methods to inform contemporary issues of public policy and practice. In 2024, he received the Peter H. Rossi Award for Contributions to the Theory or Practice of Program Evaluation from the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) and the Outstanding Public Communication of Education Research Award from the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
Dora Demszky
Assistant Professor of Education and, by courtesy, of Computer Science
BioDr. Demszky is an Assistant Professor in Education Data Science at the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University. She works on developing natural language processing methods to support equitable and student-centered instruction. She has developed tools to give feedback to teachers on dialogic instructional practices, to analyze representation in textbooks, measure the presence of dialect features in text, among others. Dr Demszky has received her PhD in Linguistics at Stanford University, supervised by Dr Dan Jurafsky. Prior to her PhD, Dr. Demszky received a BA summa cum laude from Princeton University in Linguistics with a minor in Computer Science.
Ben Domingue
Associate Professor of Education and, by courtesy, of Sociology
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsI'm interested in models for psychological measurement and their uses alongside applied statistical projects of all kinds.
Carol Dweck
Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor and Professor, by courtesy, of Education
BioMy work bridges developmental psychology, social psychology, and personality psychology, and examines the self-conceptions people use to structure the self and guide their behavior. My research looks at the origins of these self-conceptions, their role in motivation and self-regulation, and their impact on achievement and interpersonal processes.
Judith Ellen Fan
Assistant Professor of Psychology, by courtesy, of Education and of Computer Science
BioI direct the Cognitive Tools Lab ( at Stanford University. Our lab aims to reverse engineer the human cognitive toolkit — in particular, how people use physical representations of thought to learn, communicate, and solve problems. Towards this end, we use a combination of approaches from cognitive science, computational neuroscience, and artificial intelligence.
Philip Andrew Fisher
Diana Chen Professor of Early Childhood Learning and Professor, by courtesy, of Pediatrics
BioDr. Philip Fisher is the Diana Chen Professor of Early Childhood Learning in the Graduate School of Education at Stanford. His research, which has been continuously funded by the National Institutes of Health since 1999, focuses on developing and evaluating scalable early childhood interventions in communities, and on translating scientific knowledge regarding healthy development under conditions of adversity for use in social policy and programs. He is particularly interested in the effects of early stressful experiences on children's neurobiological and psychological development, and in prevention and treatment programs for improving children's functioning in areas such as relationships with caregivers and peers, social-emotional development, and academic achievement. He is currently the lead investigator in the ongoing RAPID-EC project, a national survey on the well-being of households with young children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Fisher is also interested in the brain's plasticity in the context of therapeutic interventions. He is the developer of a number of widely implemented evidence-based interventions for supporting healthy child development in the context of social and economic adversity, including Treatment Foster Care Oregon for Preschoolers (TFCO-P), Kids in Transition to School (KITS), and Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND). He has published over 200 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals. He is the recipient of the 2012 Society for Prevention Research Translational Science Award, and a 2019 Fellow of the American Psychological Society.
Karin Forssell
Senior Lecturer of Education
BioDr. Karin Forssell is the director of the Learning Design and Technology (LDT) master's program and senior lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Education. Dr. Forssell also directs the GSE Makery, a Stanford maker space where students and faculty learn to make, and make to learn. In her courses, students learn to use research from the learning sciences and learning-centered design processes to create effective digital tools. Her current interests include maker space education, teacher technology adoption, and parenting in a digital world.
Dr. Forssell draws insights from her many years of concurrent work as a teacher on special assignment for technology in the Palo Alto Unified School District. Dr. Forssell earned her bachelor's degree in linguistics, master's degree in education, and doctorate in learning sciences and technology design at Stanford University. -
Jared Furuta
Postdoctoral Scholar, EducationBioJared Furuta is a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford's Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society, where his research focuses on how educational institutions are culturally constructed in response to changing social norms, conceptions, and taken-for-granted assumptions about education. His past research has examined global changes in national high stakes exams, school tracking, national assessments, and U.S. college admissions policies, and his work has appeared in Sociology of Education, Social Forces, and Comparative Education Review. His current work focuses on long-term changes in systemic educational reform, as well as the effects of educational institutions on economic, political, and social outcomes at the national level.
Daniela Gamboa Zapatel
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2021
BioDaniela Gamboa is a PhD student in Educational Policy at Stanford's Graduate School of Education. Her previous experience as a teacher, as a government official, and as an advocate of civil society reinforced her commitment to the delivery of equitable, inclusive, and quality education for all learners. After serving in public schools and as a Teach for Peru fellow, Daniela led initiatives towards the strengthening of inclusive education systems in the Ministry of Education of Peru and the Peruvian Down Syndrome Society, collaborating on cross-country initiatives with members of the Regional Network for Inclusive Education (Latin America), Down Syndrome International, and Inclusion International. Before starting her PhD program, she worked as an equity and inclusion consultant at the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). She is interested in exploring the barriers to policies providing adequate support for teachers to serve diverse learners. Specifically, she aims to look into the way the different levels of the system interact and shape inclusive education practices.
Daniela holds a B.A. in Early Childhood Education with Honors from the University of Piura (Peru) and a M.A. in Education (International Education Policy Analysis) from Stanford University. -
Antero Godina Garcia
Associate Professor of Education
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsAntero's current research focuses on learning practices in gaming communities; critical literacies and civic identities in ELA classrooms; youth participatory action research; and sociocultural approaches to care and healing in classrooms.
Shelley Goldman
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and for Student Affairs and Professor (Teaching) of Education, Emerita
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsUse and integration of digital technologies for teaching and learning; learning in informal settings, especially learning mathematics and science within families; bringing the tools and mindsets of design thinking to K-12 classrooms and to broadening STEM participation.
Rubén A. González
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2020
BioRubén A. González, proudly from Greenfield, California, is a PhD candidate in the Race, Inequality, and Language in Education (RILE) and Curriculum and Teacher Education (CTE) programs at Stanford University, where he also earned a Master of Arts degree in Sociology. His research explores how students and teachers of color develop, sustain, and enact a critical sociopolitical disposition in classroom, school, and larger community settings. Rubén’s scholarship has been supported by the Stanford Graduate Public Service (GPS) Fellowship, the California State University Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP) Fellowship, the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, and the NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship.
Prior to pursuing his graduate studies, Rubén was a high school English, English Language Development, and AVID teacher in Sacramento, California. As a high school teacher, he co-founded and co-advised the Social Justice & Equity Collective (SJEC), an after-school and student-led organizing and activist space. Rubén also worked with (im)migrant and multilingual Latinx youth as an academic tutor in classroom and after-school settings in Dixon, California, during his undergraduate studies. He completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in English at Sacramento State University after transferring from Hartnell College. -
Pamela Grossman
Nomellini-Olivier Professor of Education, Emerita
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsStudy of classroom practice in middle school English Language Arts (with Susanna Loeb), funded by the Carnegie Corporation;
Study of pathways into teaching in New York City Schools (with Don Boyd, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, and Jim Wyckoff).
Cross-professional study of the teaching of practice in programs to prepare teachers, clergy, and clinical psychologists (funded by the Spencer Foundation). -
Patricia Gumport
Professor of Education
BioAs a sociologist of higher education, Dr. Gumport has focused her research and teaching on key changes in the academic landscape and organizational character of American higher education. She has studied the dynamics of academic change in several arenas — illuminating what facilitates change and what impedes it — across and within different types of colleges and universities. Extending core concerns in the sociology of knowledge and institutional theory, Dr. Gumport has analyzed how organizational, intellectual, political, economic, and professional interests redefine the content, structure, and relative legitimacy of academic fields. Specific studies include: the emergence and institutionalization of interdisciplinary fields; graduate education and professional socialization across academic disciplines; organizational restructuring and selective investment; the ascendance of industry logic in public higher education; forces that promote and inhibit academic collaboration; decision-making about appropriate organizational forms to support new ideas; and leading organizational change for optimal effectiveness with internal and external stakeholders. Her research within the United States and Europe examines how universities that are ostensibly competitors determine when and how to collaborate. Her analyses include implications for academic leaders who pursue strategic initiatives, manage environmental pressures and stakeholder interests, and seek leadership development opportunities.
Nicholas Haber
Assistant Professor of Education
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsI use AI models of of exploratory and social learning in order to better understand early human learning and development, and conversely, I use our understanding of early human learning to make robust AI models that learn in exploratory and social ways. Based on this, I develop AI-powered learning tools for children, geared in particular towards the education of those with developmental issues such as the Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, in the mold of my work on the Autism Glass Project. My formal graduate training in pure mathematics involved extending partial differential equation theory in cases involving the propagation of waves through complex media such as the space around a black hole. Since then, I have transitioned to the use of machine learning in developing both learning tools for children with developmental disorders and AI and cognitive models of learning.
Edward Haertel
Jacks Family Professor of Education, Emeritus
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsFunctions of test scores in discourse about education; how testing shapes ideas of success and failure for students, schools, and public education as a whole.
Eghosa Obaizamomwan Hamilton
STEP Secondary English Clinical Associate, Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP)
BioDr. Eghosa Obaizamomwan-Hamilton ( is a first-generation Nigerian and Clinical Associate in Stanford’s Teacher Education Program (STEP). Co-founding editor of the Black Educology Mixtape (Journal) and co-founder of Making Us Matter, her work seeks collective liberation and visibility for the most historically excluded and is dedicated to transformative education. Her scholarship focuses on the construction of interlocking identities, with a particular emphasis on Black hair and teacher pedagogy. Her scholarship investigates the intersection of race, identity, and education and has been published in Harvard Educational Review, Equity & Excellence in Education, and Race Ethnicity and Education. Her current work centers on Black methodologies, critical pedagogy, Black identity, and racial affinity spaces. With over 16 years of experience in education—her writing, teaching, and research meet at the intersections.
Eric Hanushek
Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and Professor, by courtesy, of Education
BioEric Hanushek is the Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. He is internationally recognized for his economic analysis of educational issues, and his research has broadly influenced education policy in both developed and developing countries. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field, he was awarded the prestigious Yidan Prize for Education Research in 2021. His extensive and well-cited body of work encompasses many pivotal topics within education, including class size reduction, school accountability, and teacher effectiveness. His pioneering exploration into teacher effectiveness, quantified through students' learning gains, laid the foundation for the widespread adoption of value-added measures in evaluating educators and institutions. His seminal book, The Knowledge Capital of Nations: Education and the Economics of Growth, establishes the close relationship between a nation's long-term economic growth and the skill levels of its populace. His scholarly contributions include twenty-six books and over 300 articles contributing to knowledge within the field. He is a Distinguished Graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and completed his Ph.D. in economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (
Liz Harris
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2023
BioElizabeth Finlayson Harris is an academic and educator specializing in science education, with a strong focus on secondary education and the sociopolitical context of schooling. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Curriculum and Teacher Education at Stanford University, with a minor in Anthropology. Elizabeth's research interests include humanizing pedagogy and classroom climate and culture.
With a Master's degree in Teacher Education and a Bachelor's degree in Physics Education from Brigham Young University, Elizabeth has a rich teaching background. She has taught physics and astronomy at various high schools and directed pre-college engineering programs aimed at underrepresented students. Her professional experience extends to instructional design, where she has developed online courses for BYU Online High School.
Elizabeth's work is characterized by her dedication to educational equity and improving teaching and learning environments. Outside of her professional life, she is an avid Liverpool fan and enjoys mountain biking and snowboarding. -
Derric I. Heck
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2019
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research focuses on educational equity, emphasizing the lived experiences of educators, identity development, and culturally sustaining pedagogy. I employ narrative and qualitative methodologies to explore how race and education intersect, centering marginalized youth and communities. My work also examines the interplay between school-community partnerships, teacher agency, and disciplinary practices, contributing to a broader understanding of belonging, wellness, and justice in education.
Alexandrea Henry
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2023
Other Tech - Graduate, GSE Dean's OfficeBioAlexandrea Henry, from Sacramento, CA, is a Ph.D. student in the Graduate School of Education in the Race, Inequality, and Language in Education and Curriculum and Teacher Education programs. They earned a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and minor in education from the University of California, Berkeley, and a master’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Pennsylvania. Alexandrea’s research draws upon Black studies, Abolitionist pedagogy, Critical Pedagogy, and studies of Carceral Logics in education to consider how young people are making sense of power through discipline. Moreover, she is interested in centering the experiences and expertise of K-2 students in the fight for liberatory learning spaces. While at Stanford, Alexandrea has worked on the Accessible Ethnic Studies project, Newberry Institute project, Juvenile Justice and Alternative Education project, has taught in San Bruno Jail, and is a Systems Navigator with the Santa Clara Public Defenders Office. Previously, they were a public school teacher and union organizer in North Philadelphia, a preschool teacher in Oakland, and has worked on district-level projects related to equity and professional development.